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Showing posts from April 23, 2023

I felt healthy and happy

I feel really blessed to have been selected by my marvelous Guru to walk on the path. My story is one that will kindle the lamp of faith in the hearts of many. I had been suffering since 2009, with severe immobilizing pain, swelling and burning in my left thigh & abdomen. This was the result of multiple failed surgeries, which caused grave damage to the nerves. Medically this condition is a post-operative femoral Neuropathy at inguinal ligament. It results in complete limitation in living, because of which there arises a feeling of disappointment and helplessness regarding the future course of one’s life. On very little exertion, I would experience immense pain, and lack of physical strength to perform normal everyday activities.  Allopathic doctors said that there was not much hope but still attempts could be made for a fourth surgery, where the chances of recovery and improvement would be very bleak. But having faced tremendous problems in earlier such attempts, I...

Living certainly is an art

I had read many of Gurudev's articles, books and watched His knowledge sheets in audio, but it wasn't until 2006 that I met Him for the first time.  That's when the feeling actually started sinking in. It’s like when you make a scrumptious dish, you need to know the right recipe, but it's only when you taste the dish that you realise its value.  Same was my encounter with Gurudev. Since then, my life has witnessed various ups and downs, and other challenges. But I have always sensed a Divine hand on my soul.  I have always sailed through, with a smile on my face. With His grace, I have been able to endure it all, with my calm intact, always. One day, a person asked me about this sudden change in my attitude, that I always seemed happy and jovial. I told him that the secret for it was nothing but my Guru, and since then even he is excited to come around and know more about the Art Of Living.  Over the past 10 years, from whatever personal experiences I hav...

The Ashram is such a magical place, truly

Recently, I did an AMC at the Ashram. Normally Guruji gives Darshan to all the AMC participants at the end of the course. This time was no exception either.  The Darshan went really well and I was really happy after meeting Gurudev. I met Gurudev once more that week, and I felt that all my questions were answered. It's such a state of bliss one feels on seeing Him, it's truly unexplainable.  The following week, while working with the Ashram Events & Promotions team, news came that Gurudev was going to meet people in the evening. One of my fellow Ashram sevak (volunteer) was the first one to know about it.  He was really excited to meet Gurudev, as this was his first time at the Ashram. He asked me if I could accompany him in the evening at the Darshan queue. I was in two minds.  It was only last week that I had met Gurudev, and secondly there was a lot of pending work. But still I said a 'yes' to my friend, just to keep him motivated. Very soon our da...

Importance of Biomedical engineering

The 21st century is rightfully called the Biological Century. More technological breakthroughs in the medical and industrial spheres are expected with heavily funded research programs underway in most countries of the world. Developments in the fields of biology and medicine, such as human genome sequencing and research to create cell and organ functions, have led to a critical change in many industrial segments and strengthened the medical engineering profession. Although the traditional areas of engineering and other technology innovations will continue, more new opportunities will arise in biomedical engineering and in the fields of biology, medicine, health and delivery of health care. Biomedical Engineering The biomedical engineer uses quantitative approaches to integrate various components to gain knowledge regarding living systems. They can then create innovative solutions and make commercial products. Hence the biomedical engineer leverages research in biology and medical field...

Sudarshan Kriya heals better from illnesses and improves immunity.

Rhythmic breathing techniques like Sudarshan Kriya helps to expand your lungs, frees you from the shackles of stress, and allows you to look at the brighter side of life. It raises your consciousness and makes you more confident, peaceful and focused on the present. Not only that, Sudarshan Kriya heals better from illnesses and improves immunity. "Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.” Health is Wealth and Prevention is better than cure. So everyday morning do Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayam, Physical Exercises, meditation.  Sudharshana Kriya is a very powerful technique of Breathing that eliminates  Stress, Fatigue and Negative emotions such as Anger, Frustration and Depression, leaving the mind calm, focused and the body energized, completely relaxed. Sudarshan Kriya is the unrevealed secret to health, happiness, peace and an insight of life beyond! It’s a spiritual breakth...

Every Morning, Do This ONE Thing As Told By Lord Krishna

Every Morning, Do This ONE Thing As Told By Lord Krishna To Have A Blissful Day It is said that the thoughts you bring to yourself early in morning or at the time you wake up influence your mood, actions and results throughout the day. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to our thoughts and action when we wake up. In Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna has given a simple advice to all the devotees, following which they can experience a blissful day. Let''s check out what it is....  The Saptrishis are born from my heart and are my reflection. A person who remembers their names each morning will spend the entire day happily, while his endeavours will meet with success. So who are these Saptrishis and what are their names? Let's find out. 1) Vishwamitra He wrote the Gayatari Mantra and as a teacher of Lord Ram and Lakshman, taught them Devastras - the knowledge and use of celestial weapons in war. Vishwamitra also mentored them in the killing of several demonic char...

