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Showing posts from April 29, 2023

Peace and Happiness.

See if you keep talking negative, your system undergoes such a strain-such knots get created in your own body. And if you keep praising the Lord, praising the Divine, then your entire system undergoes a transformation. It is a scintillating experience, every cell in your body is charged up, it feels so alive, so full of love.  They purify not just their family, not just their relatives, but the whole world. They bring holiness to the land, to the place, to the holy place. The holy place is where devotees walk, devotees sit, devotees think. That is teertha-that is the holy place. They make even the holy places holier. If a holy place is devoid of devotees who cry for the Divinity, it is no more holy.  If a holy place is a place of fight and crime, it has lost it’s vibration, it’s serenity, it’s holiness. How can a sacred place maintain its sacredness? It is by devotees being there, singing, praising the glory of the Divine. When such devotees walk there, the place becomes holy ...

Each animal brings down certain cosmic vibration onto the planet

Blinds man walks into darkness, if he catches hold of any of this. The gross material universe is governed by the subtle forces. The subtle forces are called the Devas. The microcosm and macrocosm are connected. There are 9 planets in our solar system and they have an impact on our mind-body complex.  They have an impact on the grains, the plants that grow on this planet. The ancient people had a science of tracking this connection. A particular part of your body is also connected to this, like they said that the planet Mars is connected to the liver and is also connected to chickpeas. Similarly the Sun is connected to the eyes and rice. Sesame seed, teeth, crow and Saturn are connected in the same way. Each animal brings down certain cosmic vibration onto the planet. So the Divine forces, Devas are carried onto the planet by certain specific things. Remember Devas are not Brahman. Devas are particular energy patterns in the universe. Like when sunlight passes through a prism, it g...

The gross creation is ruled, managed by the subtle one and the subtle energy is called the Devas.

We have heard from the seers that it is different from vidya and from avidya too. Yes, this is obvious. A dietician will say what you need - increase proteins, reduce fat, increase carbohydrates. They give you this knowledge. This is very subtle knowledge.  Similarly in the realm of consciousness there are subtle forces and they are called the Devas. How many Devas are there? 33 crores. What are 33 crores in millions? 330 million. I don't know who counted it, whether the counting is correct or not.  Maybe there is some addition to it by now. There are so many different types of Devas present in the consciousness or Brahman. All these different Devas have a definite role to play in the protection of the universe.  As I said, each animal carries some biodynamic rays with them and these are the carriers of the Devas. A particular kind of biodynamic energy is brought to the world by the peacock, lion, and by every other species.  Every single species is connected to a De...

The wise ones cross the ocean of death by Avidya and attain immortality through Vidya.

He who knows both vidya and avidya together crosses by avidya and obtains immortality by vidya. Work on the subtle and work on the gross. You know consciousness is everything but knowing that consciousness is everything you cannot eat everything.  For your physical wellbeing you have to be discreet in what you eat, what is good for the body and what is not. You can't say, "All this is Brahman, all this is consciousness. All this is part of me anyways. Let me eat anything that I want." It doesn't work that way. That discrimination has to be there.  Unfortunately, this advaita knowledge has been misunderstood and misused by many people. You will see people just lying down anywhere and say "Everything is the same, all is Brahman." Good, but they have not understood the very basic.  They don't bother to clean or cut their nails. “All is Brahman, what is there? Anyways we are going to die one day”. In the name of advaita they are torturing one's body. If ...

Clarity in mind, purity in heart,

Question - Gurudev we live life with desires to gain something, either material pleasures or spiritual solace, but once we attain the divinity, Upanishads tell us to live for 100 years. Is it not a punishment to live life without getting anything in return? Gurudev Sri Sri - You are just looking at one dimension of getting. You think joy is in getting. I have made it very clear that there is a joy in contributing. Live life for others who need you. Ok, for sometime in life, get, receive, but afterwards start giving also.  When you are a student, your whole focus is in getting your qualification. What is the point if you are just trying to qualify yourself up to the age of 80? You are going from one school to another to another and studying and studying.  What is the use? How do you put to use all that you have studied? Somewhere you have to put it to use. Similarly you acquire for some time. After you have acquired, now you start disseminating it. Question - Gurudev, yesterday...

