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Showing posts from May 21, 2023

Sudarshan Kriya & Heart Improves good cholesterol by 37% Reduces unhealthy cholesterol 20%

100 Scientific Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya (SKY)!!  Reason 11:- Sudarshan Kriya & Heart Improves good cholesterol by 37% Reduces unhealthy cholesterol 20% Learn Sudarshan Kriya: To learn more about exciting research on art of living techniques : "Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.” Health is Wealth and Prevention is better than cure. So everyday morning do Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayam, Physical Exercises, meditation.  Sudharshana Kriya is a very powerful technique of Breathing that eliminates  Stress, Fatigue and Negative emotions such as Anger, Frustration and Depression, leaving the mind calm, focused and the body energized, completely relaxed. Sudarshan Kriya is the unrevealed secret to health, happiness, peace and an insight of life beyond! It’s a spiritual breakthrough giving the exper...

Samkhya Philosophy (सांख्य दर्शन) Part (ll)

As per Kapila Muni on Sankhya metaphysics; Only direct perception, inference, and testimony are accepted forms of knowledge as acquisition of knowledge, cause and effect, Prakriti (the unconscious principle), Purusha (the conscious principle), the manifestation of the world, liberation and Acquisition of knowledge. Sankhya accepts as three sources of knowledge. They are: Perception, Inference and Testimony. As by-products of these, there are comparison, self-evident conclusions, and rejection of false conceptions. Acceptable knowledge includes three elements (1) Pramata, the subject, this means whatever is doing the learning, (2) Prameya, the object, this means the knowledge being presented and (3) Pramana, the medium, this means the modification of the intellect by which the knowledge is understood. Cause and Effect; Sankhya sums up the nyaya and vaisesika concepts of reality (except for God), into two fundamental principles: Purusa and Prakrti. Nontheistic sankhya is thus a dualistic...

Vishwa Guru Bharat in 2040 (अमृतकाल)

India a shining star of the world. India Becomes a Global Platform and so, an Engine of Demand and Supply. Following two decades of reform and growth, the current economic and political system have become visible. By 2040, India’s population is expected to grow to 1.67 billion. India may have 50 states and 8 Union territories if all demands of new states conceded according to language and cultural history or traditions. This may happen much sooner than 2040. I think if this is done through a nationwide initiative all over India then it could turn out to be good.  The new Parliament House will have a seating arrangement of 888 MPs in the Lok Sabha. The current Lok Sabha has a seating capacity of only 552 MPs. Thus, when the number of MPs will increase in the coming years, there will be no problem. The new Lok Sabha will be thrice the present size. The Rajya Sabha of the new Parliament House will also be larger than before. The current Rajya Sabha has a total strength of ...

Consequences of Merits and Sins (पाप पुण्य) in Sanatan Dharma

The four purusharthas as per the Vedas are artha (things desired for basic security), kaama (things desired for comforts beyond security), dharma (proper means to be undertaken for obtaining artha kaama and also for obtaining qualifications for moksha), and finally moksha which is freedom from sorrow (means Sat-Chit-Ananda but not to stop birth cycle while Soul as Energy). Now dharma is necessary and mandatory for the proper acquirement for kaama, artha, and the qualifications of moksha (which are the fourfold qualifications called Viveka, Vairagya, Shamaadi shatka sampatti, and Mumukshutvam). त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मन: | काम: क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् || (Gita 16:21) There are three gateways to the hell of self-destruction for the soul. These are lust, anger, and greed. Therefore one should abandon these three completely. If a person is lustful, greedy, and remains angry, then this leads to the hell of self-destruction. His / Her life is destroyed in the sense...

Shakta Sampradaya (शाक्त संप्रदाय) and Tantra Schools in Hinduism

Shaktism is one of the major traditions in Sanatan Dharma. The followers of Shaktism consider Devi as the supreme Godhead and worship Goddess Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati. The entire Sastras are divided into two parts namely Nigama and Agama, while the Vedas are the parts of the Nigama, the Tantras are the parts of the Agama, the former is the mouth piece of Lord Brahma where as the later is the mouth piece of Lord Siva.  Further Agama is subdivided into Tantra, Yamala and Damara. Tantra is of Satwika nature. The word Tantra is derived from the root “Tan” means to spread, in the other sense “spreading of the cosmic energy for the cleaving asunder of miseries along with the attainment of supreme bliss". It is the science which saves the life by purifying the body as to prepare the body for the attunement with the Divinity.  Adi-Sankaracharya in the Saundaryalahari text (sloka 31) has mentioned, ‘’Lord Siva remained satisfied after deluding the world, by giving ou...

Philosophies of Saivite Sampradaya (रुद्र सम्प्रदाय) Saiva Sidhanta and Agamas

Shaivites are followers of Lord Shiva and Shaivism is one of the oldest traditions of Hinduism. They believe in Shiva being the ultimate Godhead. Sacred ash is used as a sign of Shaivism. It encompasses mysticism, systems of philosophy, rituals, legends and practices of yoga. Devotees often worship God in the form of a linga symbolizing the universe. Shiva is considered to be the Creator and the Created. Shiva means pure, auspicious. Shiva is one who is not affected by the 3 gunas of Sattva, Rajas and Thamas. Hence He is also referred to as Trigunateetha. Lord Shiva is the Supreme Reality, Eternal, Formless, Beginningless, Endless, Causeless, ever free and not limited by time and space. Shakti is the conscious energy of the Lord which pervades the whole universe. Lord Shiva frees all souls from the bondage of birth and death. He assumes the form of a Guru due to his intense love for mankind. Maya is the cause of the universe and human beings go through endless cycles of birth and death...

