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Showing posts from April 10, 2023

11 Mental Benefits of Meditation

Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into an alpha state that promotes healing. The mind becomes fresh, delicate and beautiful. It cleanses and nourishes you from within and calms you, whenever you feel overwhelmed, unstable, or emotionally shut down. With regular practice of meditation: 🌿Anxiety decreases 🌿Emotional stability improves 🌿Creativity increases 🌿Happiness increases 🌿Intuition develops 🌿Gain clarity and peace of mind 🌿Problems become smaller 🌿Meditation sharpens the mind by gaining focus and expands through relaxation 🌿A sharp mind without expansion causes tension, anger and frustration 🌿An expanded consciousness without sharpness can lead to lack of action/progress 🌿The balance of a sharp mind and an expanded consciousness brings perfection Meditation makes you aware - that your inner attitude determines your happiness. "Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiast...

PURPOSE OF SADHANA. (spiritual practices)

To be yourself!  When prana level is low - you feel upset, angry, dejected and not so good.  When prana level is even lower - you feel life is not worth living.  When prana level is normal - you feel yourself, like a normal human being.  When prana is a little higher than normal - you feel more creative, enthusiastic, and joyful.  And if it is even higher, you realize something much deeper. Sadhana is meant to increase this prana level in you.  If your prana level is constantly high - then you don’t need to do sadhana - that is what is Enlightenment; your optimum prana.  Some 40 years back, I remember, an elderly gentleman asked me, "Are you tired? You must be tired!" There was an 86 years old gentleman with me, he pounced on the person, suddenly saying, "Come on! A yogi will not get tired!" That is true!  Tiredness is when our senses go outward; the moment the senses start turning inward, we are tapping into the eternal source of ener...


The divinity inside us is covered by: 1. a veil  2. distress 3. impurities. These are three layers that cover the individual soul and keeps it away from the universal soul. In fact universal soul is the individual soul; there is no difference. But these impurities cover the spirit, the energy in us.  There are two aspects. There are certain things we can do and certain things we cannot do; it has to be done for us.  Yagyas are those type of purification which is done for us, which you cannot individually do but it is done for us. All the karmas and sins are washed away and that leaves you free, pure. And that's when joy wells us; that's when you experience bliss.  Bliss is deep inside us but it gets covered by a veil. When the veil gets lifted by the grace and these are those occasions where we rejoice. And it's done for the whole world.  Even those who did not come here, even they will get the benefit for sure. It is not that only those people who a...


All of you should take this sankalpa today – that whether it be your friends, family members, relatives, husband or wife, whoever comes to you should leave with more joy and peace. You will not give them a chance to complain. You will endure and go through whatever karma you have to bear, but you will make their life happier.  Why should we trouble and burden others with our karma? Sharing one’s sorrow never reduces it. And Joy never lessens by sharing, it only increases. So share joy, and surrender your sorrow and misery to the Divine, or just bear it and go through it, thinking of it as your penance.  When you follow this, then your personality blossoms and all your talents and skills get enhanced. If you just sit and cry about something or the other, and make others also cry, then what’s the use? What is the use of crying and complaining about anything? Life is so temporary, you never know when it will come to an end. When life is so short, what is the use of cr...


Q. Gurudev, how to be contented and happy? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : You are not happy? You are not contented now? This very moment; right now (Sri Sri snaps his finger)! Greed takes away the contentment. It is the, 'I want more, I want more', which makes you miserable, which makes you put so much effort! You should think that whatever is needed for me, I will get it. You should have that faith, that it will come to you. Why do you get so disturbed? It is greed which disturbs you. So, not wanting too much of anything; balance! Happiness and contentment comes, the only thing you have to ensure is  1. LAZINESS: You are not lazy. If you are lazy and you say, 'Let happiness come to me', it is not going to come to you. Lazy people will not be happy. 2. SELFISHNESS: Don't be selfish. If you are selfish, happiness is not going to come to you. If you only say, 'Me, mine, only me', you are not going to be happy. Selfish people will not be happy. 3. G...