The self inside you also feels It is young, ageless

What happens there? That space is not afflicted by any action. You are free from karma. Karma is action. There are 3 types of karma. First, potential karma - the tendency in you that will make you act in the future. Second is the action, which is happening now. Third is the action, which has left an impression on you. The impression of action, Acton and potential action, all three are karma. Often people don't make this distinction.  They get so caught up with this karma thing. "Oh karma, karma, karma." In India, say, "It's my karma, so it's inevitable, I had to bear it, this is my karma." If there is something unavoidable, you say this is karma.  Karma is action, which is potential or present, you are acting on it, and third is the impression or effect of karma. A glimpse of this dimension, which is beyond space, frees you from karma. This experience has come to your life sometimes wherein you are saying things you don't want to say but you are watc...

Quantum mechanics says everything is made up of vibrations, energy

Those who follow the path of avidya enter into blinding darkness. Those who are engrossed in vidya also enter into a greater blinding darkness. To simplify this in today's language, I would bring you back to quantum mechanics.  Quantum mechanics says everything is made up of vibrations, energy, whereas classical chemistry describes the differences in all substances - one proton is hydrogen, two is helium, metals are different from gases and so on.  Quantum mechanics and classical chemistry both are essential. If you are stuck in classical chemistry - periodic table, you are limited, you have no idea what's happening in reality. If you are thinking only about quantum mechanics view, everything is the same. Whether stone or a handful of grain, it is the same.  A chair or door is the same. Here the Rishi says if you are in Avidya. Avidya is all the sciences that we have - everything about body, about nature, about creation, all the intricacies here in this dimension of life ...

Satvik love is unconditional love

Satvik love is unconditional love. “I don’t care what you do to me, but from my side I'm just going to love you. I love because I have no choice. I can't but , because I am love.” This understanding, this tendency that arises from within you, that is satvik love.  From time to time, according to these four different categories of people, these three different types of love manifest in this world. And they can change also. You might have been in tamasik love 10 years back, then you could have come to rajasik, and might have become satvik also.  Wisdom brings you more and more into the satvik type of love. Earlier is always better. Means satvik is better than rajasik, rajasik is better than tamasik. We spoke in the reverse direction it is same thing. Satvik is better than rajasik and rajasik is better than tamasik love.  Similarly the knowledge, the wisdom, the love of a wise person, of a gyani, of an Enlightened, is better than that of a seeker. And a seeker’s love is bett...

When you have offered yourself to the Divine

Love is a proof in itself. It is the proof in itself. Just look into someone's eyes, you see whether they are worried or they are in love. In worry there is apathy and in love you can see the spark in their eyes. When you can notice that in others, you think one cannot notice for oneself what is happening inside?  It is impossible. It is like a pain in the neck or in the leg or in your stomach anywhere you have a pain, can you not know it? Do you need someone else to prove that you have a pain? Svayam pramantvat - You know it, you feel it. It is instantaneous.  No external proof is needed for such a love. Two more attributes of Divine love, Narada explains Shanti rupat - Divine love is of the nature of peace. And Paramanand rupascha extreme bliss, extreme ecstasy. Shantirupat peaceful. It is not the love of excitement, it is the love that comes with peace.  Usually love is associated with feverishness or excitement, tension, because you are in love, and you are worried wh...

Love Is Beyond Proof

There is another story about Krishna. Once He had sat down to eat, persons were serving him. He was eating the food when he suddenly got up in the middle of the meal and ran, saying, “My devotee is in trouble.” Everyone kept saying, “Oh, no, don't go, eat the food and then go”  He went to the door and then He came back. He said, “He was calling me, but then he took care of himself.” There are many stories, many events in your own life when you were really desperate and when you dropped all your hang ups the help definitely came.  But if you are holding onto a handle with one hand and then trying to jump, it is like holding onto the diving board and wanting to swim. You are neither in the water nor are you on the diving board. You are hanging somewhere in between.  If it appears that you are losing, everything is going haywire, don't worry about losing anything because you have offered all this, it is already done. Until that perfection is achieved, even before the result ...

