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Showing posts from March 10, 2023

Have 3-5 Anjir (Fig fruit) a day and keep cancer away

Have 3-5 Anjir (Fig fruit) a day and keep cancer away. Fig fruit contains three anti cancer compounds like benzaldehyde, coumarins and lupeol. Benzaldehyde induces the destruction of mitochondrial structure of cancer-infected cells, digestion of broken organelles by secondary lysosomes (in cells affected by cancer) and prompts the cancer cells to autophagic cell death (cell suicide). Investigators at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tokyo say benzaldehyde is highly effective at shrinking tumors. Coumarins are useful both as food chemicals in anti-cancer diets and anti-HIV therapy and are effective in breast cancer chemotherapy. Lupeol blocks the function of the protein NF-KB which assists cancer-promoting cells in the process of growth and repairs and suppresses the growth and spread of liver, prostate, and breast cancer. Figs are used widely for the treatment of major diseases like cancer and paralysis. Dr. Kochi from Japan, who specializes in using figs for its medi...

Glucosinolates of Moringa and Cruciferous vegetables, the best antioxidants in world.

Glucosinolates of Moringa and Cruciferous vegetables, the best antioxidants in world. Glucosinolates (Mustard oil glycosides) are sulphur containing glycosides responsible for the pungent taste and characteristic flavor of drumstick, mustard, horse-raddish etc. They are the long lasting antioxidants actve in the body as many as 3 to 4 days after the food containing them has been consumed (Please see below). They are present in almost all the members of Brassicaceae, Capparaceae and related taxa. In the plant an enzyme myrosinase occurs spatially separated from these compounds. But on crushing the enzyme acts on the glucosinolates and liberate volatile isothiocyanates and glucose. The isothiocyanates have a general formula R N = C= S and various members of this group differ in R-group. More than 80 different isothiocyanates are reported and, due to their pungency and offensive odour, they protect the plants containing them from microbes, pests and herbivores. ...

Colorful fungi and their Pigments.

Colorful fungi and their Pigments.  (Photos: Fly Agaric, Cortinarius, Cantharellus, Ganoderma) Ever wondered how some of the fungi, especially the visible mushrooms possess characteristic brilliant colors? Yes they produce a wide variety of compounds like quinones, carotenoids, betacyanins, alkaloids, xanthones , biphenyls, melanin etc. The interested reader may refer (Jan and Karrel, 2011). Various pigments and other fungi constituents show important biological activities like antioxidative, free radical scavenging, anticarcinogenic, immunomodulatory, antiviral and antibacterial that have generated intensive research interest.   The important groups of pigments of fungi are as follows. 1. Quinones. Most of us are familiar with the ubiquitous plastoquinones, ubiquinones and tocopherols and vitamin K. But Quinones, the aromatic diketones, form the largest class of natural colouring matters and of the total 800 and more compounds...

Tips for Start-ups in Herbal or Ayurvedic Medicines

Tips for Start-ups in Herbal or Ayurvedic Medicines While delivering a lecture in a webinar on “Startup and Entrepreneurial Scope in Ayurvedic and Herbal products” in Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, I faced a few questions on how to start manufacturing unit by a Garduate in Botany, of course supported by A few teachers. Herewith I am providing you a few tips. As most of the aspirants do not have large amount of money to invest in setting up a factory having GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) facilities and expert man power and labour (To manage labourers is another big issue) one can go for either Loan licensing or Third Party manufacturing. Loan licensing is when you will rent a particular space and machinery in another well-established manufacturer for manufacturing your own brand name products. In that case, marketed by and manufactured by name will be your own company with manufacturing address detail of hired manufacturing unit. In Third Party manufacturing, you...

Better ways to prepare effective preparations of anticancer and biopesticidal Graveola ( Annona muricata)

Better ways to prepare effective preparations of anticancer and biopesticidal Graveola ( Annona muricata)   Annona muricata (Laxman Phal/ Hanuman phal, Mullatha in Mal) is a sought after plant known for its anticancer and biopesticidal potentials. Many patients collect leaves (found throughout year), boil them in water and drink. When fruits are available (Feb-April) they are eaten raw. Boiling leaves destroys the heat sensitive active compounds (acetogenins) and thus this extract may not give desired results at all (See properties of acetogenins below).  The anticancer activities are due to Acetogenins (also known as THF- tetrahydrofuran acetogenins) which are characterized by a hydrocarbon chain of 35-37 carbons having a -lactone ring on one end and one/two /three tetrahydrofuran rings in the middle (for e.g.. annomuricin, annonacin etc.) Two hundred and twelve bioactive compounds have been reported from A. muricata of which more than 120 a...

