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Showing posts from February 21, 2023

Maharashtra visit 2023 glimpse Maharashtra visit 2023 glimpse


Weekly Knowledge 52 Bad Antogast 05 Jun 1996  Germany WHAT YOU KNOW  What shall we talk about today?  What is the point in talking about something of which you know nothing. And so . . . there is no point in talking about what you know and no point in talking about what you don't know!  (Laughter)  Stefano says, "What about something you think you know but don't know?"  Guruji says, "We can talk about something you think you know but you don't know or something you think you don't know but you know." (Laughter)  There is no end to learning but there is an end to unlearning. That is when you become totally hollow and empty. * * * *  Riddle:  What is that something so precious, that you lose it somewhere and find it somewhere else?  (Answer next week.) 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०५२ ५ जून, १९९६ जर्मन आश्रम, जर्मनी जो तुम जानते हो आज हम किस विषय पर बातें करें? जिस विषय पर तुम कुछ भी नहीं जानते, उस विषय पर कुछ क...

How do you speak so sweetly always?

Question - Gurudev, How do you speak so sweetly always? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar ji - It’s like asking jaggery, how can you taste so sweet? It’s the nature of the jaggery to be sweet. I don’t put any effort to speak sweetly. If I put in effort, it will turn to be salty. What I am, I speak the same. That’s why you find it sweet. And secondly, you are also sweet so you find me also sweet. If your mind is turbulent then even if I speak sweetly, you will find it salty. I also don’t know how to be otherwise. I am grateful that I never got an opportunity also to do something which is not in my nature. There was never a need to speak a lie or cheat someone. It has never happened that I pretend to be someone else which I am not. Source of information - Instagram - Facebook - 064324293304

Chaitra Navratri 2023

🌻Chaitra Navratri is the commencement of summer and we celebrate this nine days festival as transformation occurs in season and mother nature enjoys its abundance🌻 *This Chaitra Navratri 2023,* transform yourself towards growth and abundance with Special Program's at  The Art of Living International Center, Bengaluru. 🔸5 Days AMP: 25 - 29 March 🔸Sanyam: 25 - 29 March 🔸Part II Program:  25 - 28 March 🔸DSN program: 23 - 26 March 🔸Sri Sri Yoga Level II: 23 - 26 March 🔸Malayalam DSN: 29 March - 1 April 🔸Part II Program: 30 March - 2 Apr *Register at*: 💻 *Happy to Assist* : 📱 9036005022 / 08067262822

Ayush Homa

Ayush Homa is a part of an ancient tradition and is performed to offer prayers for increasing one’s health and longevity. So during the Homa we chant mantras and pray to the Divine, saying, “May my lifespan increase; may I be healthy and free from diseases, and may only auspicious things happen through me. May I feel belongingness with everyone and everything around me”. So one performs the Ayush Homa with all these prayers and wishes. This is an ancient Vedic way of celebrating one’s birthday or anniversary. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar  --------------------------------------------------- Take Sankalpa for Ayush Homa using this link (same for online or offline)

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji is in Mumbai 25 to 27 February 2023

Jai Gurudev! *You are invited with Family and friends.*  Our *Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji is in Mumbai*.  *25th Feb- Saturday* 🌹🌹 Maha- Satsang at vishnu-Hanuman Ground, Bangur nagar, link Road, *Goregaon west* 6pm onwards *ENTRY FREE.*🌹 *26th Feb - Sunday* Morning and Evening, 2 sessions. *Vignan Bhairav,* NSCI Dome, Worli,  *ENTRY WITH PASS* 🪷🪷 To get registration link . WhatsApp me msg on 9987031401 *27th Feb, Monday* *Rudra Puja* 7.30-9.30 am @ Highland Grounds, Highland Gardens road, Dhokali, Thane West. *ENTRY FREE*🌹 Google maps link: Link for Rudra puja Sankalp:

The one pointedness of a devotee cannot be distracted by anybody

Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine Day 54 Whichever way you started either satvik, rajsik or tamsik, or the three types of love affection or love or respect, in whichever form you take it, go beyond it, transcend it. Nitya dasya - You are forever, you are an eternal servant, have that feeling, “I am an eternal servant of you”. I am an eternal partner of you.  That is the only thing worth doing. Even as an action, you have to do something, nothing other than just being in love. Dasya and kanta - There are two major way of expressing the love. One is, “I am your obedient servant. I am the servant of the Lord. I am the servant of the Divine.”  But you know, in being in the Master and servant relationship, there is a little gap. There could be some hesitation, there is not that 100% closeness. So they added, immediately your beloved. Both these forms of expression are not complete and they will be more complete when they are together. If someone is just your beloved, ...