Yoga and spirituality

Yoga and spirituality are given tremendous respect all over the world today. Regardless of the country, people all over are rapidly adopting and integrating Yoga in their lives. If you go to the city of Tromsø in Norway, which is the last point of the country closest to the Arctic Circle, where the sun shines for just two months in a year, even there people are practicing pranayama, and meditation. The chants of om namah shivaya are resonating even in such a faraway place. In the same way, the last city in the Southern hemisphere of the Earth – Tiera del Fuego, after which begins the Antarctic Circle; there also you will find thousands of people gathering together to chant Om namah Shivaya, and practicing the Sudarshan Kriya. This is India’s gift to the world. India has made a place for itself in every home in the world (by virtue of Indian Spirituality). Our Rishis (wise sages) have said, 'Krunavanto vishwam aryam'. It means, 'We will grow and spread glory through the worl...


What is Sudarshan Kriya? The Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful rhythmic breathing technique that facilitates physical, mental, emotional and social well-being is an integral part of Art of Living programmes. It is preceded by Ujjayi Pranayam or long and deep breaths with constriction at the base of throat and Bhastrika or fast and forceful breaths through the nose along with arm movements. It is today universally acclaimed for its effectiveness in eliminating stress and bringing one completely into the present moment. As H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar puts it, the Sudarshan Kriya came to him like an inspiration to bridge the gap between the worlds of inner silence and outer expression of life. Nature is replete with various rhythms and cycles - day follows night, night follows day, seasons come and go. Similarly, there are biological rhythms to our bodies, minds and emotions. When these rhythms are in sync, we feel a sense of harmony and well-being. When stress or illness throws them out of orde...

When will you keep your leg on my head?

Q:It is said when Ramakrishna Paramahamsa kept his leg on Swami Vivekananda, he got the experience of samadhi. You have kept your hand on my hand so many times, when will you keep your leg on my head?  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji:  My dear, I have given you one of the most beautiful techniques, the Sudarshan Kriya. When you do it, you already get the same experience that Vivekananda got. This is exactly what that is! Vivekananda experienced some current and some nothingness, nothing more than that. Hasn’t Sudarshan Kriya changed your whole outlook? There are two lives, one before Sudarshan Kriya and one after it. How many of you vouch for it? (Everyone in the audience raise their hands) See, everyone is raising their hands! You cannot even relate to that person before you did your Sudarshan Kriya. You cannot even say that it is the same person. That is why you feel like you have been born again. When you are initiated into meditation, you have a new life. Some places they even giv...

Dream the impossible

I was looking for job opportunities in Bangalore and went home for a few days as I was feeling home sick. I was happy to see and meet my parents and friends but from inside I felt tensed, was thinking if I would get a job or not, and was constantly praying to Gurudev.  As I was at home, I was relaxed and had left my preparation for the interviews. All of a sudden, I got a call from an MNC saying that I had to attend their written exam the next day. I had to rush to Bangalore and didn’t have the time to prepare well, and couldn't go through my study notes even once as I was informed only the previous night.  Next morning when I reached at my room, I cried and asked Gurudev to be on my side. I completed my 1st round of exam which went on very well and the topics that I had revised long were asked. Finally I was happy. After a week I got a call from the company asking me to attend the second round of the interview. I prepared well and went, but couldn't perform well. I was depres...

