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Showing posts from February 10, 2023

Gurudev in 1980’s

Aamchi Mumbai's turn to be part of this Divine celebrations, to soak in the bliss, and welcome Gurudev with all our hearts

With Gurudev's blessings our sankalpa of *Bhakti ki Leher* is growing bigger and bigger 🤩 And now it is *Aamchi Mumbai's* turn to be part of this Divine celebrations, to soak in the bliss, and welcome Gurudev with all our hearts 😇 So join us for Bhakti Sandhya - Maha Satsang with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji 🌸 Date : 25th February, Saturday Time : Evening 6:30 PM Venue : Vishnu Hanuman Ground, Bangur Nagar, Goregaon West, Mumbai *P.S - Venue has been changed for 25th February Maha Satsang with Gurudev from SNDT Grounds, Juhu to Vishnu Hanuman Ground, Goregaon West*

15 minutes meditation for relaxed body and mind!

*15 minutes meditation for relaxed body and mind!* If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and have absolutely packed daily schedule, this short guided meditation from Gurudev is for you.  In just a few minutes, you'll feel more relaxed and have more energy to get through your day. 15 minutes meditation for relaxed body and mind!

Mega 3 Days Happiness Program with Gurudev starting Today at Chennai

If the vision is divine then the divine is everywhere.

Chapter 6 - Love Is Beyond Proof  Day 45  Attaining which you are compelled to talk about it all the time. You only think about it and nothing else. And you see only that everywhere the impact of that love is so strong. You see only that everywhere. Your world is your own projection, your own creation. When you feel negative, you see all that negativity in everybody.  If you are upset, you feel everybody is upset with you, the world is a hopeless place for you. When you feel down, you feel everything is hopeless, isn’t it so? When you are high with energy and enthusiasm, nothing matters to you, you just move, you feel you can move the world, isn’t it?  When you are in love you only see that. You only speak about it, you only immerse in it. Every particle of divine love. And that is what is worth attaining. There is a proverb that says, “The world is as you see it.”  If you feel good in you, then you see good everywhere. If your mind is bitter, you see everything...

What is illusion?

Chapter 6 - Love Is Beyond Proof  Day 44 It grows moment by moment, it does not diminish. Often in our relationships love seems to diminish. At least the intensity goes down a little, in all relationships when a child is very small, it cannot move away from it’s mother even for a few minutes, a few hours. Then it starts becoming independent.  Then once in a while the child sends Mother's Day cards. You are more attached to your children than to your own parents. Your whole attention, that was So much with your parents when you were a child, gets diverted to your spouse after you get married.  Then after you have children, that same attention you had for spouse gets diverted to your children. There is a shifting in all different types of love. But Divine love grows all the time, moment by moment. Every moment it grows, it increases, never decreases.  There is no gap. It cannot be destroyed by anybody, it cannot be taken away from you and it is very delicate. To experi...

Divine love is devoid of any strings, any desires, any conditions.

Chapter 6 - Love Is Beyond Proof  Day 43 Such intense love for the Divine shines through here and there, somewhere and sometimes. Every human being is nothing but a vessel to hold the consciousness. There is no difference between me and you and you and him and him and her. We are all just empty bowls.  Everyone is nothing but an empty bowl, and the same space is in all the bowls. In ancient India, the example of the earthen pot was given. The body is like an earthen pot and the soul is contained in the earthen pot as an individual soul.  The moment the pot is broken, the space remains in space. Nothing has happened to the space. We are all pots. Every living creature is a pot. But such Divine love shines though only in some pots. Prakashate kvapi patre - Not that it is not there. But it shines through in some pots.  It is present everywhere, in all pots. But it only shines through, manifests somewhere here and there, on a rare occasion, once in thousands of years, on...

