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Showing posts from March 9, 2023


Weekly Knowledge 63 Santa Monica, California 14 Aug 1996  USA INFINITE PATIENCE AND SMART SHOPPING Suppose you go to God, get a boon, and walk away. When your intention is to get a boon, then you are in a hurry. Another person who knows he owns God is not in a hurry for anything. Infinite patience comes up in him. When you know you own God, you are not in a hurry to get something out of God. Your hurry to get something throws you off balance and makes you small. Have "eternal wait," infinite patience. When you have infinite patience, you will realize God belongs to you. Either through awareness or through practice you reach the same spot. Question: What do you mean by "owning God?" Answer: The Divinity belongs to you. It's not like shopping at the supermarket in a hurry and rushing back home. When you see the whole store is at home, you are not in a hurry to shop. You are at ease. Question: To develop patience do we just observe the impatience? Answer: Just ...

Caesalpinia bonduc

Caesalpinia bonduc,  commonly known as  grey nicker,  nicker bean, or  knicker nut.  हिन्दी मे कांट करंज,  लता करंज,  काकचीयो (Gujarati) Nickernuts  or Nickar  nuts are smooth, shiny seeds from tropical leguminous shrubs, particularly Guilandina bonduc. "The word nicker probably derives from the Dutch word "knikker", meaning clay marble. Family: Fabaceae: sub-family Caesalpinioideae Synonyms: Caesalpinia bonducella (L.) Fleming Caesalpinia crista auct. Amer. Guilandina bonducella L. "The nickernut is marble-like and good for other uses, such as for jewellery; it is also sometimes ground up to make a medicinal tea. The 1797 Edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica said that they were used only for "the making of snuff-boxes out of them"; however, there is a long tradition of using them as amulets for good luck, banishment of ill luck or to ease childbirth." Pawan kumar Gupta 

Faith and Devotion

Weekly Knowledge 61 Los Angeles, California 07 Aug 1996  USA Faith and Devotion Faith is the subject of head. Devotion is the subject of heart. And meditation is of both and connects both. A mature intellect is devoted. A mature heart is full of knowledge. And meditation matures your intellect as well as your heart. Mr. John Pb: But people with good intellect seem to have less faith. Guruji: They have more faith in the matter. Head puts the faith in the matter more and heart puts the faith in the abstract more. It's next to impossible that one can be in total lack of faith or total lack of devotion. It's only a question of balance. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०६१ ७ अगस्त , १९९६ लॉस एंगेल्स , कैलिफोर्निआ श्रद्धा, भक्ति व ध्यान विश्वास दिमाग का विषय है। भक्ति हृदय का विषय है। और ध्यान , दिमाग व हृदय दोनों को जोड़ता है। एक विकसित बुद्धि श्रध्दापूर्ण होती है। एक विकसित हृदय ज्ञान से परिपूर्ण है। ध्यान आपकी बुद्धि व हृदय दोनों में ही परपक्वता लता है। जॉन : प्र...

Aphanamixis polystachya

Aphanamixis polystachya  Family: Meliaceae (Neem family) Synonyms: Aglaia polystachya, Amoora rohituka,  Andersonia rohituka.  Common name:  Pithraj Tree  • Hindi: हरिनहर्रा Harin-hara, Harinkhana  • Manipuri: হৈৰাঙখোঈ Heirangkhoi  • Marathi: Raktharohida  • Tamil: malampuluvan, sem, semmaram  • Malayalam: Chemmaram, sem • Telugu: Chevamanu, Rohitaka • Kannada: mukhyamuttage, mullumuttaga, mulluhitthalu, roheethaka  • Bengali: Tiktaraj • Kuki: Sahala • Khasi: Dieng rata • Rongmei: Agan  • Assamese: hakhori bakhori • Sanskrit: anavallabha, ksharayogya, lakshmi, lakshmivana, lohita. Pithraj Tree is a deciduous tree native to India, growing to 20-30 m tall. Leaves are odd- or even- pinnate, 30-60 cm long, with 9-21 leaflets. Leaflets are oblong-elliptic, elliptic, or ovate, 17-26 × 4-10 cm with basal pair smallest, leathery when mature, with visible transparent tiny spots under sunlight. Base of the leaflets is oblique, mar...