बीमार व्यक्ति को इससे फायदा होता है ।

2 जनवरी 22 अध्याय 10 भाग 2 गीता सार  गुरुदेव द्वारा  चार वेद है ऋग्वेद ज्ञानपरख,सामवेद भक्ति परख,यजुर्वेद कर्म परख,अथर्ववेद विज्ञान परख  श्री कृष्ण कहते हैं वेदों में मैं सामवेद हूं सामवेद से सारा संगीत उपजा है सात सुरों को गया जाता है  ये हमारी चेतना में भक्ति ,शांति ,स्फूर्ति तीनों को साथ जागने वाला है सामवेद आलाप जैसा गाना है जिसका कोई अर्थ नहीं होता , जो ध्यानी,ज्ञानी ,योगी है वो ही यह पहचानता है ,ये चेतना का स्पंदन है  अष्टवासु रुद्र है उसमें कुछ रहस्य है  सूष्म जगत में मनुष्य से ऊपर पितृ है ,जो अच्छा काम करतें हैं वो देव लोक जातें है नहीं तो कुछ समय कर लिए प्रेत योनि में भटकते हैं  हमारे पूर्वजों ने इसलिए मृत्यु पश्चात दस दिनों का शोक वा गीता पाठ, गरुण पुराण के पाठ का नियम बनाया है जिससे उस आत्मा को मुक्ति मिल सके  वा वो पितृ योनि में चले जाए  पितृ के बाद गंधर्व योनि मिलती है जैसे सभी संगीतज्ञ ,ये दूसरो को तो सुकून देते है मगर स्वयं दुःखी रहते हैं गंधर्व से ऊपर यक्ष होते है जो संपन्न होते हैं  इनके ऊपर किन्नर हैं ,जितने राजनेता है ...

Why there is so much attachment to the body?

Question - Gurudev, even after death, a man in the form of a soul keeps on looking for a body. Why there is so much attachment to the body? Gurudev Sri Sri - This is because the body is the instrument of carrying out one's Dharma (one's duties or karma). It is said, 'Sharira madhyam Dharma-khalu sadhanam. It means that if one has to carry out one's duties or one's karma, it can only be done through the means of the physical body. Those who are Asariri - meaning without the physical body - cannot do it. That is the reason even the Demigods (Devas) have to take a human form to carry out their Dharma for attaining liberation.

I feel frustrated in my life. I don't wish to live anymore. Please help me come out of these suicidal tendencies.

Question - Gurudev, I feel frustrated in my life. I don't wish to live anymore. Please help me come out of these suicidal tendencies. Gurudev Sri Sri - Be of my use, you are here for me, do my work, until I stamp you can't sign off. Desires are endless, Don't make desires your aim. I am always with you. If you get thoughts of committing suicide, know that it is just your prana which is low, so do more pranayama and meditation. A deep desire to live without problems makes one commit suicide. When life is just a game, and you have really lived life, then you embrace death naturally when it comes. When you feel sad, depressed, suicidal or unhappy, at that moment you should say, ‘Let me stop thinking about myself. Let me see what I can do here. Anyway, one day I must go. Before I go, let me do something good here. Who needs me? Where can I help?’ You should do more courses and spend more time in Satsang. Also should keep themselves busy and engage in some seva (service) activit...

I tend to seek appreciation in whatever I do. How to get rid of this?

Question -Gurudev, I tend to seek appreciation in whatever I do. How to get rid of this? Gurudev Sri Sri - You came to know about this, that itself is one step ahead. Now, make a determination that you don't care whether someone appreciates or not. 'Let me do what I need to do, and not worry about others'. That is it, then you will gain the strength needed.

If I don't feel guilty will the law of karma have any effect?

Question - Gurudev, sometimes I feel guilty for not feeling guilty. If I don't feel guilty will the law of karma have any effect? Gurudev Sri Sri - You don't need to worry about it. You don't have to force guilt on yourself. Actually the case is, deep inside you are feeling guilty. But you are trying to brush it off, and this is what the problem is. If you really don't feel guilty, you will not feel guilty about not feeling guilty at all. It is because you are feeling a little guilty, and you are trying to push it away, which is creating a conflict in you. So what you need to do is, simply accept it. Accept the mistake and whatever you need to do for remedial measures, you do it. Once you accept the mistake and want to do some remedial measures, then you will find peace within yourself. But if you brush off the mistake and act as if it never happened, or you didn't do it, it is then that the prick starts from within. So the first step is to accept, and then to do so...

