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Showing posts from May 30, 2023

Elephants in Rituals and Festivals of Kerala (गज उत्सव)

Elephants are symbol of power and prestige, the Nobel animal became the vehicle of the Royals. Some time later this was extended to protector of the Kings and his people. Festival and Elephant are integral part of Malayalee culture.  Elephants are a part of temple rituals in Kerala. Many temples keep elephants. Elephants are respected as the form of Ganesh, son of Mahadev. As of elephants, Rigveda mentions in Mandala 6. On special occasions, the elephants are worshipped and fed by devotees to please Ganesh for well-being. Most of them are donated by devotees. Guruvayoor temple has 57 elephants. Guruvayur temple currently has 47 elephants.  There are numerous festivals but one that stands out is the elephant festival of Kerala. The event is known as Pooram Gajamela or Festival of Elephants. The elephant processions gather the largest crowds with music, percussion, and classical dance performances accompanied by lots of frenzy. One can cherish the sight of elephants ...

What is Yantra Vidya ?

Yantra Vidya is a classified study and knowledge of the Arts and Science of the symbols, idols, sculptures, images, signs, logos, and emblems. Nirgun-Nirakar Brahman: The Single Formless God. The Ultimate, Formless, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and all-pervasive Universal Consciousness, called Nirakar-Nirgun-Brahman (God-Nature-Paramatma) is one entity and cannot be perceived with the five normal senses of sight (eyes), hearing (ears), smell (nose), taste (tongue), and touch (skin). It can be perceived with the higher faculty of the extrasensory perception (ESP) of clairvoyance (Divya-Dhrishti/extended divine vision), clairaudience (an enhanced spectrum of the hearing), intelligence (Buddhi), absolute wisdom (Pravidya-Pragyan), intuition (Mahat), and Super-consciousness (Turiya). The extrasensory perception can be developed with the regular practice of Akhand Yoga, an integrated form of Yoga, and conscientious chanting of Akhand Gayatri Mantra. Sagun Brahman: The Fo...

Powerful benefits of Hanuman Chalisa

Hanuman Chalisa helps you stay happy all day. Reading Hanuman Chalisa with full devotion can help you fulfill all your wishes. It gives one strength and courage to face challenges head-on. The authorship of the Hanuman Chalisa is attributed to Tulsidas, a poet-saint who lived in the 16th century CE. Worshipping Hanuman has great merit. In Hanumanji we find a Saviour par excellence who can rescue us from precarious situations that we have to face politically, socially or economically. Therefore, we hold him in high esteem and reverance in Kaliyuga.  He has been depicted in many forms depending on the situation and the task placed in front of him. To become Hanuman we must awaken to our inner nature as a portion of cosmic consciousness, a servant of the Universal Self that is Sri Rama. Each one of us has the power of the entire universe within us, but only when we surrender to Lord Rama within. We can only recognize this when we become aware of our inner Self, what the Up...

Gurudev Had a cordial meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Poland 🇵🇱, His Excellency Prof. Piotr Glinski in Warsaw.

Do Not Follow Me

Knowledge Sheet 150 April 22, 1998, Zen Monastery Blois, France.  Do Not Follow Me Do not follow me. In fact, you cannot follow me, because I am behind you to push you forward! You have to leave everything behind & move ahead. All your past experiences, your relations- everything- is part of the past.  Leave the whole world of your memories behind- including me. Drop everything. I am there behind you. Move on. Stop looking for more & be free! Then compassion will flow from you. Q- When people do not follow anyone, isn't it usually out of fear or rebelliousness? Sri Sri: One type of Do not follow comes from fear or rebelliousness. Another type comes from heightened awareness. You cannot follow me because I am behind you & I am in you. For long you have been a sheep. Now it's time to be a lion. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र १५० २२ अप्रैल, १९९८ फ्रांस मेरा पीछा न करो मेरा पीछा मत करो। वास्तव में तुम मेरा पीछा कर ही नही सकते क्योंकि मैं तो तुम्ह...

Mahavir and his Ashta Siddhis Navnidhi (अष्ट सिद्धि नौ निधि)

Ashta Siddhis are the eight divine Knowledge which means eight divine powers are: Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Isitva, Vasitva are Hindu religious knowledges in Hanuman chalisa or Ganesh vajana, that gives one complete power over each and everything.  Hindu scriptures say that the people who have complete control over the siddhis can gain power of demigods. Each siddhi governs certain character or certain aspect of nature and mastering each gives one distinct ability unique to other siddhis. Anima is the first among the ashta siddhis. Mastering this siddhi gives the individual the ability to shrink down one’s body. This siddhi gives only the ability shrink the body; the owner of this siddhi can shrink the body to his own will even at the atomic scale but cannot increase the size of the body. The most notable use of this siddhi was done by lord Hanuman while spying on Lanka in search of mother sita. While spying lord hanuman shrunk his huge body to a...

