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Showing posts from March 14, 2023

Thirukkannapuram, Nagapattinam District, District, Tamil Nadu

இராமனதீசுவரர் கோயில், Ramanatheecharam / இராமனதீச்சரம் / திருக்கண்ணபுரம் – Thirukkannapuram, Nagapattinam District, District, Tamil Nadu. This is the 194th Thevara Paadal Petra Shiva Sthalam and 77th sthalam on the south side of river Kaveri of Chozha Nadu. This place is now called as Thirukkannapuram. This place was called as Rama nandheecharam which was corrupted to Ramanatheecharam. This temple place is as part of Thirukkannapuram. In Periyapuranam, Sekkizhar records that Thirugnanasambandar came to this temple after worshiping Lord Shiva of Thiruchengattankudi. In that he didn’t mentioned this temple in particular, instead mentioned as other Shiva temples on the way. சீரின் மலிந்த சிறப்பின் மேவும் சிறுத்தொன்டர் நண்புடன் செல்ல நல்ல வேரி நறும்தொங் கல்மற் றவரும் விடைஅரு ளப்பெற்று மீண்டபின்பு நீரின்மலிந்த சடையர் மேவிநிகழும் பதிகள் பலபணிந்து பாரின் மலிந்து நிறைந்த செல்வம் பயில்புக லூர்நகர்ப் பாங்கு அணைந்தார் Thirugnanasambandar and Vallalar has sung hymns in praise of Lord Shiva of this...

Thiruvannamalai Parvathamalai

Thiruvannamalai Parvathamalai,  Thiruvannamalai Parvathamalai is located at Thenmathimangalam village which is about 20 kms off Polur. Polur is some 35 kms north of Thiruvannamalai. Kadaladi which is about 25Kms north of Thiruvannamalai is another route to reach the base of the hill. There's a very powerful Lord Shiva temple at the top of the Parvathamalai hill. Devas and spiritual beings from other lokas worship here every night. This is a place visited by numerous Siddhas for Shiva worship. During the Pournami full moon, this hill attracts a lot of devotees. This is a place vested with a lot of spiritual power.  Atop the hill are a Shiva temple apparently 2000 years old and an Ashram which is quite recently constructed. The presiding deity of the temple is Lord Mallikarjuna Swamy. One of the most popular theories attributed to the origin of Parvathamalai is that it was formed when a part of the Sanjeevani mountain that Lord Hanuman carried, fell down to form this existing hi...

Putranjiva roxburghii (Syn. Drypetes roxburghii, Nageia putranjiva) – Putranjivaceae , Putranjiva

Putranjiva roxburghii (Syn.: Drypetes roxburghii, Nageia putranjiva) – Putranjivaceae. Commonly known as: Putranjiva, Lucky Bean Tree, Putijia etc. A famous, moderate-sized, evergreen tree with pendant branches and dark grey bark planted in parks / gardens.  A multipurpose tree species (MPTS) that is grown as an ornamental, leaves can be used as fodder, wood fuel and the tree parts are also used in traditional medicine. The seeds of the tree are especially used for treating female infertility. Surendra Parihar 

Mimusops elengi Common name‎: ‎Spanish cherry, Maulasiree (मौलसिरी), Urdu: Kirakuli किराकुली, मराठी : बकुळी, Sanskrit: चिरपुष्प

 Mimusops elengi Common name‎: ‎Spanish cherry, Maulasiree (मौलसिरी), Urdu: Kirakuli किराकुली, मराठी : बकुळी, Sanskrit: चिरपुष्प Medicinal_Plants (used in alternative system of medicine) Molshree Tree, Mimusops elengi is a medium-sized evergreen tree.  It is common in "Southeast Asia and northern Australia. It flowers in April to June - July and produces fruits till winter. Besides Spanish cherry, it is known as medlar, and bullet wood. Its timber is valuable, and the fruit is edible. As the trees give thick shade and flowers emit fragrance, it is a popular gardens tree. Its flower is the provincial flower of Yala Province of Thailand. Ayurvedic uses The bark, flowers, fruits, and seeds are used in Ayurvedic medicine in which "it is purported to be astringent, cooling, anthelmintic, tonic, and febrifuge". It is mainly used for dental ailments such as bleeding gums, pyorrhea, dental caries, and loose teeth". Other uses The edible fruit is soft, hairy, be...