Lord Krishna played the role of a Guru to Arjuna. In Lord Krishna's life, what role did Arjuna play? What role can a disciple play in Guru's life?

Question - Gurudev, Lord Krishna played the role of a Guru to Arjuna. In Lord Krishna's life, what role did Arjuna play? What role can a disciple play in Guru's life? Gurudev Sri Sri - There can be only two types of disciples : the easy disciple, and the tough disciple. The tough ones are hard nuts to crack. It will take a long time for the tough ones to get the point. The easy ones are those who know, who become sensitive, and who get it. You can say, like a buffalo or a cow. If you just shout 'Aye' to a cow, it understands and moves forward. But for a buffalo, you have to take a big bamboo stick and hit it lightly to really get it to move, only then it will move. Or you have to literally come and push it with your hands. So these are the two types of disciples. Ones who listens easily and gets it, and who is sensitive, The other doesn't listen, and takes a long time to get the point.

What do you think we should be doing differently?

Question - Gurudev, with the media reporting crime and negativity around the world, what do you think is their responsibility towards this violence that is happening? What do you think we should be doing differently? Gurudev Sri Sri - I think the media has two important roles to play. One is to place the facts in front of the people as they are. At the same time create hope in people for the future. You know, the present scenario can be very depressing. The media has to take responsibility not to create more depression in society. They have to give people hope. Suppose there is a riot, or a crisis, or a war, in that situation also there is hope, there are good people on the planet who are doing some very good work, this must be highlighted. Otherwise when you open the newspaper, all you see is bad news, which is depressing. The people feel that there is no hope in life because the world is so bad. The citizen of this world will not label society as bad or hopeless. This can happen only...

What should we do for the mentally retarded people? Can healing be given to them?

Question - Gurudev, what should we do for the mentally retarded people? Can healing be given to them? Gurudev Sri Sri - Some remand home should be made for them. There are mentally retarded homes owned by the government. They should be kept there. Don't encourage the practice of giving them food on the roads. We should not make them beggars on the roads. Don't give healing. These people have come to receive service from you. So even after giving healing they will remain the same, and then you might start doubting the healing. You might think, 'Oh, I am giving healing to him every day and nothing is happening'. So instead of healing, do service to them.

Should we only wear traditional clothes?

Question - Gurudev, you have spoken much about food and the breath. Would you like to say something about clothes as well? Should we only wear traditional clothes? Gurudev Sri Sri - Wear comfortable clothes, but I do not prefer wearing those torn clothes and jeans for which you pay so much money. It looks so shabby. I have heard that if there are holes in the jeans, you have to pay more money for that! This you should not do. Cotton is the best fabric. If it is mixed with a little bit of polyester, it is also okay, But only polyester should be avoided. I would prefer that people avoid leather. Do you know just for leather, so many animals are slaughtered? All this should be done away with. It is said, ‘Ahimsa paramo-dharma’, (Non-violence in all action is the supreme duty or Dharma). Everyone should walk the path of non-violence and be a vegetarian. This is very necessary. Only then will you be able to meditate well.

How can one bring peace to a relationship

Question - Gurudev, as you are very much aware of this fact that people in relationships do get into conflicts at times. How can one bring peace to such a relationship with a lot of conflicts and arguments? Should we move away from such a relationship or stay put in that relationship?  Gurudev Sri Sri - There are 3 ways to handle such situations :  1. Move away from that place at that time - because when everybody is angry, things are heating up, everyone goes deaf. Angry people do not listen to anyone. The best thing is move away a little bit and wait for things to cool down and then resolve the differences. 2. Be there, with patience - First, agree with the person, say, 'Yes, I agree with you. Suppose your husband or wife is arguing with you, don't say, 'No', instead say, 'Yes, you are right, I agree with you. The moment you agree, the temperature comes down. Then in a little gap, as the temperature comes down, say, 'But, this is the secret. Sometimes people c...