The self, the Brahman, that consciousness is everywhere and is the basis of this creation

Chapter 2 - Neither Yes Nor No  Day 15 Atma is motionless, but is swifter than the mind. The senses can never overtake it. It runs ahead of them. While sitting it goes faster than those who run after it. In this Atma, the prana places the karma. Sometimes you wonder how breath is automatically going in and coming out. You are making no effort, Even in sleep the air goes in your lungs and comes out. This is true not just for you but for all the living beings on the planet.  There is something that is creating the rhythm of life, what is that? Have you ever wondered about it? There is something by which your intellect is functioning, your emotions are functioning, your body is functioning and not just your body, the entire universe is functioning.  There is something by which the mind is grasping, understanding. It is functioning on the basis of some extra energy, some principle. What is that principle? What is the basis of the whole creation? A movie is projected on the sc...

What is the point of the knowing the self?

Chapter 1 - The Password To Divinity Day 14  Like the blind enveloped with darkness. Even people who have eyes cannot see when it is dark. Just imagine someone who is blind and is searching in darkness. They live in the world with their eyes shut and in darkness, not centered and even after dying their spirit lives in a place, where there is no joy. These people are losing the self there.  They have killed themselves. This human birth is so precious. Only in the human birth can you ever know that there is energy, that there is space, I am space, I am That. This Bramha gyan can happen only in this human birth and that is the purpose.  These people are living I darkness have lost the chance. It is as good as suicide. They have killed themselves. So, thank yourself that you are not among them living in the dark world. One has to be grateful "At least I got a glimpse of life. I got a glimpse of what knowledge is."  This has been the style of the ancient rishis. They used...

What is the purpose of this life?

Chapter 1 - The Password To Divinity  Day 13  Our life is not just 60, 70, 80, 90 years. Our life is eternal. You have heard this. Whether it comes to our experience or not is another question. But at least you have heard about it. Have you ever thought about people who have died and gone? Those people who have been living, walking, talking, conversing with you, what happened to them? They have gone suddenly. Where did they go? If life is imperishable, where did they go? Where will I go after another 40-50 years? Is life so impermanent?  We have heard "I am permanent". "I am there forever". If I have been forever, I should know what I was before and what I will be in the future. Life is not limited to just 80-100 years. It is much older than the sun, moon and all the planets around us.  Our brain is just a frequency analyser. Our brain is tuned to one frequency and so it is able to receive only this input. People with schizophrenia, with bipolar disorder, who are co...

The Ultimate Guide To Being Successful In Life

*The Ultimate Guide To Being Successful In Life* We all want to be successful in our endevours but many don't know how to achieve it. How much hardwork should one do? How much of the success is based on luck? Can we do anything to make luck work for us? Find out the answers to these questions as Gurudev decode the guide to becoming successful in life.

Ganapati Homa with Gurudev from Gurukul, Bangalore Ashram


Rishikesh 20 Mar 1996  India QUESTIONS  A boy asked a question and before Guruji could answer, he was ready with another question.  To this Guruji said, "If you hold onto the question how will you receive the answer? Give away the question to me and then you will find that you are in the answer. If your hands are holding onto the question, how will you receive the answer? Your hands are already full with the question." 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०४१ २० मार्च, १९९६ स्वार्गश्रम, ऋषिकेश प्रश्नो और अभिलाषाओं से निपटना एक युवक ने प्रश्न पूछा। श्री श्री उसका उत्तर देते , उसके पहले ही वह दूसरे प्रश्न के साथ तैयार था। तब गुरूजी ने कहा," यदि तुम केवल प्रश्नो में फसे रहोगे , तुम उत्तर कैसे पाओगे?" अपने प्रश्न मुझे दे दो , तब तुम देखोगे उत्तर तुम्हारे पास ही है। अभिलाषाएं अपने आप उत्पन्न होती है , है कि नहीं? वे तुमसे पूछकर नहीं आती। जब इच्छाएं उत्पन्न हो जाती है , तुम उनका क्या करते हो ? यदि तुम ऐसा सोचते हो कि तुम इच्छाहीन हो जायो , तो यह ...