There are five types of causes for restlessness. They are 1.Place, 2.Food, 3. Mind,  4. Emotions, 5. Soul. 1. PLACE: The first type of restlessness is due to the place you are in. When you move away from that place, the street or the house, you immediately feel better. Chanting, singing, watching children playing, and laughing can change this atmospheric restlessness. If you chant and sing, the vibration in the place changes. 2. FOOD: The second type of restlessness is in the body. Eating the wrong food or Vaata aggravating food, eating at odd times, not exercising, and overworking can all cause a physical restlessness. The remedy for this is exercise, moderation in work habit, and going on a vegetable or juice diet for one or two days. 3. MIND: The third type of restlessness is mental restlessness. It is caused by ambition, strong thoughts, likes or dislikes. Knowledge alone can cure this restlessness. Seeing life from a broader perspective, knowledge about the Self a...


Have this unshakable faith that the creator of the world loves you very dearly. Believe that 'God is in me, and I in Him'. This single faith alone can take you to great heights.  God’s love is 1000 times more intense than the love of your parents towards you. You may call that supreme power by any name that you like, you can call it Mother Divine, Lord Shiva, or God, etc. It does not matter. God loves you very dearly all the same. So this faith you must have. Just do this once and see how your life changes. Then whatever you wish for will start to happen. Have this faith in your heart and just relax and repose within yourself.  So first you must have faith in God. Then have faith in the fact that there are many good and noble people in the society. There are some people who have gone astray, but the number of good people is far greater even today. Have faith in the goodness of the people around you.  Then you must have faith in yourself. It is very important t...

STRESS MANAGEMENT. .......Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

First of all, do you know what stress is?  Stress is too much to do and too little time or energy.  When we have too much to do with not enough time and energy, then we get stressed.  So either you reduce your workload, which doesn’t seem to be a possibility these days, or you increase your time – this is not possible either. So what we are left with is to increase your energy levels. Now how do we increase our energy levels? 1. The right amount of food – not too much and not too little. A balanced diet with enough carbohydrates and proteins. 2. The right amount of sleep. 6-8 hours of sleep, not more not less. 3. Learning some deep breathing exercises - this increases your energy. 4, Few moments of a meditative mind. Few minutes of deep relaxation - conscious deep relaxation is what I would call meditation. A few minutes of meditation can relieve all types of stress. If you meditate in the morning and evening for 15-20 minutes, it is good enough. It will keep you going. U...


*We have 186,000 nadis, or channels of energy in our body.*  At different times, different channels open. Sometimes that channel opens by which you get intuitive thoughts.  Some other time another channel opens by which you experience emotions. Another time another channel opens. It’s very fascinating.  If you keep thinking about happy people, you get happy, that channel gets opened.  Thinking about unhappy things, the unhappy channels open. That’s why I have said, “Don’t hate anybody.” Why should you not hate anybody? What is the reason? Not for the sake of the person whom you hate, but for your own sake.  Your own mind, your nervous system, will assume the form, shape and color of that person. That is why we don’t hate anybody. Is this an intelligent thing to do, or not?  The most intelligent thing to do is not to hate anybody because whomsoever you hate, you get those impressions embedded in you. *~ Gurudev HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji*


Gurudev, what happens, when we take our mind away from the little desires and thoughts that disturb us? Is it beneficial in any way?  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji - What happens, when you take your mind away from the little desires and thoughts that disturb you?  Where there is no wind blowing, the flame of the candle is stationary. In the same way, then your mind remains stationary, focussed. Your mind becomes like a laser beam. With the power of yoga, many abilities will dawn in you. You will become more powerful. Even to enjoy the best, you need to have merit or ability, and yoga gives you that ability. In that state, the yogi is in bliss. He enjoys everything he is doing. He loves the state he is in, he is intoxicated, enjoying the bliss of the self. Joy is the nature of our spirit. When you first hear music from a flute, there is a thrill that rises in you, or when you see beautiful scenery and you say “Wow!” In that moment of “Wow!”, for a fraction of a second yo...


 1) Forgive wholeheartedly:  Don't wander around carrying in your mind, memories of those, who made you uncomfortable and those who betrayed you.  Forgive them. That is their punishment.   No need to befriend them again, for that. All you do is to clear your mind. If you accept to forgive like this, it does not mean that you are weak. You have a lot of work to do, make sure you don't get carried away, with such animosity.  2) Apologize sincerely:  If we have hurt anyone, in any way knowingly or unknowingly, please apologize sincerely. Make sure you don't make that mistake again.  3) Express, Wholehearted Gratitude to Divine power:  For granting you the following, like, Good parents, close relatives, Good wife/husband , children, Good job, Good circle of friends, this nice place, society, knowledge, full energy, healthy body, Good career, earnings, & comfort, express wholehearted Gratitude to Divine.  4) Apprecia...