What is the best and easy way to please God and be closer to Him?

Question - Gurudev, what is the best and easy way to please God and be closer to Him? Gurudev Sri Sri - If a baby asks, 'What can I do to please my mother?' The mother is already pleased with the baby. Whatever the baby does, the mother is happy. My dear, God is already pleased with you. Just keep your heart clean, mind focused and put your 100% in any work that you do. When you are sincere, smiling and serving, God is pleased with you. Remember 3S - sincerity, smile and service.

I am a web engineer. I want to ask, what is the connection between spirituality and internet technology? How can spirituality use this web?

Question - Gurudev, I’m a web engineer. I want to ask, what is the connection between spirituality and internet technology? How can spirituality use this web? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yesterday you saw that we had a webcast of our satsang, and so many people connected to us from around the world. We had people connect from more than seventy countries. You should definitely use the internet, write blogs, and make people aware of it. Today because of internet you can get any information. If you want to know a verse from Rig-Veda, you don't have to go to the library and look for it. Just go to the internet and you can download it from there. So the internet has made knowledge available at the tip of your fingers. It should be used. We are all linked through one net from inside, that is inter-net.

How to love someone who I do not understand?

Question - Gurudev, how to love someone who I do not understand? Gurudev Sri Sri - As a baby is born, it looks into its mother's eyes, and starts loving the mother. The baby does not know anything about the mother. It does not know the name of the mother, or the school she went to, what subjects she studied, or how old she is. The baby does not even care, it does not even know. In the same way, the puppy or the dog in your house does not know you. If the dog knew you, perhaps it would not love you.

I think I am addicted to meditation. Is it bad to be addicted to something awesome like meditation?

Question - Gurudev, I think I am addicted to meditation. Is it bad to be addicted to something awesome like meditation? Gurudev Sri Sri - You can't say that you are addicted to compassion, it is a wrong word to use since it is an integral part of your life. Similarly, you can't say that I am so addicted to being clean, I am addicted to brushing my teeth. Just like brushing is dental hygiene, meditation is mental hygiene. Yes, you should not be obsessed with it. Suppose you could not meditate for one day, do not make a big issue out of it by getting upset or angry, never mind. Once in a while, like once in two years, it is okay. You should not feel guilty about it. However, missing meditation should not become a regular thing. Missing it three times a week is not very advisable.

They say marriages are made in heaven, but why after this heavenly arrangement, does hell start on earth?

Question - Gurudev, they say marriages are made in heaven, but why after this heavenly arrangement, does hell start on earth? Gurudev Sri Sri - Contrast. Knowledge comes in opposition. Just like a baby cannot be created by one person, hell also cannot be created by one person. Whether heaven or hell, it needs two to create it.

In the yoga sutra, it is said, yoga is the restraint of the chitta (consciousness). How can restraining the mind or memory bring freedom?

Question - Gurudev, in the yoga sutra, it is said, yoga is the restraint of the chitta (consciousness). How can restraining the mind or memory bring freedom? Gurudev Sri Sri - It's the mind that causes bondage. It's the mind which clings on to things, or clings on to the dreams. Even after you wake up, the palpitation is happening in the body, because you had a nightmare. But when the mind realizes that it's a dream and it comes out of it, then there is relief. So mind is the cause for bondage and mind is the cause for liberation also.


1. ANATOMY:The science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body. 2. BACTERIOLOGY: The study of bacteria. 3. CHEMOTHERAPY:The treatment of disease by using chemical substances. 4. DACTYLOGRAPHY:The study of fingerprints for the purpose of identification. 5. ENTOMOLOGY:The study of insects. 6. FLORICULTURE: Study of flower yeilding plants. 7. GEOLOGY:The science that deals with the physical history of the earth. 8. HISTOLOGY:The study of tissues. 9. IMMUNOLOGY:Science which deals with the study of resistance of organisms against infection. 10. JURISPRUDENCE: The science of law. 11. KALOLOGY: Study of human beauty. 12. LEXICOGRAPHY: The writing or compiling of dictionaries. 13. METROLOGY:The scientific study of weights and measures. 14. NEUROLOGY:The study of the nervous system, its functions and its disorders. 15. ORNITHOLOGY: The study of birds. 16. PATHOLOGY:The study of diseases. 17. RADIOLOGY:The study of X- rays and radioactivity. 18. SELENOLOGY:The scientific stu...

