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Showing posts from May 3, 2023

Lecture on biology of post graduate studies in YMTAMC

Medical findings about the Sudarshan Kriya

A world conference on science, consciousness and spirituality held in New Delhi noted the key findings of research conducted on the Sudarshan Kriya . Below is a simplified synopsis: 1. Less depression, more elation Dr Richard Brown from the USA has postulated that Kriya contributes to a state of alert calmness through its effect on the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is crucial in social bonding, empathy and love; it is the centre of our gut instincts and is crucial to our ability to perceive, observe and make complex decisions. Impaired vagal activity is found in people with depression, anxiety, panic disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, violent adults, post traumatic stress disorder, early Alzheimer’s and obesity. 2. Sleep like a baby `Stephen Porges suggested that the different rhythms of breath in Kriya stimulates different fibers of the vagus nerve. This makes SKY unique and likely to have a much wider range of effects. Interestingly, brain wave rhythms during and after Kriya are sim...

How to Win Over Goals Skillfully

How to Win Over Goals! Everyone at All Age has Goals! Goals make Our Life Moving! To win Over Goals; Skills are required! Our Life Evolves and Grows out of Learning Different Skills! Our Personality Shines Up ; through it!   However; we have habit of chewing it day and night! This keeps our Mind Busy; and we are unable to put our hands dynamically into actions!   When Mind is Busy with Thoughts; New Ideas doesn’t pop in! When Mind is Busy; with Thoughts of how to achieve; This brings tension; anxiety and Also affect our Sleep!   When Sleep is affected; Our System is not well energized And  Fresh enough in give our 100% inputs! This Creates Gap between Us and Our Goals! What’s Easy Way out!   The Simple to handle Our Own Mind is Through Surrender! When we surrender Our Intension; Goals; Desires; Our Mind relaxes! How we have to do this! 1) We can write down our List and Surrender this Letter To Guruji ! 2) Take Long Deep breath in with Close...

The guilt itself is a punishment..

The atmosphere gives you air for breathing all the time..Isn't it ?  Wake up !  You are here only to give.. Give in such a way that the other person doesn't feel that they have taken .. Got it ?  Don't make them feel guilty.. The guilt itself is a punishment.. Know that you are divine..  You have all the powers to create a world of divinity around.. Spread love, spread smiles .. I am with you.. WAVES OF HAPPINESS 

Drop all the grudges

If the water is muddy ,there's something in you that says,' I won't drink it.' Right ?  Wake up !  If somebody is taking advantage of you ,thank them.. They are indirectly teaching you, ' See I did but you should not to do it in life.' Relax.. Drop all the grudges !  Deep within, you are a fountain of love, joy , truth , light and bliss.. Be with it.. Happily move on.. You are here for some bigger purpose.. WAVES OF HAPPINESS 

God As A Child

Weekly Knowledge 123 Bangalore Ashram 16 Oct 1997  India God As A Child Can you see God as a child? You have always thought of God as a father, up in the heavens somewhere. Can you see God as a child? God is the very core of your existence. You are pregnant with God. You have to take care of your pregnancy and deliver the child into the world. Most people do not even deliver. One who delivers can also grant wishes. God is your child. He/She clings onto to you like a baby till you grow old and die. God keeps crying for nourishment. God clings onto the devotee. He/She needs you to nourish Him/Her in the world. Sadhana, Satsang and Seva are the nourishment. You always think of God as a father. Then you want to demand and take from God. But when you see God as a child, you have no demands. Belma says: You cannot pray to a child; you can only pray to your father. Sri Sri: Why do you want to pray? Why do you want to ask? A good father knows what to give. Belma: What about surrender?...


Weekly Knowledge 122 Bangalore Ashram 08 Oct 1997 India Yagnas Yagnas are the ancient method of enriching the subtle. They also purify the individual and the collective consciousness. Yagna has three aspects: 1. Dev Puja: Acknowledging and honoring the Divine in all the forms. 2. Sangatikarana: Hastening the process of evolution by bringing together all the elements and people in creation. 3. Dana: Sharing and giving what one has been blessed with. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र १२२ ८ अक्टूबर , १९९७ आश्रम बंगलौर, भारत यज्ञ यज्ञ सूक्ष्मता को समृद्ध करने का, तथा व्यक्तिगत व सामूहिक चेतना को शुद्ध करने का प्राचीन साधन है। यज्ञ के तीन पहलू है : १. देवपूजा : प्रत्येक रूप में ईश्वर का सम्मान। २. संगतिकरण: समष्टि के सभी तत्वों व मनुष्यो का एकीकरण करके विकास-प्रक्रिया की गति में वृद्धि लाना। ३. दान: बाँटना- जो कुछ भी हमें मिला है , उसको खुले दिल से सबके साथ बाँटना। 🌸जय गुरुदेव 🌸