Diplazium esculentum ,Vegetable Fern , Hukha Pada(Nyishi)

Diplazium esculentum Family:- Woodisiaceae  Common Name:- Vegetable Fern Vernacular Name:- Hukha Pada(Nyishi) General_information            Vegetable fern is a terrestrial fern with a short and erect rhizome that is occasionally trunk-like or can be creeping. It grows about 50cm tall. The plant is often harvested from the wild for its edible young leaves (croziers); it is occasionally cultivated, and is sometimes sold in local markets. There are relatively few edible ferns, but this species is considered to be the most important edible fern in the world. The plant is also grown as an ornamental.           The vegetable fern, is an edible fern found throughout Asia and Oceania. It is probably the most commonly consumed fern in Arunachal Pradesh tribals. Edible_Uses           The very young leaves are eaten as vegetable salad served with sambal with rice by tribals of Arunachal Pradesh. The y...

Pouzolzia hirta , pouzolzia , Oyik, Yiktak(Nyishi,Galo, Adi)

Pouzolzia hirta Common name:- pouzolzia  Family:- Urticaceae  Vernacular name:- Oyik, Yiktak(Nyishi,Galo, Adi) Description           There are about 35 species distributed throughout the tropical world. The most tribes, of Arunachal Pradesh, India use Poulzolozia as vegetable, which is known as "Oyik" in our local dialect (Adi, Galo, Nyishi etc). It is use as a part of our main food course which is consumed along with rice. Oyik is prepared with smoked beef/ Gayal meat (Bos frontalis) or pork along with dried bamboo shoots (eyup) and served in various occasions. native_to           East Asia - southern China, northern India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia. Edible Uses           The juice of the plant is used to treat boils, dysentery, fevers, toothaches and urinary problems. The juice of the root is used in the treatment of indigestion. The leave...

Plantago major , briadlead plantain , Nyad-nyar (Nyishi)

Plantago major  Common Name:- briadlead plantain Vernacular Name:- Nyad-nyar (Nyishi) Family:- Plantaginaceae  General_information            Plantago major, the broadleaf plantain, white man's foot, or greater plantain, is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae. The plant is native to most of Europe and northern and central Asia, but has widely naturalised elsewhere in the world. The young, tender leaves can be eaten raw, and the older, stringier leaves can be boiled in stews and eaten. Broadleaf plantain is not related to the fruit also known as plantain, which is a kind of banana.           It is available throughout the state of Arunachal Pradesh and other Northeast states of India. Generally it can seen along terrace farming area (pagar in Nyishi) or moist & shady places. Locals of Arunachal Pradesh use it as vegetable or either in the form of salad.  Herbal_medicine...

Aesculus chinensis , Chinese horse chestnut

Aesculus chinensis  Common Name:- Chinese horse chestnut  Family:- Sapindaceae  description            Aesculus chinensis, the Chinese horse chestnut, is a tree species found in eastern Asia. Can be seen in subtropical forest region of Arunachal Pradesh. This is deciduous and ever green tree that are mostly found in China.  uses           Leaves are widely used for fishing purposes. Leaves & seed contain saponins which are much more toxic to some creatures, such as fish, and fish hunter have traditionally put large quantities of them in streams, lakes etc in order to stupefy or kill the fish. . Medicinal_value            The seed is antirheumatic and emetic. The sweet tasting seed is said to be used in the treatment of contracted limbs that are due to palsy or rheumatism. It is also used in the treatment of stomach aches.The seed is antirheumatic and emetic.  Re...

Derris scandens , Gonj, tup-bel(Hindi), Jewel vine(English) , Taam-Mapak(Nyishi)

Derris scandens  Family:- Fabaceae Common Name:- Gonj, tup-bel(Hindi), Jewel vine(English)  Vernacular name:- Taam-Mapak(Nyishi) General_Information            Derris scandens is a large climbing plant which are found in subtropical forest of Arunachal Pradesh. It has been used as active ingredient in Thai traditional medicine recipes for pain treatment. Dry stem powder and ethanolic extract also recommended in Thailand National List of Essential Medicines (NLEMs) for musculoskeletal pain treatment as herbal medicine. However, no summarization of clinical effect and safety has been evaluated.           Derris scandens is an evergreen climbing shrub with branched stems up to 20 metres long growing from a taproot. The woody stems are 2 - 5cm in diameter, they scramble over the ground, climbing into nearby vegetation and supporting themselves by twining. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medi...

