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Showing posts from May 23, 2023

Pinch makes us Grow out of Mistakes

Pinch makes us Grow out of Mistakes!   Feeling bad about our own acts;  Awakens our Awareness! Once we become Aware; We won’t repeat it!   Mistakes Happens! When we are not in Good State of Mind! When Our Energy and Prana is Low! When we are Ignorant! When we are Innocent! When we actually don’t know how to resolve! When we are busy! When we are struck with Head! When Our Mind is full of thoughts!   It’s Ok ; to make some Mistakes ; While Repeating same isn’t Intelligence!   We hence need to work on How to Surpass Mistakes through 1) Increase Our Prana! 2) Bring Intelligence! 3) Invoke Intuitive Capabilities! 4) Understand the process so that Mistakes doesn’t happen! 5) Make More Friends who keeps guiding us Good Life Formula’s! 6) By Default ; Spiritual Practices holds Solutions for Many Questions!   Knowledge Plays in depth Role to Understand Our Life Totally! Understand Our Seven Layers! Brings us close to our Se...

Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayama, Meditation and Yoga to overcome addiction.

The Art of Living Wellness offers P.R.A.N. de-addiction programs. This program is a spiritual intervention that involves special techniques, such as Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayama, Meditation and Yoga to overcome addiction. With over 15 years across rural and urban India, the Program for Release from Addictions Naturally (P.R.A.N.) helped people overcome addiction, even you can too! Reach out to us at: 8600101138 OR Email us at: To know more, visit our website: "Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.” Health is Wealth and Prevention is better than cure. So everyday morning do Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayam, Physical Exercises, meditation.  Sudharshana Kriya is a very powerful technique of Breathing that eliminates  Stress, Fatigue and Negative emotions such as Anger, Frustration and Depression, leaving the mind calm...

Healing properties of Crystals and Gemstones (स्फटिक और रत्न उपचार)

In Hinduism, four precious gems or "Ratnas" are believed to possess great spiritual and material power. Vrihadjataka, Vrhat Samhita, Yukti Kalpataru, Rajvallabha, Shushrut Samhita, Garud Purana refers to use of gems in certain conditions and they associate gems to powerful magical properties. These four gems are: Diamond (Vajra) - represents courage and determination Ruby (Manikya) - represents wealth, power, and nobility Emerald (Marakatam) - represents health and longevity Sapphire (Neelam) - represents wisdom and good judgment These gems are often worn in jewelry as talismans to bring good luck and to ward off evil. While the association is clear in so many classics, the wearing of gems for particular planet in Jatakparijat and Grahbehdadhyay, Sloka 29, Phaldeepika. Crystal vibes/ healing is a complementary or alternative practice that involves using crystals or gemstones to promote healing and balance in the body's energy fields. Describes in Brihat Jatak, Navratna ge...

Temple Science and Vaastu Shastra (वास्तुशास्त्र के अनुसार मंदिर)

Everything is governed by one law. A human being is a microcosmos, which means, the laws prevailing in the cosmos also operate in the minutest space of the human being. Hindu Temple Architecture resembles the microcosmos called Human Body. “यत्पिण्डे तद् ब्रह्माण्डे” means that the macrocosm has the same systems as our microcosmic bodies have. Hindu Temples take their cue from the structure of Human body. The Hindu literature on Agamic texts, Devalaya Vastu (Temple Vastu astrology) and sacred geography describe the temple as a cosmic man, the ‘Purusha’ (cosmic man).  The science of Vastu is believed as part of the Indian architecture. Vastu Shastra developed during the period of 6000 BCE and 3000 BCE. Vastu Purusha Mandala is the metaphysical plan of a temple incorporating course of the heavenly bodies and supernatural forces. And the ritual diagram that regulates the site plan and the ground plan, and is drawn on the ground before temple construction starts, over which the temple ...

Nadi parikshan camp in Ulhasnagar on 25th May 2023

Nadi parikshan camp on 25th May(Thursday) Time' 9am to 11am At Ashtavinayak ent Shop no 2 Aashiana apt Chopra court unr 3 Call for appointment  JIWAT 9923940001 🍀 Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis) Camp at Ulhasnagar  City🍀 What is Nadi Pariksha? Ayurveda addresses the entire mind-body-spirit system where Doctors get to the root of any imbalance. A Nadi Pariksha Doctor can effectively diagnose a patient identifying lifestyle, dietary or other causes of imbalance by conducting Pulse Diagnosis. Benefits also include being forewarned of future health risks through preventive health care and lifestyle adjustments. Holistic Treatments include Diet & lifestyle, consultation, Natural, Herbal medicines with no side effects and Detoxification, cleansing . It helps in treating many diseases: • Diabetes • Heart Problems • All types of joint pains • Digestive disorders • Allergic problems • Skin & Hair problems • Stress, BP & Insomnia... and more. Sri Sri Tattva ...