Parthenium hysterophorus

पूनम, होली का दिन, बिखरी हुई चटकचाँदनी, और हम. बच के रहें.    CONGRESS GRASS  or Chatakchandni,  (Parthenium hysterophorus in Botany):  A Menace  The invasive capacity and alleolopathic properties nearly permit it to disrupt the natural ecosystems.  Very sparse or sometimes no other vegetation can be seen in P. hysterophorus-dominated areas. These weeds rapidly invade new surroundings, often replace the indigenous species, and pose a serious threat to biodiversity in India. It is a dangerous invasive alien species (IAS). It exhibits the ability to invade and adapt to new habitats.  Recently many innovative uses of this hitherto notorious plant have been discovered. It confers many health benefits, viz remedy for skin inflammation, rheumatic pain, diarrhoea, urinary tract infections, dysentery, malaria and neuralgia. Its prospect as nano-medicine is being carried out with some preliminary success so far. Removal of heavy metals and dye ...

Martynia Annua

बघनखा;  Devil's Claws;  Tiger's claws;  Cat's Claws.   Martynia Annua.  Martynia is a monotypic genus in the Martyniaceae family. With many synonyms, like Carpoceras angulata A. Rich.;  Carpoceras longiflora A. Rich.;  Disteira angulosa (Lam.) Raf.;  Martynia alternifolia Lam.;  Martynia angulosa Lam. and others. A popular plant with many names: Bengali: বাঘনখী Baghnakhi English: Snake's head, Tiger's claw, Devil's claw, Tiger-claw Hindi: उलट-कांटा Ulat-kanta, Hathajori, हाथाजोड़ी Hatha-jori, बाघनख Baghnakh कौआ ठोड़ी Kannada: ಗರುಡ ಮೂಗು ಮುಳ್ಳು Garuda Mugu Mullu, ಹುಲಿ ನಖ Huli Nakha, ಹುಲಿ ಉಗುರು Huli Uguru Malayalam: Pulinakham, Kakka-chundu, പുലിനഖം Puli-nakham Marathi: विंचू Vinchu Oriya: Baghanakhi Others: Puliurugul, Kakka-chundu, Thael Kodukku, बिरालो-नङ्ग्रि Biralo-nangri, Iceplant, Tiger's-claw, ग्रिध्दरनंकी Gridharnankee, Devils Claws, Devil's Claw  Sanskrit: काकनसा Kakanasa  Tamil: Thael kodukkukaai, Kaakaa mookk...

Chlorophytum comosum

Chlorophytum comosum (Thunb.) Jacq.  of family Asparagaceae  A common potted basket plant purifying air and with medicinal properties. Scientific synonyms: Anthericum comosum Thunb. Caesia comosa (Thunb.) Spreng Hartwegia comosa (Thunb.) Hollia comosa (Thunb.) Heynh. Phalangium comosum (Thunb.) Poir. Chlorophytum brevipes Baker Chlorophytum bukobense Engl. Chlorophytum burchellii Baker Chlorophytum delagoense Baker Chlorophytum elatulum Poelln. Spider plant from family: Asparagaceae is a common potted household basket plant: the Chlorophytum comosum. Hindi: Musli मुस्ली  "Even if you tend to neglect houseplants, you'll have a hard time killing this resilient plant. With lots of rich foliage and tiny white flowers, the spider plant battles benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene, a solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries." Having Lily like blades, just began flowering, with small greenish white flowers, prominent stamens, ... commo...


Ashok  Literally translated in Hindi as शोक रहित without sorrow (अ + शोक), is planted outside house for this belief also. Polyalthia longifolia,  also known as (false)  Ashok Tree (अशोक वृक्ष) of Family Annonaceae  is a popular ornamental tree outside house or bordering pavements, etc. Common names include "the Buddha Tree, Indian mast tree, and Indian Fir tree", has medicinal applications also. Pawan kumar Gupta 

Guazuma ulmifolia Bhadraksh

Guazuma ulmifolia Bhadraksh भद्राक्ष Common Name:  रुद्राक्षी,  भद्राक्ष,  Bhadraksh,  Bastard cedar,  West Indian elm or bay cedar, Bengali: nipaltunth,  Tamil: rudrasam.  Of family Sterculiaceae, close to Malvaceae. Fruits are dark brown to nearly black on drying, round, about 2 cm long and hard but light weight.  It is an used in medicine and as fodder, during dry weather. Seeds soaked are used for treating dysentery, colds, coughs, etc.  "... generally used in Indonesia as a part of slimming tea mixture.  This herb controls cholesterol and helps the user to reduce weight in natural way.  People of Indonesia specially java region are familiar with this herb from ancient times.  People of java named it as Jatos landi or Jati londa.  Leaves are not the only part of this plant which is used in herbal medicine.  In addition to leaves bark is also used in several medicines to treat pneumonia, cold and cough ...