Pandanus furcatus , Himalayan screw pine ,Taku(Nyishi)

Pandanus furcatus  Family:- Pandanaceae  Common name:- Himalayan screw pine. Vernacular name:- Taku(Nyishi) uses           The leaves are used for making cots and mats by tribals of Arunachal Pradesh. They are also used for thatching. The stems are used for making floats and fishing nets. The wood is moderately hard on the outside, but very soft inside. medicinal_Uses The leaves are used as a remedy for snake bites. Sources:- click from Kimin, Arunachal Pradesh. Reference

Rhododendron ferrugineum , Rhododendron, Snow rose , Tongrong Apong(Nyishi)

Rhododendron ferrugineum  Common Name:- Rhododendron, Snow rose etc Family:- Ericaceae  Vernacular Name:- Tongrong Apong(Nyishi) description            Rhododendron ferrugineum is an evergreen shrub that grows up to 1m tall and produces clusters of pinkish-red, bell-shaped flowers throughout the summer. The undersides of the leaves are covered in rust-brown spots, which give the species its scientific name. It can be widely seen over the high altitude of Arunachal Pradesh. Arunachal Pradesh has the highest number of Rhododendron species among all the states of North East. Highest number of the species can be seen at Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh.  medicinal_value            Despite serious safety concerns, rusty-leaved rhododendron is used in combination with other herbs for painful conditions such as gout, muscle and joint pain (rheumatism), nerve pain (neuralgia), sciatica, face pain (trigemi...

Never underestimate your life.

After 8.4 million lives, we get human life..Isn't it?  Wake up!  Never underestimate your life. It is the most precious.. You never know what talents are hidden within and what you need to offer it to the world.. Relax.. The divine who created you has also created a beautiful world for you.. Be grateful.. Getting into something is a blessing.. Getting out of something is also a blessing.. WAVES OF HAPPINESS 

Take more responsibility

Sometimes, you lift the baby up and make him see the world with a bigger vision..Right?? Wake up!  Take more responsibility.. Uplift people around you.. The best form of service is to uplift someone's state of mind.. Just do it.. Relax.. Don't worry about what others think about you.. Be centered.. If the world calls you crazy, let it be.. You save your mind at all costs.. WAVES OF HAPPINESS 

Make others comfortable..

There are times when the mind thinks, " What about me, what about me??". Isn't it? Wake up!  When you realize that you are getting too selfish, just do random acts of kindness.. Make others comfortable.. Relax.. Don't be too hard upon yourself.. Spread smiles, spread love.. Do something useful and create waves of positivity around.. You are needed.. I am with you.. WAVES OF HAPPINESS 

Be centered

Even a tiny grass in the garden has a purpose..Right? Wake up!  Everything has a purpose.. Don't blame others.. They all are part of God's creation.. Everybody is there to make you stronger.. Relax. We spend the whole energy grumbling or worrying over small things.. Be centered.. Use the same energy to reach unimaginable heights.. You are here for bigger purpose.. WAVES OF HAPPINESS 

Acocado mousse

Acocado mousse Ingredients 1 Cup coconut milk  4 small avocados or 2 large 1 tsp limes juiced 2 tablespoon honey or brown suger 1 tablespoon chopped pistachio (optional) cardamon half tea spoon Instructions In a blender, blend all the ingredients together, except the pistachios, until obtaining a lump-free, homogeneous, creamy mixture. Reference

Yellow coconut sambal

Yellow coconut sambal 1/2 Fresh Coconut or 100g cocont 1 Onion 1 Chile, fresh 1/2ts musted seed 60 ml -water 2 Galic 1/2 ts Turmeric 1/2 ts Cinnamon, ground Curry leaf sprigs 1/4 ts Fenugreek 1 Lime, juice of -salt to taste Take coconut, chop the onion and chile and slice the galic. Place in a pan, add the water, cinnamon, turmeric, curry leaves and fenugreek and cook until onions are soft. Add the water, stir well and cook for a couple of minutes. Add the lime juice and salt to taste.  Reference