Living in The Master's Will paves way to love The Lord.

The Master's Voice 35 The Master's say, "Living in The Master's Will paves way to love The Lord. We can show our Love towards The Lord only through Meditation, the most important part of Living in The Master's Will. Meditation enables us to feel The Presence of The Lord, inside us." The Saints say, "Meditation comprises of four stages Simran or Japam Dhyaan or Dhyaanam Bhajan Samaadhi. Simran or Naama Japam, is done of The word or set of words, given by The Master at the time of initiation. It is possible that we might have heard the same word thousand times from our childhood, but the difference now is, it is Laced with The Power generated by The Master through His meditation. The word is Laced with the Spiritual Energy of The Master, the energy that is flowing from an enlivened Soul, which is connected to The Lord. When we do Simran or Japam with full Faith in The Master, we start our walk on the spiritual path. Simran will enable us to withdraw our con...

Let us feel the Presence of The Master each second, with us and enjoy The Master's Grace

The Master's Voice 36 The Master's say, "We do Simran of The Word or Naama given at the time of our initiation by The Master to bring our scattered consciousness into the eye focus, so that mind and tongue become motionless. The mind is so used to running out into the world, darting here and there, that it never stills. It is busy creating interface between The Soul and the world, through its contemplation. Only Simran has the power to rein it into stillness, so that we can have single pointed attention. The Simran helps the mind and soul to withdraw from the nine apertures of the body and concentrate at the eye center. Our constant knocking at the eye center, is our consciousness knocking at the TENTH door." The Saints say, "To stay put with single pointed attention at the eye center is very difficult for the mind, as it is accustomed to jumping from one thought to another worldly thought, as it deems itself to be the Doer. To stop it's wandering and have it...

Do meditation, as much as possible. By The Master's Grace

The Master's Voice 37 The Master's say, "Through the Simran of The Word or Naama given by The Master, we collect our scattered consciousness at the eye center. To ensure that the consciousness does not once again drop down, we contemplate on The Master's Form, to hold it stable at the eye center." The Saints say, " On reaching The eye center, By the Grace of The Master, our consciousness realises that it is nothing but a Lord Particle, the part of The Unity Consciousness. This awareness  is called as the Self Realisation of The Soul. But the mind's affinity is tended towards the outer world. It needs to be given something which is magical and better than that what it has been feeling in the outer world, then only it can forsake the worldly attraction and attachments." The Master's say, "Our actual spiritual journey commences after the Realisation of The Self and The Soul starts praying to The Lord seeking Union. We have reached till this poi...

Let us do our meditation and by The Master's Grace

The Master's Voice 38 The Master's say, "Naama Japam or Simran of The Naama given at the Time of the initiation by The Master is the sword which has the power to Detach us from worldly thoughts and attachments, and Attach us to the Simran." For example, Whenever we take the name of the person who has given us a Gift, immediately his or her picture appears before our eyes, even while they may be living far away from us. Similarly, The Master's say, "As soon as we start The Naama Japam, The Master's physical form will automatically come before our eyes, because The Naama or The Word had been given by The Master. By fixing single focused attention on The Master's physical Form and doing Simran, we collect our scattered consciousness and bring it to the eye center. Till now, the mind and the sense organs were active participant of the outer world, a world described by The Saints as an illusion. But once our consciousness starts to transfix at the eye cen...

Be The Master. Realise The Lord, Be The Lord.

The Master's Voice 39 The Master's say, " The Spiritual journey of reaching The Unity Consciousness or Samaadhi state is achieved by only handful of lucky Souls, who dedicate their Lives to Live in The Master's Will. Their Devotion towards The Master is such that even while doing physical worldly affairs, their mind is subtly involved in The Simran of The Word given by The Master at the time of Initiation.  Every word spoken and every deed of these Soul is always nothing but the extension of The Master's Voice. By transfixing their contemplation on The Master, they imbibe the traits and characters of The Master inside them. Their Dhyaan is always towards The Master and His physical Form. The thought and Sight of The Master enables them to enjoy the fruits, The Eternal Bliss. By The Master's Grace, when Simran and Dhyaan becomes perfect, The Master facilitates their Spiritual Journey by connecting their consciousness with The Sound, Dhun or The Sound Current flo...