The truth that leads to liberation.

THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS & EIGHT FOLD PATH Dhamma or teachings of the Buddha – the truth that leads to liberation. 1. Life is suffering (Dukkha) – our desires and expectations do not conform to the reality of the world, which is in a constant state of flux (Anicca), so we experience Dukkha. 2. The origin of suffering is attachment – not only do we fail to know reality but we mis-know it. We attribute permanence to impermanence. The physical universe is constant change, but we know it as permanent – change is the only thing there is. Our ideas, the objects that surround us, and our perceptions, are all transient. Even our idea of “self” is a delusion since there is no permanent self. Craving and clinging to these inevitably leads to suffering. 3. It is possible to end suffering in this life – Like the moksha in Hinduism, nibbana can be realized in life, through discipline and effort. Nibbana means freedom from troubles, worries, ideas, and the annihilation of the illusion of the self w...

Be spontaneous

ARE YOU HAPPY? FIND WHAT GURU JI SAYS "Every living creature wants to be happy. Whether it is money, power or sex, you seek it for the sake of happiness. Some people even seem to enjoy misery because it gives them happiness! To be happy, you seek something. But despite getting it, you are not happy. A schoolboy thinks that if he goes to college, he will be more independent, free and, therefore, happy. When you ask a college student whether he is happy, he feels that if he gets a job, he will be happy. Talk to somebody who is settled in his job or business, and you may find that he is waiting to get a perfect soul mate to be happy. Then what? When he gets a soul mate, he now wants a child, to be happy. Ask those who have children, if they are happy. They respond that how can they relax until the children have grown up and have had a good education and are successfully settled on their own? Ask those who are retired if they are happy? They long for the days when they were younger. A...


8 QUOTES FROM SHIV SUTRAS Millennials want more out of life. Many times experiences teach them how to go about life. Many times, the elders and peer group help them find out about life. Whatever be the means, the beauty of youth is that they believe they can get more out of life. We agree too! Do you think you can benefit from ancient scripture too? Do you think you can live fully, an enriched life with some valuable insights provided by the seers of the past? If yes, then here are 8 best quotes with the explanation from the ancient scripture of Shiva Sutras for today’s youth to lead a more fulfilled and meaningful life! QUOTE 1: “WHEN WE INVEST 100 PERCENT OF OUR ENERGY IN ANY ACTION, THERE WILL BE NO REGRETS, AND WHEN THERE ARE NO REGRETS THERE IS NO FEAR OR ANXIETY.” When we put in our best efforts, we do not worry whether or not our work will be successful. What does worry mean? It means that we have not worked to the best of our ability. Imagine that you are playing football or ru...

Eighteen chapters of your life

Q: Thousands of years ago (at the time of the Mahabharata), people had the same problems as what we have today. There is not much difference. Gurudev HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji:-  Thousands of years ago also, there was a new moon and there was a full moon, there was winter and there was spring. So in everyone’s life also, the 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita happen. •The first chapter is where you regret and say, "I am powerless and I give up". •The second chapter in your life is when someone wakes you up and says, "Hey come on! There’s nothing to regret in life. There is something in you that doesn’t change andyou have the power to sail over all this". Then you wake up and you felt good. •The third chapter tells you to act. Don’t sit and worry, ‘What about me? What about me? 'Go and act, this is Karma Yoga. •The fourth chapter tells you, now that you are acting you must also listen to knowledge.Don’t become like a machine and only act, listen to knowledge as we...