Sago recipe

Sago 4-5 tbsp sago or tapioca pearls warm water to pre-soak sago ¼ cup water for pot 1 0 cup coconut milk  ⅛ tsp ground cinnamon Salt ⅛ tsp cardamom  2 tbsp brown sugar or jaggery to sweeten cashew nut and rasins Pour enough warm water over sago, just enough to cover. Let it soak in the water for about 6-7 minutes. In a small saucepan, bring ¼ cup water to a boil. Add sago to pot, reduce heat and let simmer until water has almost evaporated. Pour in milk, mixed essence, and spices. Let mixture boil 10 minutes or until tapioca pearls are completely translucent. Add sugar or jaggery to sweeten.Take off heat and add the cashews and the raisins. You can serve this either hot or cool. Reference


         Where there is space, air begins to move, and the compound qualities of space and air manifest as cold, light, dry, rough, mobile, erratic, and clear.  Think of vata as the currents of the body. The body knows the food goes in the mouth, then down and out. It is vata that ushers it along. There is nothing problematic about the qualities of space and air or their function. However, if a body has accumulated too many of these qualities, certain aspects can get out of balance. For instance, the fall season is windy, dry, and cold, so the body gets this way after a little while (unless, of course, one is taking care to keep warm, eat warming, moist foods, and drink warm water). Too many vata qualities can result in signs of imbalance, such as gas and constipation, increasingly dry skin, and anxiety. HEALTHY VATA ENSURES THAT THE BODY HAS • Consistent elimination • Free breathing • Good circulation • Keen senses  TOO MANY VATA QUALITIES MIGHT CAUSE...

Curry powder For the thuna paha

Curry powder For the thuna paha 200 g coriander seeds 100 gcumin seeds 50 g fennel seeds  (1 inch) cinnamon sticks 20fresh curry leaves 25g raw mungdhalor rice 5 cardomon 5 cloves 4 long pepper (Tippili) 5g asafodita in a dry frying pan (skillet) set over a low heat, dry-roast ingredients separately 5 Minits.put all the ingredients into a spice grinder and grind into a fine powder. Mix the blended powder well and keep it in an airtight container . Reference


Most people who have heard of Ayurveda have heard of the doshas. Dosha literally means “that which is at fault.”1 But doshas aren’t a problem until imbalance has been hanging around in the body awhile.  These energies do good or ill, depending on whether they are in a relative state of balance. That’s why it is more important to understand how to maintain balance.  Each performs a specific function in the body and manifests as a recognizable grouping of qualities. VATA (VA-tah) is the energy of movement. PITTA (PITT-ah) is the energy of transformation. KAPHA (CUP-hah) is the energy of structure and lubrication together Reference

Ceylon cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon is a powerhouse of nutrients and helps your body in a variety of different ways. The oils found in Ceylon cinnamon are said to soothe spasms, lower cholesterol and reduce gas pain in the abdomen. Little amounts of cinnamon can also stimulate your appetite.  Ceylon cinnamon is also said to be effective for diabetes patients, as it helps in lowering blood sugar. Cinnamon tea also helps in weight loss and also soothes menstrual cramps. A compound called ‘tannins’ found in Ceylon cinnamon can help in healing wounds by acting as an astringent. Reference

Pumpkin is a sattvic food

Pumkin  According to Ayurveda, pumpkin is a sattvic food.Pumpkin a nutritious vegetable included in our diet possessing various health benefits. Pumpkin fruit is a natural coolant. It is used as a remedy for fatigue, body-ache, loose stools, intestinal worm infestation etc. It has beneficial effect on teeth, throat and eye. Seeds are considered as good brain tonic. Pumpkin fruit is used to cure fatigue, thirst, cold, ache, throat and eye infection. It purifies the blood. In children it cures excess body fat, gastric problems and irritable bladder. Pumpkin seeds are used to treat irritable bladder and prostatic complains. They are anti-parasitic, taenicide and diuretic. Seeds have beneficial effect on spleen, lungs and kidney. Treats gastritis, burns, chest pain, thirst, enteritis, bronchitis, fever, headaches, neuralgia, hemorrhoids, anemia, constipation etc Leaves are easy for digestion. They are used as a remedy for nausea, fever, pain, biliousness, bladder disorders,...