Conocarpus tree- a dangerous avenue and Garden tree

Conocarpus tree- a dangerous avenue and Garden tree Conocarpus erectus, a native of Tropical America, is a fast-growing and drought-resistant tree, for these reasons it is widely planted in almost all cities around around parking and as avenue trees on the the streets in recent years. The ministry of municipalities and ministry of higher education of Iraq has banned this species based on rumors about the infrastructure damages caused by this tree.   Conocarpus tree has negative effects or disadvantages that could harm and damage the country. It is advisable not to plant Conocarpus trees near buildings because of the ravages of its radical water system, which may cause damage to infrastructure, water pipes, and drainage. Conocarpus does produce pollens and twice a year. These pollution are the potential allergens that can cause some ill effects like the allergy to some people. A study conducted by researchers of the Department of Botany in the University...

Sharing PDF of our research articles with readers

Sharing PDF of our research articles with readers. I could publish 16 research papers in the last three years regarding Botany, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry of a number of medicinal plants including a few of “Dasamoola”, in addition to subjects like anomalous secondary thickening and allelopathy, with my students, in various journals. If any researcher from Botany, BioSciences, Pharmacy, Ayurveda etc. needs, I can share the PDF of the desired paper with them. Please send your email to me. The list of papers is given below. 1. A novel anomalous spiral secondary growth in roots of Trianthema portulacastrum L. 2020 2. An in-depth study on the phytochemical and pharmacognostic features of Pedalium murex L. 2020 3. Studies on the Allelopathic effects of two Social Forestry trees onTriticum aestivumvar Lok1.2021 4. Phytochemical and Pharmacognostic Studies on Limonia acidissima L. 2021 5. An Integrated Study On The Phytochemistry And Pharmacognosy Of Various Parts Of Trianthema portul...

Limonoids and Quassinoids, the bitter principles of Rutales

Limonoids and Quassinoids, the bitter principles of Rutales. (Photos: Limonin, Lemon and Simarouba(Laxmi-taru) We all are familiar with , though unknowingly, these compounds. The delayed bitterness of the juices from various Citrus spp., which were considered as the culprits lowering the juice quality, is due to limonoids. The word “Limonoids’ is derived from “limonin” the first bitter principle isolated from lemon. Limonoid aglycones that cause bitterness in numerous citrus fruits are converted into tasteless limonoid glucosides during fruit maturation. More than 50 limonoid aglycones and glucosides have been identified from various Citrus species. Over 300 limonoids have been isolated to date and about one-third are generated from neem (Azadirachta indica) and Chinaberry (Melia azedarach). These compounds are characteristically present in the order “Rutales” consisting of Rutaceae, Meliaceae, Simaroubaceae and Cneoraceae (Daniel, 2009).   ...

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds Pumpkin seeds for prostate enlargement and cancer. Prostate Problems (enlargement and cancer) occurs because during aging the male sex hormone testosterone get converted to a related compound, dihydrotestosterone which stimulates prostate cell proliferation. Eventually, an enlarged prostate can clamp down on the urethra, restricting the flow of urine from the bladder and semen. This leads to problems such as frequent urination, urine leakage, urinary tract infections and pain at the time of ejaculation. Prostate cancer is associated with urinary dysfunction as the prostate gland surrounds the prostatic urethra. There are only 2 drugs, finasteride (Proscar) and terazoin (Hytrin) to treat prostate enlargement in allopathic system of medicine. Proscar is not effective for about 50% of men and also causes side effects like decreased libido, ejaculatory problems and loss of erection. Surgery is often resorted to reduce the size of prostate. But in fo...

Have You Ever Thought?

*2. Have You Ever Thought?* 1. What is the purpose of your life? 2. What is the meaning of your life? 3. What is your life all about? These questions are very, very precious. When these questions dawn in your mind, only then your life begins. But, when these questions come into your mind, don't be in a hurry to get an answer. Those who know will not tell you and those who tell, don't know. You can plug your ears and walk off.  These questions are the tools by which you can dig deeper and the answers come from within you. Once these questions come into your life then you start "living" life rather than just existing. To know for what you are on this planet, find out what you are not here for. You are not here to be said. You are not here to blame. You are not here to be miserable. You are not here to worry. You are not here to show off. You are not here to get stressed out. You are not here to get irritated and irritate others. The list goes on. Gurudev Sri...