Special Swarna Prashan Camp May 2023

Surrender your Self to The Master

The Master's Voice 40 The Master's say, "According to The Saints, even before the creation, The Lord was there. The Lord, in His whole manifestation and glory, was, is and will be The Supreme Consciousness or The Unity Consciousness. Even The Saints and The Masters who have attained Samaadhi or elevated their Consciousness to The Unity Consciousness, can not describe The Lord's magnificence. One who treads The Master's Path can only experience The Lord inside them." Can someone who has studied only upto Class XII teach the Ph. D students or Post Graduation students. No. Similarly, The Lord is way beyond the comprehension of we mortals.  The Saints say, "The Unity Consciousness is a state, where there is no time or space. The Lord is the origin of all, and He created three more phases of His own being in a complete and Perfect form - Agam - The Inaccessible and Unfathomable, Alakh - Beyond Perception, and Satnam - True Name (Naam or Naamam) of The Lord. T...

More than 200 ayurveda books available to download (free) as PDF format.

ayurveda prakash  bhaishajya ratnavali part 1  bhaishajya ratnavali (Bengali)  Chakradatta 1 Chakradatta 2  Chakradatta 3 (new) Chakradatta 4 (Telugu) bhaishajya ratnavali Madanapala-nighantu Niruktam-nighantu Ashtanga Sangraha Ashtanga hridaya astanga-hridaya-sutrasthan-handbook  Charaka pv sharma chikitsa-sidhi  charaka Sutra to vimana Hindi commentary Bhavprakash-Jvradhikar  CharakSamhita Thika AdyaKhanda CharakSamhita Thika DvitiyaKhanda CharakSamhita Thika Tritiya Khanda Sushrut samhita SutraSthan With Bhanumati Commentary By Chakrapani Datta  Sushrutha english translation  sushrutha utharatantra  bhava_prakash_nighantu   bhava_prakash_samhita_uttara Bhavaprakasha-Puravkhand   Bhavprakash Madhya khanda Madhava nidhana (1) Madhava nidhana (2) Sarngadhara-Samhita Sanskrit Sharangdhar-Samhita-2 SahasraYogaha kannada Commentary Kashyapa samhitha Full Harita Samhita (1) Harita Samhita (2) Hastyayurveda  Rasratna-...

Difference Between Concentration And Meditation

We are living in a dynamic world, where every particle is in constant flux. We cannot imagine a state where there is no action or movement. Even the apparent state of inaction reveals intense activity when analyzed scientifically. Still, there is an urge in man to be calm and silent without any activity, which induces him to go into the state of deep sleep every day.  Meditation is an attempt to reach that state consciously, gradually reducing the number of thoughts and finally retaining only one thought in the mind. Meditation is a special kind of concentration. In ordinary concentration, the mind is focused on one particular subject, and there can be many divergent thoughts related to that particular subject. Here the subject is one, but thoughts are many and dissimilar. Reference  Sri Sri Eswaran 


Neem is also called ‘Arista’ in Sanskrit- a word that means ‘perfect, complete and imperishable’. The Sanskrit name ‘Nimbi’ comes from the term ‘Nimbati Syasthyamdadati’ which means ‘to give good health’. ‘Pinchumada’ another name of Neem in Sanskrit mean the destroyer of leprosy and healer of skin infections. Its medicinal qualities are outlined in the earliest Sanskrit writings and its uses in Hindu medicine that dates back to very remote times. The earliest authentic record of the curative properties of Neem and is uses in the indigenous system of medicine in India is found in Kautilya’s “Arthashastra" around 4th century BC. Neem's medicinal properties are listed in the ancient documents ‘Carak- Samhita’ and ‘Susruta-Samhita ’, the books at the foundation of the Indian system of natural treatment, Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of medicine, which emphasizes a holistic approach to human health and wellbeing. It is described in the Ayurvedic texts as ‘sarva r...

Baby Sun Rose (Mesembryanthemum cordifolium)

Meet Baby Sun Rose (Mesembryanthemum cordifolium), an easy-care ornamental, succulent, groundcover plant A herbaceous perennial creeper from the ice-plant family Aizoaceae, that is native to South Africa. The plant thrives in hot, dry, sunny areas. it is a very low growing groundcover, hugging the ground and blooms around most of the year. The fleshy, small leaves are opposite, ovate to cordate, and the small, bright pink, solitary flowers look like miniature asters. The colored whorls of these flowers are not petals, but non-functional modified stamens. Normal stamens are yellow. The most common variety has bright red blossoms, but it's also available with golden yellow blooms. The fruit is a capsule. The blossoms aren't elaborately showy since they're so small...but they have the added benefit of attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. These plants shine as groundcovers for smaller areas and as rock garden plants. This is one groundc...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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