Developing Growth Mindset and Happy

The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves. Perception is a clash of mind and eye, the eye believing what it sees, the mind seeing what it believes. A belief is a proposition we create and accept as representing the way the world actually is in our mind. We filter information based on our beliefs (logic based on past experiences) and only absorb the information that matches our belief system. Toxic people If you've ever spent time with truly toxic people, you know how destructive and exhausting they can be. Toxic people spread ne gativity and suffocate the positive. Let them find a new home-or, if that's not possible, make sure policies and supervision are in place to minimize their damage.  No professional development Everyone needs to know that they are learning and growing. Without that, the workplace grows static and dull. Professional development for each of your employees allows them grow in the...

Dasa Mahavidya (दश महाविद्या) Ten aspects of Adi Parashakti Part II

Devimahatmya is given to us by Rishi Markandeya. It’s a part of the Markandeya Purana comprising seven hundred verses. It is said in the Rudrayamala Tantra that this contains the secret most knowledge about the Divine Mother and it bestows all siddhis - asti guhyatamaṃ devyaḥ mahatmyaṃ sarvasiddhidam. Damara Tantra extolling the glory of this text says: As among all yajnas Ashvamedha is significant, as Vishnu is highly glorified among all Gods, so saptasati is among all stutis or praises of the Divine Mother - stavanamapi sarvesam tatha saptasatistavaḥ.  One needs to have the vision or the drishti of a Rishi to see what secret lies hidden in this text - cakṣuṣmantoonupasyanti netare tadvido janaḥ. The secret of this text can reveal itself to the sadhaka who engages himself in parayanam, japa, homa and tarpana. Devimahatmyam dealing with the purpose of life (artha). Devimahatmyam makes the sadhaka aware of the very purpose of life.  सप्तशती saptasati vs सप्तसती sapt...

Creation is neither good nor bad; it is as it is.

The Master's Voice 25 Once a disciple asked The Master, whether the world was created for happiness or misery. All eyes turned towards The Master for the answer. The Master answered, "Creation is neither good nor bad; it is as it is. It is our mind which puts all sorts of permutations and combinations on it, as it sees things from its own perspective. How much will it suit our own interests. A woman is just a woman, but one mind calls her “mother,” another “sister,” and still another “aunt” and so on.  Men love women, hate snakes, and are indifferent to the grass and stones by the roadside.  These attachments are the causes of all the misery in the world. Creation is like a tree: Birds eat fruits and take shelter under its branches, men cool themselves in its shade, but some may hang themselves on it. Yet the tree continues to lead its quiet life, unconcerned with, and unaware of, all the uses it is put to. It is our mind that creates its own difficulties and then cries for he...

Hold on to The Master. Live in The Master's Will.

The Master's Voice 26 One day, a Disciple went to The Master and asked, "All the scriptures that have to be read, I have read. All the mantras and japa that have to be done, I have done. Still I have no peace. Please save me." The Master took a little time. There was complete Silence, and in the silence, The Master was gazing at the disciple. Subsequently, The Master said, "If one keeps watching at the progress made by us, the mind is absorbed in That Process; This is tapas. When you are reciting a mantra, You are involved in trying to find from where the sound is coming from? The answer is, It is coming from within you. When you sing a Bhajan or do prayer, you watch where it is emanating from? It is coming from your Heart. We need to put our attention on that, our Soul or The Heart, within us, not outside. When this happens, We sacrifice our Ego, as mind becomes busy in the process, that is antar Tapasya, here both the Soul and Mind are totally focussed on the Simr...

The Master will Enlighten us, when He feels his pot is ready.

The Master's Voice 27 There are innumerable instances extolling the virtue and indispensable worth of the greatness of The Master and The Saints.  The Saint says, “In the company of The Master, attachment vanishes; and with attachment, illusion or Maaya also disappears. Freed from illusion, we are in position to attain stability and thence Liberation while yet alive. Therefore, seek the company of The Master.” The Saints further elucidate, “Not by listening to preachers, nor by study of books, not by meritorious deeds nor by any other means can one attain that Supreme State, which is attainable only through the association with The Master and the clear quest to find The Lord and know Who am I.” The Master was explaining the above concepts of The Saints, to the Disciples, through an incident in Sant Namdev's life. “Vitthal [Lord Krishna] found His devotee Namdev had not realized the Supreme Truth and wanted to teach him. The Lord sent Namdev alongwith a group of Saints on a pilg...

Let us do meditation, and touch the Silence.

The Master's Voice 28 Once a Disciple asked The Master, "I want to orient my thought process towards The Lord. How can I do?" The Master answered, "If we feel thirsty, we have to go there where we can find water to drink. Only by drinking water, we can satisfy our thirst. Just by saying water, we cannot satisfy our thirst. Similarly, if we want to Live in The Remembrance of The Lord, then we need to go there where The Lord is waiting for us 24 hours. We need to reach the Silence. When we are in Silence, our Soul is in the state of awakened consciousness and The Lord is eternally present. Just taking The Lord's name will not be sufficient." The Disciple said, "O Lord, it is not so easy. Thousands of thoughts start coming the moment, I close the eyes. My focus is on worldly affairs." The Master, "It is but natural that we are immersed in worldly thoughts, because our orientation is entrenched towards The World. We will have to change our practic...