Merging With The Divine

Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine  Day 53 If you keep thinking about sex all the time, your mind becomes so dull, gross. Not that sex is bad, but obsession about sex does not allow you to experience love. Because it is the same energy which is used as sex that becomes love , that is expressed as love also. Don't all the time sit and think about their glories, hear their glorification.  That can tempt you. Someone says, “Hey, that would be better. You do this, become a millionaire, just do nothing.” There is nothing wrong in becoming a millionaire. You can become a billionaire, no problem. But hearing about it creates a confusion, a feverishness, which is contrary to your blossoming.  Don't take an interest in listening to those things. You know, there can be two types of arrogance. There can be arrogance of renunciation also. “Look, I don’t care, I am renounced. I don’t want anything.” That can be an arrogance, too. Arrogance of having and arrogance of not h...

Desire the Divine

Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine  Day 52 Two of the main channels for the mind to move outward are the sense of sight and hearing. What attracts you is what you hear about or what you see. When you have heard from someone that a particular movie is so nice, so good, your interest is kindled in that direction. You move in that direction. And similarly if you see something that attracts you, then you would like to hear more and more about it.  Sight and hearing are the two that pull you outward. And, it happens, that most of the time obsessions come to us not through our own experience, but just by hearing about other peoples’ experiences, or seeing others’ experiences. Your mind is calm, serene, contented, happy, someone comes and says, “Look, look, You know you invest there and you will make so many millions. You have to invest only $10,000 dollars.  You can make 230 million. Your mind goes, “What? Okay, I want to do that.” And you also lose the $10,000. Gr...

All beings is the goal

Chapter 6 - Love Is Beyond Proof  Day 51 He removes the steam out of the whole thing, out of the feverishness of expectation of your action. Then the action becomes more grounded. When you act with an expectation, you are ready to get frustrated and complain a little later. See, you have meditated for 20 years, “What did I get?”  See what you got. You did not know that 20 years of meditation has made you a much better person. And after twenty years, one day you got upset and you say, “See twenty years of meditation, I still got upset, miserable.” You could have been miserable all the twenty years otherwise.  You should say in spite of your meditation you got upset. Suppose you were never doing, what would have happened? You could have been much worse. None of the sadhanas or practices are to be left or shunned until you get centred. And they always improve you. We don’t expect that one day in the future I will experience, I will be in Divine love.  Right ...

Meditate For Sleep

Stress, a hyperactive schedule, and overload of screen watching can make it difficult for the mind to shut down and sleep. Do this easy meditation - *Meditate For Sleep* by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and experience a deep and restful sleep. Click on the link to meditate:  

Experience profound silence and deep wisdom

Experience profound silence and deep wisdom in *Online Advanced Meditation Program with Girin ji.* Date: 17 to 19 March 2023 Eligibility : Happiness Program, OMBW, YES!+ The tentative schedule for the online session is as follows: Session 1 :- 6.45 am to 8.30 am Session 2 :- 10 am to 1.00 pm Session 3 :- 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm  Session 4 :- 7 pm to 8 pm PS: Schedule is subject to change .   *Registration link*: Contact :9343045935                 98744 02264                  7873000008                  7506737461


Weekly Knowledge 50 Bangalore Ashram 21 May 1996  India ENLIGHTENMENT  Enlightenment is beyond seasons like the evergreen coconut tree.  Sometimes the question comes up "What's the use of all these courses? Your behavior has not changed!"  The Knowledge acquired by a human being cannot be measured or judged by external behavior. Someone may behave as though they have absorbed all the Knowledge but internally they have not. The reverse is also true. Someone who seems to have not changed at all may have absorbed a lot.  Ordinary people would just look at the behavior, but the intelligent looks beyond and is amazed by the play of the consciousness (Brahman).   Behavior affects relationships Attitude affects behavior Knowledge or ignorance affects attitude Grace brings forth Knowledge. Your inside is like a tree; in some seasons barren and at other times blossomed.  Enlightenment is beyond seasons like the evergreen coconut tree which yields through...