Plumbago auriculata (common names नीला चित्रक, blue plumbago, Cape plumbago or Cape leadwort), syn. P. capensis

Plumbago auriculata (common names नीला चित्रक, blue plumbago, Cape plumbago or Cape leadwort), syn. P. capensis, is a species of flowering plant in the family Plumbaginaceae, native to South Africa. (Pic from Central Park, Jaipur). An evergreen plant grows as a household small plant or as a climber. It has blue/ light blue / white flowers. "Plumbago auriculata is a medicinal herb plant. The name has a root from the Latin word plumbum, meaning lead, because it has some pharmaceutical effects for lead poisoning (Asha Saji, V. T. Antony, 2015) . Also it is used as a phytoremediator for lead and cadmium."  "This plant is usually used in traditional medicine in India, like treating wounds, broken bones, and headache. ... metabolites have been ... isolated from Plumbago auriculata such as Plumbagin, palmitic acids." Pawan kumar Gupta 

सफ़ेद शहतूत के मादा फूल। Female flowers of white mulberry plant.Morus alba, popularly known as white mulberry

सफ़ेद शहतूत के मादा फूल। Female flowers of white mulberry plant. Morus alba, popularly known as white mulberry, is a fast-growing, small to medium-sized tree which grows to 10–20 m tall. Giving tasty fruits, the tree has many other uses as food and medicine. The flowers are female. "Male and female flowers are usually on separate trees although they may occur on the same tree." Pawan kumar Gupta 

Thuja occidentalis, "also known as northern white-cedar or eastern arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis, "also known as northern white-cedar or eastern arborvitae, is an evergreen coniferous tree, in the cypress family Cupressaceae, which is native to eastern Canada" Thuja is a tree. The leaves and leaf oil are used as a medicine. Thuja is used for respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, bacterial skin infections, and cold sores. It is also used for painful conditions including osteoarthritis and a nerve disorder that affects the face called trigeminal neuralgia". "The health benefits of thuja essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an anti-rheumatic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insect repellent, rubefacient, stimulant, tonic, and vermifuge substance." Pawan kumar Gupta 

Ficus racemosa (syn. Ficus glomerata Roxb.), गूलर, Cluster fig or Gular

Ficus racemosa (syn. Ficus glomerata Roxb.), गूलर, Cluster fig or Gular "is a species of plant in the family Moraceae.  Popularly known as the cluster fig tree, Indian fig tree or goolar (gular) fig, this is native to Australia, Malaysia, South-East Asia and the Indian Subcontinent. It is unusual in that its figs grow on or close to the tree trunk, termed cauliflory. In India the tree and its fruit are called gular in the north and atti in the south." The tree has medicinal properties and used in Ayurvedic medicine. It also serves as food. Pawan kumar Gupta 

Tecoma capensis (Thunb.) Lindl. (Cape Honeysuckle)

Tecoma capensis (Thunb.) Lindl. (Cape Honeysuckle) is a perennial shrub of family Bignoniaceae Tecoma capensis is an evergreen shrub. The plant is used as a medicine, fuel, and a garden plant. It is grown as a hedge, and is a common ornamental plant. It has profuse, attractive flowering with yellow, orange, and red dioecious flowers. The flowers attract birds and insects. Medicinal uses (only for information, may be used only after consulting qualified doctor, / vaidya): "The powdered bark is used in the treatment of fevers, pneumonia and stomach troubles ... rubbed on bleeding gums to promote blood clotting. A leaf decoction is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and for intestinal inflammation. It is believed to ease pain and produce sleep." Other Use:  "The cape honeysuckle is a wonderful hedging plant with good regrowth ability after pruning and normally dense and colourful foliage over a long time. It protects the surrounding soil from erosion, whilst its...

Jacaranda mimosifolia of family Bignoniaceae. Commonly just called Jacaranda

Jacaranda mimosifolia of family Bignoniaceae. Commonly just called Jacaranda.  In Hindi it is called as नीली गुलमोहर or नीलकंठor simply जकरन्दा. "The plant is gathered from the wild for local use as a medicine, fuel and source of timber. It has been introduced as an ornamental in most parts of the tropics." "Jacaranda species have also been used traditionally to treat venereal infections, gastrointestinal disorders, leishmaniasis, colds and rheumatism." "The timber is yellowish-white, hard, moderately heavy, fine textured, easy to work, and is used for carpentry. Wood is light brown and soft. It is used for poles and for making small items such as tool handles and carvings. Provides a useful firewood." Pawan kumar Gupta 

There are many benefits of Coral tree reported in literature

Erythrina variegata, commonly known as Tiger's Claw or Indian Coral Tree. पारिभद्र, फरहद, इत्यादि। In comments a friend adds "Paribhadra, Paladhua, Minjari in Odia". Erythrina variegata is valued as an ornamental tree.  In Vietnam, the leaves are used to wrap fermented meat. In the Philippines its bark and leaves are used in alternative medicine. This is also used in Siddha medicine,. It is often used in agroforestry systems. It can be used for fodder as its foliage has a good nutritive value for most livestock. The seeds are poisonous in their raw state, but can be cooked and eaten.  More benefits in medicine etc are given in comments. There are many benefits of Coral tree reported in literature: 1. Reduce cholesterol 2. Improve digestive strength                                                ...