Iberis amara L

"Iberis amara L (Brassicaceae) is wide-spread in Europe and grows preferably in grain fields, ...  The plants contain amines, cucurbitacines, flavonoglycosides, and mustard oil glycosides.  A fixed combination of the whole, blooming, fresh plant with clear seed formation ( Iberis amara totalis) is used in a phytotherapeutical product (Iberogast).  In pharmacological studies both in vitro (e.g., in guinea pig ileum) and in vivo (e.g., in Wistar rats) the fresh plant extract of Iberis amara (IF) exhibited a tonicising effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach and small intestine. In the rat IF produced a dose-dependent antiulcerogenic effect (indomethacin-induced ulcer) comparable to that of cimetidine (reference substance).  The stomach acid release and the leucotriene-concentration, increased by indomethacin, were reduced by IF, whereas the prostaglandin E2 content, reduced by indomethacin, was increased.  In patients with irritable bowel syndrome ...

Ficus racemosa

"Ficus racemosa  (syn. Ficus glomerata Roxb.)  is a species of plant in the family Moraceae.  Popularly known as the cluster fig tree, Indian fig tree or goolar (gular) fig, this is native to Australia, Malaysia, South-East Asia and the Indian Subcontinent.  It is unusual in that its figs grow on or close to the tree trunk, termed cauliflory." In Hindi called Gular गूलर,  in Sanskrit uḍumbara or udumbara उदुम्बरा,  ਗੂਲਰ in Punjabi,  in Odia ଡିମ୍ବିରି (dimbiri). It has links with Hinduism, and Buddhist literature. It (stem paste) is used for sensitive skin against insect bites. गूलर का वर्णन उपनिषदों, जातक कथाओं, इत्यादि में भी देखने को मिलता है। एक जातक कथा से: "कोनगमन तेईसवें बुद्ध माने जाते हैं। ये भद्वकप्र (भद्र कल्प) के दूसरे बुद्ध हैं। सोभावती के समगवती उद्यान में जन्मे कोनगमन के पिता का नाम यञ्ञदत्त था। उत्तरा उनकी माता थी। इनकी धर्मपत्नी का नाम रुचिगत्ता था; और उनके पुत्र का नाम सत्तवाहा। तीन हज़ार स...

Jatropha gossypifolia

Jatropha gossypifolia  (रत्नजोती).  Baigaba in Odiya.  A plant used as ornamental bush.  This is a medicinal plant.  Also known as Bellyache bush, Black physicnut or Cotton-leaf physicnut. "Jatropha is a genus of flowering plants in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae.  The name is derived from the Greek words ἰατρός (iatros), meaning "physician", and τροφή (trophe), meaning "nutrition", hence the common name physic nut.  Another common name is nettlespurge.  It contains approximately 170 species of succulent plants, shrubs and trees (some are deciduous, like Jatropha curcas). Most of these are native to the Americas, with 66 species found in the Old World.  Plants produce separate male and female flowers.  As with many members of the family Euphorbiaceae, Jatropha contains compounds that are highly toxic.  Jatropha species have traditionally been used in basketmaking, tanning and dye production.  In the 2000s, one spe...

Transform Yourself

*1. Transform Yourself* In this era of science and technology, we can be creative and productive, and at the same time not lose the humanness that we are all born with. Just material things or comfort alone do not make you comfortable. You may have a good bed to sleep on, but unable to sleep because of insomnia or worry.  You need to get a broad understanding about yourself and your priorities. Clarity in the mind makes things much easier. Understanding your basic emotions like love, your interaction with people around you, knowing about your ego or what your intellect or mind is saying to you and introspection will give you a few minutes of relaxation which is very vital.  So, what is most important is introspection about one's own life and how to improve the quality of life. This intention itself will open many doors for you to feel better about yourself. First of all, find out for yourself whether you are healthy.  Health is a disease free body. A quiver fr...


*Introduction :* Have you ever thought how your life could have been if you took time out for yourself everyday, without fail? Has it ever occured to you what hue your life could have taken on if you never lost friends? Did it ever strike you that it's perfectly alright to make mistakes? Do you regret not recognizing your limitations that one time when you should have? Don't you wish you knew how to take the right decision at the right time? If only we were born with a manual, life would have been less hurtful, less painful and less scary. Life goals would have been clear and precise.  We wouldn't have floundered deciphering basic human emotions as we do now. Every word would mean the same for everyone. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji is well aware of the stress the technology driven life is gifting humanity.  Gurudev’s aim of creating a violence free society, a confusion free mind and a sorrow free soul prompted Him to put together this practical guide to putti...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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