Gurudev’s Tour Schedule March 2023 Gurudev’s Tour Schedule

महाराष्ट्र में उठी भक्ति की लहर - एक ऐतिहासिक घटना!

*महाराष्ट्र में उठी भक्ति की लहर - एक ऐतिहासिक घटना!*  

Art of Living’s*_Bhakti Ki Leher_Surat

*Art of Living’s* _Bhakti Ki Leher_ *26th Feb (Sunday)* *_Maha Kriya _* *7 am* Note: only for Happiness/ YES!+ Graduate.  *Sumeru Sandhya* With  *Gautam Dabir* *7 PM* Note: Registration is free and Open for all!  Venue: Althan-Bhatar Community Hall, Soham Circle, Surat. Contact:  9925799334 9898945021 9428746755 8469425801 *Registration:*

The Ayurvedic consultation and Nadi Pariksha in Thane

▶️We invite you to The Ayurvedic consultation and Nadi Pariksha with  our senior nadi pariksha Vaidya **Nandu* *Chauhan** (Ayurvedacharya)  ✅ *Nadi Pariksha* is the ancient ayurvedic technique of diagnosis through the pulse. It can accurately diagnose physical, mental and emotional imbalances as well as diseases. ✅It is a non- invasive science that enables to reach the root cause of health issues and not just address the symptoms   ➡️➡️ *NOTE* : 👉👉 **Request* *All* *not* *to* *Eat* *CAN CONSUME WATER* *2* *Hours* *Before* *Nadi* **Pariksha** . 🔴 *Thursday* 23th February-2023.*  🔵*11.00 AM to 2PM and 3PM to 6.30 PM*      *By Appointments only*  *350/- per person* 🏠@ Sri sri enterprises(divine shop) Shop no.4, raut bldg, Near mental hospital, dhyansadhana clg Road, Thane west, 400604   📞 7400373757 📞 please Whatsapp your name and timings if call was not received  ➡️➡️ *NOTE*  👉👉 *Sri Sri tattva br...

The magic of ancient wisdom with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Surat!

the magic of ancient wisdom with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Surat! An exquisite opportunity to enrich yourself with the knowledge of Vigyan Bhairav, which talks about over 111 meditation techniques to discover self and experience bliss! Limited seats available! Book your spot now! #GurudevInSurat Date : 12th March 2023 Time- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM & 5:00 PM to 8:00PM Venue : Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Indoor Stadium, Surat, Gujarat. ☎️ Contact Us: 7990683323. To Book passes online - Visit  Website:  Email :  Facebook : Instagram: Twitter:


der Haag 29 May 1996  Netherlands SAMADHI  A single cell becomes the whole body. Somewhere it is nails, somewhere it is nose and tongue but all is a manifestation of a single cell. In the same way, the entire universe is made up of a single substance.  Remembering and FEELING that everything is made up of one thing heals the body and mind and balances the doshas in the body (vata, pitta and kapha). This is savitarka samadhi. Savitarka samadhi means equanimity with logical awareness.  Deep sleep can be jada samadhi (equanimity with inertia). And hence, sleep is the main factor in healing. Even medicines will not help without sleep and rest.  Samadhi with ecstasy has no logic. This is nirvitarka samadhi, awareness with bliss.  Nirvitarka samadhi is even beyond the experience of bliss, undefinable beyond words.   🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०५१ २९ मई,१९९६ डैन हाग, नीदरलॅंड्स समाधी एक अकेला कोष पूर्ण शरीर बन जाता है। कही यह नाखून है,...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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