About 30 years ago, Japanese researcher Masaru Imodo discovered the world of Hado. He treated more than ten thousand clients with a Hado measuring device and water, and helped heal many people who had different kinds of problems, mentally and physically. He knew that water could memorize information, so he devised water crystal photography to prove his theory, and succeeded. If two forks are tuned to the same note, then they resonate together. This is how energy is transmitted into two vibrating objects of the same natural frequency. Two forks that are slightly tuned to different frequencies, despite two Hertz differences, are not conducting or resonating with each other.  In the 1920s, an American scientist named Dr. Royal Raymond Rife developed a Rife frequency generator machine. The Rife machine produced low energy waves, also called radio frequency electromagnetic fields, which have low energy compared to x-rays or radiotherapy, which have high power. In 1934, a USC team of phy...

Bhela is another important figure in the history of Ayurveda

Bhela is another important figure in the history of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. He is believed to have been a physician and scholar who lived during the early centuries of the Common Era. Bhela is best known for his authorship of the Bhela Samhita, which is a text that focuses on the practical aspects of Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment. This text is considered to be one of the "Laghu Trayi" or "Small Triad" of Ayurvedic texts, along with the Kashyapa Samhita and the Harita Samhita. Together, these three texts provide detailed descriptions of Ayurvedic principles and practices, including herbal remedies, dietary recommendations, and disease prevention strategies. The Bhela Samhita is particularly notable for its emphasis on the use of herbal medicines in Ayurvedic treatment. It includes detailed descriptions of hundreds of different herbs and their therapeutic properties, and it provides guidance on how to prepare and administer...

20 things that only an Art of Living person will understand

1. You are absolutely crazy about That One Guy 2. Your wishes comes true sooner than you would have imagined them to! 3. You know that you are absolutely taken care of ! 4. You manage to keep a smile even when everything goes topsy turvy 5. You suffer from intermittent laughter outbreaks during the AOL hangouts / sessions 6. Any corner of the world you go..any problem...just those 3 magical words do wonders for you ! 7. You wonder how the other people are still existing without doing the 3 'S's 8. You don't have to go to pub or smoke a cigarette to get high ! You have got the secret trick 9. Your job gets magically done in almost half of the time that others would usually take.. 10. You are frequently pampered by your teachers and you feel you are the luckiest person to have got them in your life 11. You and good luck are best buddies 12. You don't need any reason to celebrate..! 13. You are an expert in multi tasking and you have a PHD in crisis management ...

From today's TRM in Dubai:

1. Gurudev, how to make participants come more regularly for follow ups G: Make your follow ups more interesting and juicy. Don't just make the participants do Bhastrika and kriya. Even God will get bored if you repeat the songs everytime  - Make food with participants. You may ask them to bring some salads or some ingredients and make food together  - In Indonesia they experimented with 1 week follow up and 1 week seva. Double the people used to come for Seva vs Follow ups  - Make the participants speak rather than just you speaking. People love it when you make them share. Make them sit next to you for sharing. They can share their experiences, or how they have assimilated the knowledge in their life 2. Gurudev many Art of Living teachers are getting into other paths like Access Bars, Hypnosis and other alternate healing. Is it ok for Art of Living teachers to practicr alternate healing modalities  G: If you as a teacher go around searching, why will pe...

The Five Insights

Weekly Knowledge 119 Bangalore Ashram 17 Sep 1997  India The Five Insights Love is your nature. In the process of its expression, you often get caught up in the object. This is when your sight is caught outside. To return back to your nature, you need insight. Pain is the first insight. It takes you away from the object and turns you towards your body and mind. Energy is the second insight. A bolt of energy brings you back to your Self. Divine Love is the third insight. A glimpse of Divine love makes you so complete and over rules all the relative pleasures Trance is the fourth insight. An elevation of consciousness and partial awareness of the physical reality around is Trance. Non-dual existence, that all is made up of one and only one, is the fifth insight. When love glows, it is bliss, When it flows, it is compassion, When it blows, it is anger, When it ferments, it is jealously, When it is all Nos, it is hatred, When it acts, it is perfection, When love Knows, it...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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