Gurudev at Chennai


Rishikesh 13 Mar 1996  India FAITH AND LOVE  God does not wish you to have more faith because the more faith you have, the more work for God. God will have to run behind you; then you start controlling Him. He is the servant of faithful servants and He does not want too many servants telling Him what He should be doing.  Love is the highest strength, yet it makes you absolutely weak. So God/Enlightened One/Nature does not want you to have more faith or love. With too much faith and love, you make God weak.  So, it is better for God that you have less faith. Things go on as they are. Why transform? Be happy.  Meditation is seeing God in oneself. Love is seeing God in the person next to you. Knowledge is seeing God everywhere. Expression of love is service. Expression of joy is smile. Expression of peace is meditation. Expressing God is conscious action. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०४० १३ मार्च,१९९६ स्वर्गाश्रम , ऋषिकेश विश्वा...

The Decision To Do The Art Of Living Course Saved Me From Depression

Art of Living came into my life at a time when I needed it the most. I was in a totally miserable condition. I had given up all hope. I needed a helping hand from the Divine. My father died in 2007 in my own arms.  It was very hard for me to face this loss as I was extremely attached to him. After spending almost a year in utter grief, another major problem surfaced: marriage. I would feel horribly lonely and sad most of the times, as marriage was not working out in my life. I had no companion with whom I could share my pain, in the hopes of reducing the pain a little. I felt extremely victimised by life. I kept asking the question “Why me?” for which I got no answer in return. I was in a pathetically depressed condition. One day, my sister, who was staying in the U.S. then, called me and told me about Art of Living. She asked me to do a course, too, especially because there was one happening in my neighborhood in Gwalior, India. She made me promise that I would do this...

The Power Of Prayers, Grace, And Surrendering To The Divine

After reading so many Guru stories and the miracles that so many devotees have experienced, I couldn’t contain myself from sharing my own experience during the World Culture Festival celebrations in Delhi, India, in 2016. I had left to attend WCF. I was excited to be part of this mammoth experience and being with Sri Sri and everyone else attending. The only anxiety I had was that it would be very crowded, since people from all over the world were in attendance.  My sister lives in Noida and I though that, for me, returning home after the program would be difficult even though the place was not very far from the WCF venue and traveling in the metro train was an option. However, it’s unsafe to take the metro at night. The first and second day of WCF went well because I had the company of my friend to travel to and fro the venue. We were both staying at my sisters place. On the morning of the third and last day of WCF, my friend returned to Mumbai so I had to travel to th...

Whenever I sit for sadhana, my mind wanders here and there. What should I do to control the mind?

Question - Gurudev, whenever I sit for sadhana, my mind wanders here and there. What should I do to control the mind? Gurudev Sri Sri - Listen, consider your life itself as your sadhana. Think of your whole life as your sadhana. Where does the mind wander? It goes wherever it finds fulfillment. So observe the next time this happens, 'Is my mind wandering to where I find fulfillment?' In this way, when you observe and reason using knowledge, you will find the mind is neither there, nor there, nor there, and then the mind becomes quiet and settles down. Then it reposes in the self. That is why there are so many CDs on meditation and techniques given. Keep doing these. But meditation alone will not help. Knowledge along with mediation will help settle the mind.

I’m going through a hard time in life. My wife cheated me but now wants to be back. What to do? I don't trust her anymore, but I find it hard to breakup. I am confused and worried about the future. Can the love develop again?

Question - Gurudev, I’m going through a hard time in life. My wife cheated me but now wants to be back. What to do? I don't trust her anymore, but I find it hard to breakup. I am confused and worried about the future. Can the love develop again? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes, certainly. Have a broad mindset. Suppose you were in that state. Suppose you had made a mistake and now you repent, and you want your wife to forgive you. How would you feel if she refuses and holds on to your mistake? In the same way, she has made a mistake . Some mistakes are done by you and some by her. Forget about it. Live in the present moment. Give her a chance. Move on to the future. But, if it keeps happening too many times, then you can take a decision. If it is once or twice, you should give her a fair chance. If it happens more than three times, then you should put your foot down.