Guruji Always Looks Out For You

During the silver jubilee celebrations, I was the only one from the 20 participants of my Part-1 Course, who could attend the celebrations in Bangalore! At one point in life, I was so shy and now I was going all alone from Mumbai to Bangalore, an unknown place, unknown people and with no company since my group went a day before me by train. But I know Gurudev was with me throughout my trip. He made all the arrangements through someone or the other to make my journey comfortable and memorable and mainly, to make me strong. Whether it was flight booking, vehicle arrangement or accommodation. He took care of everything. The most important and miraculous thing was that in the crowd of about 25-30 lakhs people at the event, i was separated from my group of about 10-12 people for the whole day even though we were on the same grounds. Secondly, I did not have the location of the place where my group and I were staying. When the Satsang was about to end, I was worried about what was going to h...

My Guru – My Guide

This was the time when my elder daughter Aparna was in the tenth standard.She is an intelligent and hardworking girl, but the marks she got never used to match with her intelligence and efforts.She used to get dejected because of this.When she was in the lower classes, I wasn’t bothered much about her marks but now she was in Tenth grade which is a crucial year for any student.It is the First stepping stone of her career !!! We both were worried. Then one night Aparna saw Guruji in her dream.She saw that she is travelling with Guruji in a white Ambassador car and imagine, Guruji was in trousers and a shirt.After a while, Guruji put his fingers on her ajnachakra,made some symbols and Aparna woke up.Next morning she told me about her dream and I just listened. That night he had changed her fortune.That night onwards she has never looked back.A few days later, she again saw a dream that her results were out and that she had to see the Principal to take her result.She was feeling afraid to...

My Healing Hero

The first miracle I experienced with Guruji was during my first Sudarshan Kriya in my Part 1 Course. I’d had an accident in 1998 where I had fractured two bones on my right knee. They had healed well but I had been told by the doctor to avoid sitting on the floor.But being a nursery school teacher I could not avoid sitting on the floor so I had started having a problem with my right leg.If I sat down I could not get up without support.When I joined the Part 1 Course in 2000,I was a bit apprehensive and was under the impression that I couldn’t meditate. But wonder of wonders after the first Sudarshan Kriya,I was out for almost 35-40 minutes. I was told that was Samadhi meditation. After the Kriya, before I went into meditation,I felt a person’s leg touch mine. All the 45 people in that course were unknown to me. After meditation, as I opened my eyes, a young girl comes up to me and asks me if I have hurt my right knee as Guruji had asked her to heal it. I was shocked as no one there kne...

Life Changer – Guruji’s Visit To Mumbai, 2011

One of the best experiences of my life was when Guruji came to Mumbai in 2011, mid January,and the best part was my birthday too came on 15th January. I always wondered that meeting Guruji would only be a distant dream as there are so many people around with many things happening around him. But it started from the first day out of the 3 days he was in Mumbai.On the first day I met Guruji in such a way that I never felt there was anyone around, though there was a huge crowd. I asked him what I wanted to and got its answers. At that time it felt as if we were the only 2 walking and chatting as friends. Never knew that meeting him in such a way was ever possible. All the days that Guruji was in Mumbai,meeting him did not require to push nor pull anybody near Him. I suppose, that was the magic of ‘Dropping all the efforts’ as Guruji says during meditation. The gifts kept showering in his presence, for all 3 days He was here, I had this friend of mine who accompanied me at all places durin...

Daan Se Dhan Ki Shuddhi Hoti Hai

Couple of years ago, there was a phase in my life where I was not making any good money for myself. This was something that kept bothering me as I did not know what to do about the same. Then someone happened to tell me about the DSY(Dharma StambhYojna) Schemeof the Art of Living .The goal of this scheme is to effectively channel monetary resources, from the individuals who are willing to contribute, to the service projects in the field,where their contribution can have the most beneficial impact on society. I felt that even though I am not making money,I want to contribute to this good cause. So I did give my contribution to this scheme in the form of cheques of a certain fixed amount. Just after that ,work started coming my way and I started making money.You could call this a coincidence if you like , but for me it was much more . It was a sign,a miracle.It clearly proved to me that if you give to society,it gives back to you. The following year, I doubled the amount. And work has ju...