Panna cotta with coconut milk

500ml coconut milk 3 tea spoon agaragar honey or agawen syrap vanila any kind of fruit mango.berries . Place the Coconut milk, sweet.agaragar.vanila mix all together and boil it.Carefully pour the mixture into the glasses,  then leave to cool and set .you can use any kind of glass.tray etc Reference

Chikpea salad

boiled chikpea 100g 1red onion 1avocado 1/2Red paprika 1/2 Lemon 1/2tea spoon of oliv oil salt .pepper  cut red onion.paprica and avocado then mix it all Reference

Moru butter milk

By drinking moru we get vitamin B, B2, potassium. It also helps to digest food to produce hormones. According to Ayurveda, it eliminates the acidity in the stomach.the stomach will get relief. You can also add ground ginger and curry powder to this drink.  Butter milk is easy to digest, has astringent and sour tastes and is hot in nature. Buttermilk improves digestion and mitigates kapha and vata. In Ayurvedic treatment, it is useful in the treatment of inflammation, digestive disorders, gastro intestinal disorders, lack of appetite, spleen disorders and anaemia. Buttermilk is highly beneficial during winter, in indigestion and in Vata imbalance related disorders. It is given in cases of excessive ghee consumption. Caraka chiksha said There is no medicine, better then butter- milk for the cure of piles caused by the predominance of aggravated Vayu and kapha depending upon the Dosha involved, it is taken along with fat (for Vayu) or in an unctuous form(for Kapha). It is ...

Diet and Lifestyle in Summer

Summer Extremely hot, dry climate, scorching heat and depletion of water in the natural resources. Vata accumulates in this season. Diet – The appetite naturally reduces in the summer season. Staying hydrated is the key to sustain summer, hence intake of plain water, infused water with herbs like lemon, chia seeds, mint, and fruit juices such as coconut water, is advised. Light and easy to digest food, with a sweet taste such as cooked rice, Ghee, milk is recommended. Lifestyle – Exercise leading to exertion is best avoided in this season due to naturally low body strength. Swimming is a good physical exercise this season. An afternoon nap after lunch is recommended in the summer season only Summer is the Pitta season - when the fire and water elements of the Pitta Dosha reign. Pitta is one of the three Ayurvedic Doshas or qualities, and each person's constitution consists of all three, though one quality usually dominates. Pitta can go out of balance in hot weather, causing skin d...

Pomegranate – effect on Tridosha

Pomegranate The pomegranate is a jewel-like fruit,It has been known for ages to heal the body and mind.Pomegranate is used for its health benefits since thousands of years. Apart from pomegranate fruits, other parts of the plant such as bark, root bark are also used in many health conditions. Pomegranate leaves are also use . Pomegranate – effect on Tridosha – Sweet pomegranate balances Tridosha – Vata, Pitta and Kapha Sour pomegranate balances Vata and Kapha and increases Pitta. The sweet pomegranate fruit is indicated to be taken during fever. – It relieves excessive thirst and burning sensation. It cleanses and clarifies oral cavity, throat, oesophagus stomach and chest.  – It is a good natural aphrodisiac and improves sperm count and semen quality. – It undergoes digestion very easily, very light on stomach. It also has astringent taste, helps to relieve diarrhoea, useful in IBS, ulcerative colitis. – It improves intelligence, immunity and body strength. – Good for ...

Fenugreek curry

2 tsp ghee oil 1 cup onion - chopped 2 cloves garlic - chopped 1/2 tsp rosted curry powder 2 (or more) tsp. curry powder 1/4 tsp. paprika powder 1/2curkuma powder 1/2 cup coconut milk 2 cups Fenugreek Sprouts  salt to taste Ginger some curry leaves In a pot or large frying pan heat the oil. Saute the onion, garlic ,ginger,and curry leaves. Add curry, kurkuma paprika, , and Fenugreek Sprouts and mix well. Simmer for 1 -8minutes.then add coconut milk.cook another 3Minute.then add some rosted curry powder. Reference

The Limbs of the Vedas (Vedangas)

Vedangas are like the limbs of the body, they perform various supportive and augmenting functions in the study, preservation and protection of the Vedas and the vedic traditions. For centuries they taught and continue to teach vedic students how to recite the vedic hymns, understand their meaning and perform the various rituals and ceremonies strictly according to the established procedures. Their study inculcates among its students a sense of discipline and respect for tradition and helps them conduct themselves in society as upholders of the vedic dharma and traditional family values.  These subjects were an integral and essential part of ancient vedic education system, aimed to promote an all round development of the students with a better understanding of the Vedas and vedic practices. Of these six subjects, Siksha deals with the study of sounds and pronunciation associated with each syllable; Chhanda with the mastery of rhyme and meter; Vyakarna with the study of word and sent...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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