Words used 90% of everyday English conversations, English newspaper and magazine articles

The words used  90% of everyday English conversations, English newspaper and magazine articles, and English used in the workplace. The remaining 10% you'll be able to learn from context, or ask questions about. However, it's essential to learn the right English vocabulary words, so you don't waste your time trying to memorize a huge collection with very little benefit. The list below seems long, but when you can use all these words with confidence, your English vocabulary will be fully functional. a abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertis...


Facts which the modern education system doesn't teach us.  1. Father of Astronomy: Aryabhatta ; Work - Aryabhattiyam 2. Father of Astrology: Varahamihira, Works; Panchasiddhantika, Bruhat Hora Shastra  3. Fathers of Surgery : Charaka and Sushruta , Works : Samhitas 4. Father of Yoga : Patanjali , Work : Yogasutra  5. Father of Economics : Chanakya , work: Arthashshtra  6. Father of Atomic Theory : Rishi Kanada , Work : Kanada Sutras  7. Father of Architecture : Vishwakarma  8. Father of Aero Dynamics: Mayasura , Work : Vastu Darpana  9. Father of Medicine: Dhanvanthri , First propounded Ayurveda  10. Father of Grammar: Panini , Work: Vyakarana Deepika  11. Father of Natyashastra: Bharatamuni , Work : Natyashastra  12. Father of Kavya (Literature) : Krishna Dwaipayana (VedaVyasa) Works ; Mahabharata , Ashtaadasha Puranas  13. Father of Playwriting : Kalidasa , Works : Meghadhootam , Raghuvamsham , Kumara Sambhava Etc  14. Father...

Plastic Surgery

In 1794 AD, The Third Mysore war took place between Tipu Sultan and the Britishers.  The Mysore soldiers captured a truck which was carrying food for the British army. A simple Marathi named Kosaji was the one who drove this truck. Tipu Sultan ordered to cut off his nose. Kosaji with his nose cut was released after the end of the war. A British doctor came forward to treat him. But Kosaji did not allow that doctor to treat him and said to take him to a traditional physician named Kumar. The Britishers scolded him for choosing the local remedy instead of modern medicine.  He said, "Kumar will fix my cut nose again.” Everyone started laughing. But they agreed to his request and took him to Kumar. The local physician, Kumar, was doing a brick kiln business. He peeled some skin from Kosaji's forehead and stitched it with the nose. The nose grew back. The skin from the forehead also grew back.  The British doctor, who saw this "miracle", drew a painting of the miraculous ...

The Meaning of Karma

The most commonly used word that is misunderstood is “Karma“. The literal meaning of Karma is action. Action could be latent, could be in the form of a tendency, and it could be something that happens in the future. These are the three forms of Karma. So Karma means: The impression of the past that will draw similar actions in the future (this is future Karma) The present action you are doing that is creating an impression in your mind. That is again called Karma How to Eliminate Karma? Every habit is a sort of Karma. Suppose you have been drinking coffee every morning, and one day you don't drink it, you end up with a headache. This is coffee Karma. Now how to eliminate coffee Karma? By drinking coffee By not drinking coffee but just observing the sensations in your body By doing some breathing exercises, or meditation Being aware of a tendency in you will help you overcome the tendency. Here comes the play of knowledge (awareness). Knowledge does not mean informative ...

Welcoming and Resisting

Do you welcome all that comes to you or do you resist it? If you cannot resist anything, you cannot welcome anything! You cannot resist everything and you cannot welcome everything! You don't welcome all thoughts that come to your mind. When you welcome a thought, it means you find it good and act on it. If you act on all thoughts that come to your mind, you will end up in a mental hospital or in prison. So, you resist or ignore some thoughts and welcome other thoughts. You need discrimination in life. Welcoming and resisting is a swing in life. Welcoming is essential for expansion and growth, and resistance is essential for maintenance. Audience: But what you resist persists! Guruji : If you resist a cold it does not persist! If there is no resistance in your body you cannot survive. Your body resists something and welcomes something.Where the resistance is weak, the persistence happens. A weak resistance makes the opposition persist. A strong resistance erases the opp...

Health and medicine Greek word in English

A number of words commonly used in the English language come from Greek – some directly from Ancient Greek, but most through Latin, French and/or other languages. We recently published a 4-part series dedicated to these words, divided according to various fields (such as literature, science or religion) but did not include the multitude or medical and other health-related terms with Greek roots, as they deserved a separate article. The foundations of medicine: The medical vocabulary of the English language (and many other Western languages) includes hundreds, if not thousands, of Greek words. This is owed to the fact that the Ancient Greeks were among the first to practice medicine in an organized (from organon "organ, instrument") way, using observation and logical reasoning instead of supernatural explanations. Many foundations of modern Western medicine lie in Classical Greece. The famous philosopher and scientist Aristotle (c. 384–c. 322 BC) and, above all, Hippocrates (c...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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