An Instrument Of Grace

Guruji had designed a very beautiful course called the “blessings course”, After the Tsunami catastrophe Guruji came up with the blessing course program where He trained teachers and participants to become blessers. So that they could go ahead, reach out to people and bless them, by being instruments of Gurudev. By blessing even the blessers feel so much positive and good about themselves. One such incident happened in my life where I had to bless someone and their life changed through the grace of our Master. I was in Mumbai and gave blessing to a maid servant as she was very depressed. The day after her husband got a job. On the next sunday she came with sweets to our home as her younger daughter got engaged. They were looking for a match for past 1.5 years. After few days she came back and was very happy: Her elder daughter won Rs. 1 cr lottery. It was unbelievable but is true. Then what followed was a long waiting queue outside my room for taking blessings. Being with Guruji is the...

The Giver Gives In Abundance

On 29th October, 2012 I had gone for Vikram Bhaiya’s satsang to Belapur. On the way back home, the bus was travelling at a very high speed, which ofcourse was enjoyable. But suddenly, a gentleman on his motorcycle came in front of this bus. To avoid the accident, obviously the bus driver instantly pressed the brakes due to which the bus skid forcefully & this force was so enormous that I have gone flying from my seat, onto the staircase of the bus. I did bang my hand & I hurt my leg.But I am thankful to Guruji because if the skid would have been more powerful, I would not land on the staircase, but would have gone straight into the glass of the bus. MIRACLE POSSIBLE ONLY BY BIG BOSS. This is not all, theres one more incident – There is a saying in hindi, “DENE VALA JAB BHI DETA, DETA CHAPAD PHAAD KE”(When the Giver gives,He gives in abundance). But I say, DADIWALA JAB BHI DETA, DETA CHAPAD PHAAD KE, that is because one day I was going on thinking of the Surya Namaskar, I wante...

He Can Make Every Wish Come True

We are from the organization named ‘Dreamz Home’ based at Malad in Mumbai. We are not followers of Art of Living but we have had one such miracle which made us believe that it has happened only because of Sri Sri Guruji. In 2006, we wanted to start this organization for orphans and street kids. We were prepared with the money. But the owner of the place which we wanted to buy was not ready to vacate it and he never used to talk to us and give us a definite reply. Nearly 3 months passed in tension. Every evening, I used to pray that we get that place soon. One day when I was praying in a temple, a lady came to me and asked me why I was looking so tensed. I told her the entire story and then she gave me a photograph of Guruji and told me to pray to him. She also assured me that our job will be done. The next evening, I prayed to Guruji. Unbelievably, within 10 minutes, the owner of that place himself called me up and told me that he had decided to give us that place and that he would vac...

Sri Sri Gave Me Shelter

When I decided to go for my advance course to Bangalore,at that time,I had no place to stay here in Mumbai,as I decided to move out from the place where I was staying.I had looked for another place but the owner said that I would have to share the room and that also it will be available only after 5th June.I packed my stuff,kept at my friends place,some bags in my friends car and boarded the flight for Bangalore. On with my advance course,and in silence for 3 days,on the 3rd day when we came out of the silence,and in the evening as the satsang got over,the landlord of the new place called me saying you can come on 30th and you will be given the full room of service apartment to yourself.I was in distress,that where will I stay when I go back.But thanks to Sri Sri for taking care of all my needs and giving me such a beautiful and peaceful place to stay.Thank you Jai Gurudev.  - Pallavi Dutt

Netra Tharpanam

Tharpanam Netra Tharpanam is a rejuvenation treatment for the eyes. Eyes are bathed in a pure form of medicated ghee for about 2 to 10 minutes. The treatment strengthens the optical nerves, prevents cataract and gives a cooling effect to the eyes. The treatment reduces pain and burning sensation in the eyes. This cures dry eye syndrome and 


Weekly Knowledge 100 Mauritius 07 May 1997  Mauritius DROP YOUR SELF IMAGE Kashiap : "How do you make everyone happy?" Guruji : "Become me." Rama : "How do we become you?" What stands between you and me is your self image. Your self image restricts you from being me. Self image whether good or bad causes misery. When you think good about yourself in a very subtle manner you think bad about others. Then anger, jealousy, hatred - everything follows. When you think bad about yourself you feel low and again you start getting angry and you hate everyone else. If you think good about yourself you are in trouble and when you think bad about yourself you are in greater trouble. So drop your self image. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र १०० ७ मई, १९९७ मॉरिशियस स्वयं के प्रति धारणाएँ छोड़ दो कश्यप: सबको खुश कैसे रखे? श्री श्री : मैं बन जाओ । राम: हम आप कैसे बन सकते है? तुम्हारे और मेरे बीच केवल तुम्हारी अपनी निर्धारित धारणाएँ है। तुम्हारी खुद के प्र...