Araneri Achaleswarar Temple / Araneriappar Temple / Araneri, Thiruvarur, Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu.

Araneri Achaleswarar Temple / Araneriappar Temple / ஆருர் அரநெறி அசலேஸ்வரர் கோயில், Araneri, Thiruvarur, Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu. This is the 205th Thevaram Padal petra Shiva sthalam and 88th sthalam on the south side of Cauvery of Chozha Nadu. Moovar has sung hymns in praise of Lord Shiva of this temple. This temple is within the Thiruvarur Thiyagarajar temple complex also called as Achaleswarar Temple.  In Periyapuranam Sekkizhar records that Thirunavukkarasu Swamigal came to this temple worshiping Lord Shiva of Thiruvarur. நான்மறை நூல் பெருவாய்மை நமிநந்தி அடிகள் திருத்தொண்டின் நன்மைப் பான்மை நிலையால் அவரைப் பரமர் திரு விருத்தத்துள் வைத்துப் பாடித் தேன்மருவும் கொன்றையார் திருவாரூர் அரன்நெறியில் திகழும் தன்மை ஆன திறமும் போற்றி அணிவீதிப் பணி செய்து அங்கு அமரும் நாளில் Thirunavukkarasu Swamigal and vallalar has sung in praise of Lord Shiva of this temple. Vallalar has sung hymns combining Thiruvarur, Thiruvarur Araneri and Thiruvarur Paravaiyunmandali. எத்தீ புகினும் எமக்கு...

Woodfordia fruticosa

Woodfordia fruticosa  Common name:  Fire Flame Bush,  Red Bell Bush,  Dhawai etc. Lythraceae,  a spreading, deciduous shrub that ascends the Himalayas up to 1800 m, but is rarer in South India. An important medicinal plant as it is used in native medicine. This enters into the composition of many preparations, decoctions, churnas and ghritas for various diseases, but chiefly dysentery and diarrhoea by reason of its being highly astringent.  Surendra Parihar 

The wise have said that if someone slaps you on one cheek, turn the other cheek as well. I got slapped twice in this bargain. What to do, is it my ignorance?

Question - Gurudev, the wise have said that if someone slaps you on one cheek, turn the other cheek as well. I got slapped twice in this bargain. What to do, is it my ignorance? Gurudev Sri Sri - You got slapped twice by the same person or a different person? That makes all the difference. You know, you can keep turning your cheek to different people and they will only slap once, that does not show you of your intelligence. Got it! You should see whether the person who slaps you on one side, if he is sensitive and cultured then you can show the other cheek, no doubt. But if the same person is insensitive, then not the third time, because you have only two cheeks.

Sometimes while doing seva I lose interest. How to avoid this and what could be the reason for this?

Question - Gurudev, sometimes while doing seva I lose interest. How to avoid this and what could be the reason for this? Gurudev Sri Sri - Live life with moderation and balance. When you try to avoid the situation, it persists. Upanishads say tat vananeeta upasita', worship the Lord as if He is a forest. A forest has everything - tiger, sheep, cow, parrot, crow, flowers and thorns. It is always in balance. We never see imbalance in a forest. It is complete in itself. It is pure and there is place for everybody in it. Worship the Divine as if He is a forest, with fullness and equanimity. Similarly, in life there is happiness sometimes and sometimes sorrow. When one tries to escape from a situation then it persists. Thus, there is the first principle of The Art of Living' accept people and situations as they are. This is the path of nivritti, when vou have to be established within yourself. When we are established within ourselves, our capabilities, strengths, intellect and enthu...