Moringa Oleifera leaf extract inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cells

सहजन के पत्ते और पैंक्रियाज का कैंसर: "Moringa Oleifera aqueous leaf extract down-regulates nuclear factor-kappaB and increases cytotoxic effect of chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer cells Liron Berkovich, Gideon Earon, Ilan Ron, Adam Rimmon, Akiva Vexler and Shahar Lev-AriEmail author BMC Complementary and Alternative MedicineThe official journal of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR)201313:212 © Berkovich et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. 2013 Received: 21 February 2013Accepted: 8 August 2013Published: 19 August 2013 Open Peer Review reports Abstract Background Fewer than 6% patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas live up to five years after diagnosis. Chemotherapy is currently the standard treatment, however, these tumors often develop drug resistance over time. Agents for increasing the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy or reducing the cancer cells’ chemo-resistance to the drugs are required to improve treatment outcome. Nu...

Combretum indicum, as the Chinese honeysuckle or Rangoon creeper, is a vine

Combretum indicum, also known as the Chinese honeysuckle or Rangoon creeper, is a vine with red flower clusters and is found in Asia. It is found in many other parts of the world either as a cultivated ornamental or run wild.  Hindi name is Madhu Malti or Madhumalti मधुमालती. (More pictures in comments) The flowers emit mild fragrance. In bunches they are attractive. The flowers are said to strategically change colour. "The flower is initially white and opens at dusk. This attracts hawkmoths with long tongues for pollination. On the second day it turns pink and on the third it turns red attracting day flying bees and birds." "The plant is used as an herbal medicine. Decoctions of the root, seed or fruit can be used as antihelminthic to expel parasitic worms or for alleviating diarrhea. Fruit decoction can also be used for gargling. The fruits are also used to combat nephritis. Leaves can be used to relieve pain caused by fever. The roots are used to treat rhe...

जामुन "Syzygium cumini (Eugenia jambolana Lam.), known as jambul, jambolan, jamblang or jamun

Like to colour your tongue purple and enjoy the taste too. जामुन "Syzygium cumini (Eugenia jambolana Lam.), known as jambul, jambolan, jamblang or jamun, is an evergreen tropical tree in the flowering plant family Myrtaceae.Syzygium cumini is native to the Indian Subcontinent and adjoining regions of Southeast Asia. The species ranges across India,Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The name of the fruit is sometimes mistranslated as blackberry, which is a different fruit in an unrelated family. A slow growing species, it can reach heights of up to 30 m and can live more than 100 years. Its dense foliage provides shade and is grown just for its ornamental value. At the base of the tree, the bark is rough and dark grey, becoming lighter grey and smoother higher up. The wood is water resistant. Because of this it is used in railway sleepers and to install motors in wells. It is sometimes us...

Interesting history of Assam Medical College ,Dibrugarh

Interesting history of Assam Medical College ,Dibrugarh Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh is one of the premier and oldest medical institutes of the NE region of India. British Philanthropist Sir John Berry White, a retired brigadier of British army and later the civil surgeon of the erstwhile Lakhimpur district in 1870, contributed his lifetime earning of Rupees Fifty Thousand (present day valuation is more than 50 million of rupees to establish his brain child “Berry White Medical School” in 1900 AD. This school heralded the beginning of Allopathic Medical Education by conferring LMP Diploma in old undivided Assam. In 1938, the Assam Branch of Licentiate Medical Practitioner in its annual meeting under the chairmanship of Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi, the then premier of the Congress Govt. of Assam decided to upgrade the Berry White Medical School to a full fledged Medical College,   Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh was established in 3rd November 1947, in the erstwhile...

Impatiens balsamina

Impatiens balsamina  Common names: Garden balsam, garden jewelweed, rose balsam, spotted snapweed, touch-me-not). This is a native to southern Asia in India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. It is a popular garden plant. "Different parts of the plant are used as traditional remedies for disease and skin afflictions. Juice from the leaves is used to treat warts and snakebite, and the flower is applied to burns. This species has been used as indigenous traditional medicine in Asia for rheumatism, fractures, and other ailments. In Korean folk medicine, this impatiens species is used as a medicine called bongseonhwa dae (봉선화대) for the treatment of constipation and gastritis. Chinese used the plant to treat those bitten by snakes or who ingested poisonous fish.Juice from the stalk, pulverised dried stalks, and pastes from the flowers were also used to treat a variety of ailments. Vietnamese wash their hair with an extract of the plant to stimulate hair growth. One in vitro study f...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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