Weekly Knowledge 99 Bangalore Ashram 30 Apr 1997  India WHAT ENHANCES YOUR BEAUTY? When your mind is not complaining, responsible, courageous, confident and hollow and empty you are inexplicably beautiful. A person who cannot correct or act has no right to complain. And when a person can correct or act, he will never complain. Complaining is a sign of weakness. Complaining is the nature of utter ignorance where one does not know the Self. Complaint takes away the Beauty that is inborn in you. And it shows up more on the one who is on this path. Worldly mind is a complaining mind; Divine mind is a dancing mind. Just complaining without indicating the solution is irresponsibility. When the solutions are not workable, finding alternative solutions is Courage. For external beauty, you put on things; for real Beauty, you have to drop all the things. For external beauty you have to have Make-up; for your real Beauty you only have to realise that you are MADE-UP! 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   ...


Weekly Knowledge 98 Banglore Ashram 24 Apr 1997 India THREE KINDS OF LOVE There are three kinds of Love. The Love that comes out of Charm, that which comes out of comfort, and the Divine Love. Do you see what I am saying? The love that comes out of charm does not last long. It comes out of unfamiliarity or out of attraction. In this you lose the attraction fast, and boredom sets in, like most love marriages. This love may diminish and bring along with it fear, uncertainty, insecurity, and sadness. The Love that comes out of comfort and familiarity grows. But this Love has no thrill, no enthusiasm, joy, or fire to it. For example, you are more comfortable with an old friend who is a familiar person, rather than with a new person. The Divine Love supersedes both the above. The Divine Love has ever newness. The closer you go, there is more charm and depth. The Divine Love has comfort, enthusiasm, and familiarity. There is never boredom and it keeps everyone on their toes. Worldly love can...


Weekly Knowledge 97 Calcutta 17 Apr 1997 India SATSANG IS THE SHELTER Why do people need homes? Can they live like animals in the forest without shelter? Even intelligent animals make their homes. Man needs protection from changing nature. So he builds a shelter for physical comforts. In the same way, for spiritual and mental comfort - Satsang is the shelter. One who does not do Satsang is like a wild animal. Satsang alone makes one civilized. Satsang is the shelter from the changing times and its harsh influence on life.  *Satsang is the nest in which you can rest.*  If you are a taker of happiness, you get misery. If you are a giver of happiness, you get joy and love. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०९७ १७ अप्रैल, १९९७ कलकत्ता , भारत सत्संग आश्रय है लोगो को घरों की आवश्यकता क्यों है ? क्या वे बिना किसी आश्रय के , पशुओं की तरह, जंगलों में रह सकते है ? बुद्धिमान जानवर भी अपना घर बनाते है मनुष्य को प्रकृति के बदलते हुए वातावरण से सुरक्षा चाहिए , इसलिए वह अप...


Weekly Knowledge 95 Rishikesh 03 Apr 1997 India EXPAND YOUR VICES If you cannot get rid of vices, increase them. Worry, pride, anger, lust, grief - give them a bigger dimension and a different direction. Anger - what is the point of getting angry about small events? Be angry about the infinite, about Brahma. Ego, pride - If you cannot get rid of pride, take pride in owning THE DIVINE. Greed - Be greedy for SATSANG. Craving - Crave for truth. Aversion - Be averse to aversions. Jealousy - Be jealous about SEVA. Intoxication - Get intoxicated in the DIVINE. Attachment - Attach yourself to the guru. Joy is love for what is. Sorrow is love for what is not. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०९५ ३ अप्रैल , १९९७ ऋषिकेश, भारत अपने अवगुणों को बढ़ाओ अपने अवगुणो से यदि छुटकारा नहीं पा सकते हो तो उनको और बढ़ाओ। चिंता, अहंकार , क्रोध, लालसा , दुःख-इनको एक नया आयाम दो , एक अलग दिशा। क्रोध : छोटी-छोटी घटनाओं पर क्रोधित होने का क्या लाभ ? क्रोध ही करना है तो अनंतता पर करो , ब्रह्म पर ...

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