Syzygium cumini (जामुन) Jamun

Syzygium cumini (जामुन) Jamun. Syzygium cumini, also known as jambul, jambolan, jamblang or jamun, is an evergreen tropical tree in the flowering plant family Myrtaceae. Syzygium cumini is a native to India and adjoining regions of Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia.  It has reference to Indian mythology also as the Indian subcontinent as often referred to as Jambu dweep in scriptures. The reason may be the presence of Jamun tree in abundance. Besides being used as a fruit, it's use as wood, the plant has medicinal value. It is known to relieve stomach pain, as a diuretic, in diabetes, etc.  Enjoy the fruits already appeared in market. Pawan kumar Gupta 

Bala - Sida Cordifolia

Bala(Sida Cordifolia)             Sida Cordifolia is an erect hairy plant which grows up to 180 cm. It grows as a weed throughout tropical and subtropical regions of India and Srilanka. Sida Cordifolia belongs to family Malvaceae. It has heart shaped leaves (hence name Cordifolia) and yellow coloured flower. Seeds are black or grey coloured. Ayurveda acharyas have grouped this plant under Balya (body strengthening herbs), Brimhaniya ( body bulk increasing herbs), Prajasthapana ( herbs used to cure infertility), Madhura skanda (herbs with sweet taste) and Vatasamshamana (Herbs which normalize vata dosha). According to ayurveda principles the plant Bala is light to digest and increases moistness of tissues. It is sweet to taste and acts as body coolant. Medicinal properties of Bala (Sida Cordifolia): This plant normalizes Vata and pitta. Hence it is used in diseases which are caused due to vitiation of vata and pitta. Bala has anti-inflammatory pr...

Elakizhi - Patrapotala Sweda

Elakizhi (Patrapotala Sweda) Ela or ila or patra means leaves; kizhi or pinda means bolus; Swedam means sudation. It is one of the major sudation process using herbal leaves, practiced by Vaidyas (physicians) in Kerala. It is highly effective in ailments affecting bones, joints and nervous system. Procedure: The leaves which are having Vata pacifying property are collected freshly. Most commonly used leaves are leaves of tamarind, Calatropis gigentica, Ricinus communis, drumstick, Vitex nigundo, Adatoda vasica etc. They are chopped and mixed with grated coconut, lemon, turmeric rock salt etc. depending on the condition.The mixture is fried in plain sesame oil or other medicated oil as per the requirement. They are divided into four equal parts and tied in a linen cloth in the form of boluses. These are kept in a vessel containing the oil used to fry the ingredients and the vessel is then heated. An Abhyangam (a gentle oil massage) is given for about 10 to 15 minutes.Then th...


Njavarakizhi  Njavarakizhi, a deeply invigorating massage, involves fomentation of the body with a bolus of cooked rice. Njavara is a particular kind of rice known for its nutritional and therapeutic value. It is cooked with milk and a herbal decoction made of kurumthotti. Four boluses are made of this cooked rice and tied up in linen bags. It is a procedure by which the whole body or any specific part thereof is made to perspire by the Njavarakizhi application. Treatment (massage) is started by application of oil to the body and a piece of cloth is tied around the head. The two attenders on each side of the patient massage by the prepared boluses and the process will be continued in seven standard postures such as sitting, lying (supine or prone position) etc. The movement of the hands during both fomentation and massage should always be downwards. After the massage, all the linen bags are opened out and remaining pudding is taken and applied to the body of the patient...

Thirukkannapuram, Nagapattinam District, District, Tamil Nadu.

இராமனதீசுவரர் கோயில், Ramanatheecharam / இராமனதீச்சரம் / திருக்கண்ணபுரம் – Thirukkannapuram, Nagapattinam District, District, Tamil Nadu. This is the 194th Thevara Paadal Petra Shiva Sthalam and 77th sthalam on the south side of river Kaveri of Chozha Nadu. This place is now called as Thirukkannapuram. This place was called as Rama nandheecharam which was corrupted to Ramanatheecharam. This temple place is as part of Thirukkannapuram. In Periyapuranam, Sekkizhar records that Thirugnanasambandar came to this temple after worshiping Lord Shiva of Thiruchengattankudi. In that he didn’t mentioned this temple in particular, instead mentioned as other Shiva temples on the way. சீரின் மலிந்த சிறப்பின் மேவும் சிறுத்தொன்டர் நண்புடன் செல்ல நல்ல வேரி நறும்தொங் கல்மற் றவரும் விடைஅரு ளப்பெற்று மீண்டபின்பு நீரின்மலிந்த சடையர் மேவிநிகழும் பதிகள் பலபணிந்து பாரின் மலிந்து நிறைந்த செல்வம் பயில்புக லூர்நகர்ப் பாங்கு அணைந்தார் Thirugnanasambandar and Vallalar has sung hymns in praise of Lord Shiva of this...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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