Six Signs Of A Seeker

Weekly Knowledge 121 Bangalore Ashram 01 Oct 1997 India Six Signs Of A Seeker 1. Acknowledging that one knows very little. Many people think they know, without knowing or they get stuck in their limited knowledge. So they never learn. So the first thing is to acknowledge that one knows very little. 2. Willingness to know. Many people acknowledge that they do not know, but they are not ready to learn. 3. Being non-judgmental and open-minded. Some people would like to learn but their judgmental attitude and close-mindedness does not allow them to learn. 4. Total commitment and one-pointedness to the path one has chosen. Some people are open-minded but lack commitment and one-pointedness. They keep shopping here and there and never progress. 5. Always putting truth and service before pleasure. Sometimes even committed and one-pointed people stay away from the path in pursuit of momentary pleasures. 6. Patience and perseverance. Some people are not swayed by pleasures and are commi...

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tour schedule May to July 2023

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tour schedule Updates    🌴30th April - Los Angeles  1st-14th May LA 🌴13th May - Los Angeles (Birthday Celebrations)   🌴20th May - Brussels, Belgium  🌴24th & 25th May - Amsterdam, Netherlands  🌴26th & 27th May - Bad Antogast Ashram  🌴28th & 29th May - Taraska Ashram, Poland  🌴30th May - Vilnius, Lithuania  🌴31st May & 1st June - Zagreb, Croatia  🌴2nd & 3rd June - Budapest, Hungary  🌴4th & 5th June - Stockholm, Sweden  🌴6th June - Helsinki, Finland 🇫🇮 🌴3rd July - Guru Purnima Celebrations in Boone, NC Source :

The Ayurvedic consultation and Nadi Pariksha at New Panvel

We invite you to The Ayurvedic consultation and Nadi Pariksha with  our senior nadi pariksha Vaidya ** Dr. Nandu* *Chawan** (Ayurvedacharya)  ✅ *Nadi Pariksha* is the ancient ayurvedic technique of diagnosis through the pulse. It can accurately diagnose physical, mental and emotional imbalances as well as diseases. ✅It is a non- invasive science that enables to reach the root cause of health issues and not just address the symptoms   ➡️➡️ *NOTE* : 👉👉 **Request* *All* *not* *to* *Eat* *CAN CONSUME WATER* *2* *Hours* *Before* *Nadi* **Pariksha** . 🔴 *Thursday* *12 May-2023 Friday*  🔵*11 AM to 6 PM*      *By Appointments only*  🏠@ SRI SRI TATTVA MART(divine shop, Managed By MPSS SAI MARKETING LLP Shop no.06 & 07, Surya Gayatri CHS, Plot No D/14-15, Sector 6,New Panvel 410206 📞 9029602433, 9969588733, 7045081793,9821021257 📞 please Whatsapp your name and timings if call was not received ➡️➡️ *NOTE*  ?...

Time For Some Wisdom By Gurudev

Question - Gurudev, I want to be 100% both at my job and Art of Living. If I give 100% at one, then the other gets compromised. What do I do? 👑 *Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji* Need not be. You know most of our trustees in Art of Living and Apex Body members all over the country, they have many other things. They do their business, their job and they are still very busy and engaged.  And there are thousands of teachers who do their business.  Their businesses are doing very well and they are also teaching Art of Living courses. They are doing both. You should hear their experiences.  We had a Teachers Refresher Meet, and we had teachers from all over the country who came. There were 315 industrialists in one TRM alone and they are teaching courses.  They said, ‘Guruji, before our business was dull and we were not doing anything. But now we are teaching the Art of Living course and we don't pay much attention to business, but it is also running very well...

Align Senses Through Knowledge!

Align Senses Through Knowledge! Our Senses are Nature's Gift ! However ; We must have Control Over Them! The Charm of Senses is Different with Respect to Age! Becoming Aware ; We Feel a Strong Need to Have Say Over Them! It's Good to Taste Honey; We can't have it Whole Day! How Boring!!  What exactly Stops us ;is our own Past Good Experiences! We carry Impressions ; and That makes us Taste Honey Again & Again! Spiritual Practices along with Meditation Which Helps us win over Impressions; Habits; Pattern; Senses ( Honey)! Excess of Honey Causes Diabetes ....and Then Bad Chapters Begin!  We all know how our Senses Pull us towards World ; and we get trapped in Maya ; illusions;Words ;  Anger or Anxiety;  desires; Expectations;  Chasing Competitions...list is big! With This State of Mind ; Mind is always Busy chasing something! We forget Ourselves to experience  peace; Hollow & Empty State ;  Silence; Samadhi etc! Cleaning Ourselves ...