Let us meditate and enliven the bliss called LOVE.

The Master's Voice 29 The Master always emphasises on Love being the source to connect with The Lord. The Lord is Love; Love is The Lord. The Lord loves His Particles, us and has set norms for our return - unflinching Love for The Lord. The Master's say, “First of all, we need to understand Love. When you talk of love, there is duality – there is the person who loves and the entity called The Lord, who is loved. But the truth is, We are not separate from The Lord. Thus, the first step to Love The Lord is to Love one’s own Self. Let us understand this better. We love money, But Love our child more than money; We Love our own body more than that of the child;  Our love for Sense organs is more than that for the body; We prefer our eye, the most among the organs;  We love our life more than the eye; We love the Soul (atma) more than life. This is the Path of Love, in human life." This is exemplified thus: If the child does something untoward and the government decides to pun...

There are nine major emotions in a human being.

The Master's Voice 30 The Master's say, "There are nine major emotions in a human being. The highest and most valued amongst them is the love. For union, Love is utmost important and Bliss is its outcome. Only a few blessed Soul experience the greatness of pure Love. Pure Love springs only in pure Heart. It flows naturally like a river towards The Ocean.  When One realises the true nature of Love, he gets immersed in the ocean of Nectar. Life is now permeated by Love." The Saints say, "We can experience Pure Love only by being in the company of True Master. Union with The Master unfolds the boundless love, as we get connected with the source of Love, The Lord." The Master and The Saints are not referring to the physical love that we commonly experience, as human. Like a mother's love for her child. A wife's love for her husband. A child's love for the parents. All are pious and pure in worldly form. But as the time passes by, situation changes, t...

Pure Love is natural and always Longs for Union

The Master's Voice 31 The Master's say, "Pure Love is natural and always Longs for Union. Pure Love is the Love of The Soul for The Lord." As human beings, we have started to believe that our love for other human beings, and our possession is true love. Whereas, The Master's say, "Any Love which is laced with worldly Attachment is not true love." But, our attachment and attraction towards the worldly things has distracted our focus. Now, the mind has created a new concept of Love, the love of worldly things. How can these distractions be removed, and True Love be ignited? The Saints say, "Love for The Lord shall pave way for Love for The Master because for us, human, it is difficult to Love the invisible Lord. Since, The Master is in physical form like us, one amongst us, but Enlightened and Radiant, we can connect with his teachings and love him.  To light a candle, we use the Spark from a lit candle. The Master is the lit candle, who has come to l...

The Soul is Free and unbound

The Master's Voice 32 The Master's say, "That we Sow, so shall we reap. We can reap the harvest of the seed that we have sown. The genetics cannot be changed." The Saints say, "Similarly, if our nature and habit has been to be in love with the elders and others, then following The Master's Will shall not be difficult. The Master has come to show us what to do in order to advance spiritually. The Master's Will is the same as The Lord's Will. Since, we cannot see The Lord, The Master has come to show the path that we need to tread to be in His Will." The Master's advice, "Adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet;  Avoid drugs, alcohol and tobacco;  Lead an honest life; and Practise at least two and a half hours meditation every day.  The practice of the first three advices shall cultivate our Nature and habit to be a good human, Helpful to all. It enables us to protect our mind from getting polluted. The mind in control is always ready to Live in The...

Do meditation as per The Master's directions.

The Master's Voice 33 The Master's say, "To practice and Live in The Master's Will, we do not have to forsake our family, or go to jungle and mountains. We just need to discipline ourselves and dedicate maximum possible time for Meditation, at least 150 minutes a day. If the time that we spend with Inner self and Silence increases automatically our attention towards external will minimise." Till we allow our senses to be in command, we shall lack discipline. The pleasures of the world will pull us towards it, making it difficult for us to Live in The Master's Will. Once, A Disciple decided to meditate alone, away from his Ashram, to avoid distraction and disturbances. He took a boat and went to the middle of the lake. There, he closed his eyes and began his meditation. He was in absolute SILENCE for few hours. Then, he suddenly came back to sense. In the middle of the Lake, another boat had come and smashed into his boat. The jerk caused by the accident brough...

Let us be blessed by The Master to live in The Master's Will.

The Master's Voice 34 Once a Disciple asked The Master, "How will Living in The Master's Will help us in the outer world?" The Master said, "If we Live in The Master's Will than both our worldly and the spiritual requirements get fulfilled. But, we should remember, our arrival in this world as a baby is empty handed, and is the same when we depart from this world. Staying in The Master's Will helps us to understand that pains and pleasures in the outer world is momentary and shall change with time. Whereas, all our achievements within us, is never lost once attained. As and when we sit in The Meditation, we start progressing spiritually from previous state. Our doubts will get dissolved and an unbreakable bond of Faith will set inside us." The Saints say that staying in The Master's Will shall reflect in the following ways in us  1. We will stop trying to change others rather focus on changing ourselves.  2. We will accept people as they are.  3....

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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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