What Happens Having Infinite Faith

Faith - Sign Of  Divine Love;  Freshness; Fortunate; Stability ; Success;  Prosperity ;  Growth! Faith  Brings Joy; Builds Bonds; Make Strong Relationships! Makes Life Fun!           Happy and Smiling Faces are Borne Out Of Faith Towards Divine Grace! Life Begins Fresh with Happy Smiling Face & Faith! Life Drives Beautifully with these two Key Factors! Faith Makes ; Face Lits up! Face of Gratitude Evolves! Face of Confidence Moves! Faith Sprouts; Abundance Begins! Contentment in Heart! Peace in Air! Faith Begins; Journey of Silence! Sound of Silence Directs! Silence brings out Divine Grace! Silence Blossoms Creativity! Faith brings out; Words of Peace! Words of Love! Words of Truth! Freedom from Our Small Mind! Faith Allows us; Unite Mind With Heart! Relax! Gains Potential to Live in the Moment! Accept People and Situations as It Is ; Since Pure Devotee understands That They are part of Divine Plan! One Pointed Focus Towards Master! ...

Beyond Opposites

Life is combination of Different Flavor's! These Flavors adds Different colors to Our Personality! We Blossom in Different Skills; Learning Skills throughout Life; Makes Our Life Beautiful! Beauty is Only when We learn to Exist in Cloud of Opposites! Cloud is just Small Wave ; We are Beyond! Life has Unique Opposites! Truth or Lie! Calm or Fear! Compassion or Indifference! Commitment or Indecisiveness! Contentment or Dissatisfied! Confidence or Skeptical! Creativity or Sterile! Clarity or Confusion! Day or Night! Dispassion or World! Effortless or Efforts! Peace or Aggression! Positive or Negative! Let go Or Doer ship! Light or Dark! Right or Wrong! Silence or Noise! Serenity or Anxiety! Sweet or Harsh! Self Introspection or Extrovert! Self Enquiry or Foolishness! Start or Stop! Stable or Weak! Truth or Lie! Rich or Poor! Rise or Fall! Reference or Ignorance! Yes or No! Our Life has Experience Opposite's! Our Life has Borne out of it! Our Life Then Heads Towards  ...

Going Beyond Negativity

All The Suffering and Misery exists due to Seeds of Negativity!   Being Negative; Negative Happens!   Wrong Thoughts! Wrong Emotions! Wrong Deeds! No Results!   This Chain of Negative Thoughts ; Create Bad Aura & Destroy Body ; Mind and Soul! Diseases For Body; Impure Mind; Stoned Heart!   This Brings Head to Head Collisions! This is the Picture Of world ;Today!   Hence Nature Has Taken Birth In The Form Of Guru! & This is How Devotee's get the opportunity to become Enriched Devotees!   We have Learned Opposite Values are complementary! Both Day & Night are Important for Our Growth!   Life Throws Challenging Situations through Negative People; It’s Up to us ; Either to get carried away!  or Take refuge in Master!   Second Step Is Easy as it Gifts Beautiful Life Time Gifts!   Nature has Five Elements ie Air ; Water ; Fire ; Earth and Space! There is always Conflict between Air ; Water and Fire! This is Nature's D...

The Golden Plume plant ( Schaueria calytricha) appears like a 'floral nest'

The Golden Plume plant ( Schaueria calytricha) appears like a 'floral nest' blooming with creamy white flowers in the centre, surrounded by tufts of thread-like yellow bracts. Its dark green foliage adds to its beauty by creating contrast with the bright yellow 'nests'. Golden Plume or Hairy Yellow-Headed Justicia, is an evergreen woody shrub, about 2-3 ft tall. Its oppositely arranged, ovate to lanceolate leaves have smooth or wavy margins. Fuzzy spikes of cream to pale yellow, tubular flowers are surrounded by a dense clump of yellow, hair-like bracts and sepals. Fruits are dehiscent capsules that open explosively to release seeds. Seeds are attached to hook like structures inside the fruit. These aid in the dispersal. Golden Plume is very similar to Justicia in form and habit. The plant grows well in partial shade and moist soil and is intolerant to direct sun and dry soils. This species is planted as an ornamental shrub for its unique and elaborate blooms. The actua...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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