Tara Devi Moola Mantra

Tara Devi Moola Mantra The Tara Devi Moola Mantra is the Moola Mantra dedicated to Goddess Tara Devi. Tara Devi is the second Upasana Devi in Dasa Maha Vidyas. She has her own five auxiliary forms called Neela Saraswati, Ugradhara ( Ugra Tara ), Sukladhara ( Shukla Tara ), Neela Dhara ( Neela Tara ), and Chitra Dhara ( Chitra Tara). She helps worshipers to cross the ocean of family life i.e. the “Samsara Sagara” and hence, she is also called Tarini. Her Moola Mantra consists of a few beeja (seeds). Goddess Tara Devi is worshiped by chanting the Tara Devi Gayatri Mantra and Tara Devi Moola Mantra | www.dhevee.orgLong Description Goddess Tara Devi Tara is the Pranava Shakti “OM” and takes her abode in Manipoorka in human body. She is blue in color and she is depicted having four hands holding a scissors, sword, skull, and blue lotus flower respectively, symbolizing cutting of the perennial birth circle and ego on one hand and bestowing knowledge and bliss on the other hand. I...

Sahadeva - Part 5 (c), 18-days Kurukshetra war and aftermath

Sahadeva - Part 5 (c), 18-days Kurukshetra war and aftermath Did you know that Sahadeva, the youngest of the Pandavas of epic Mahabharta, at the request of his mother Kunti saved Karna who was mortally sick after gifting his life saving Kavacha and Kundala to an old brahmin impersonating for demi-god Indra? Sahadeva, the yongest of the Pancha Pandavas of the epic Mahabharata, stood regally attired in a war dress at the Kuruksherta battle field flanking his older brothers Yudhisthra and Nakula. He was riding in his chariot which flew his flag with Swan as an insignia as he surveyed the humangous army of Pandava and Kaurva soldieis ridng horses and elephants; Pandvas had amassed an army of seven akshauhinis with Dhrishtadyumna as the supreme commander, against 11 akshauhinis of the Kauaravas, initially headed by Bhishma. Before the start of the war, Sahadeva had desired King Virata to be the general of the Pandava army, but Yudhishthira and Arjuna opted for Dhristadyumn...

Sahadeva - Part 5 (b), Kurukshetra war

Sahadeva - Part 5 (b), Kurukshetra war Did uou know that Sahadeva, the youngest Pandava, fullfilled his vow of killing Shakuni, King of Madra, but also defeated 40 brothers of Kaurava Duryodhana? The Kurukshetra War between the two adeversaries - the Pandavas and the Kauarvas - started on the date scheduled by Sahadeva astrologocally as per the Hindu calendar on the 11th day of the waxing moon of the Margashirsha (Agrahayan) month of the Hindu calendar. The war spanned eighteen days of intense fight at the end of which only twelve major warriors survived - the five Pandavas, Krishna, Satyaki, Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, Yuyutsu, Vrishaketu, and Kritavarma. Even before the war, following a solar eclipse all the kings particpating in the war had gathered in Kurukshetra to purify themselves in the five lakes created by Parashurama. Sahadeva played a significant role in the war, apart from the major roles played by his brothers Arjuna, Bhima...

Sahadeva - Part 5 (a), Kurukshetra war and thereafter

Sahadeva - Part 5 (a), Kurukshetra war and thereafter Did you know that Sahadeva and his Pandava brothers along with their common spouse Draupadi who were stripped of all their possesions and humiliated, had taken a vow in the Hastinapur Court to kill Shakuni, which Sahadeva did in the Kurukshetra war of the epic Mahabharata? Sahadeva, the youngest of the Pandava brothers, after the completion of the 13 year exile period and the last year in Ajñātavāsa (Incognito) in the kingdom of Virat, felt in his psychic power that a war against Kauravas, which Pandavas wished to avoid, was round the corner, and he also looked forward for the war. In fact, Sahadeva wanted to fight and end the Kauravas . He did not concur with the views of his brothers Yudhishthira, Bheema, Arjuna and Nakula who wanted to mentor peace with Kaurava’s Duryodhana; he had said that he will continue to fight the Kauravas till death. He was determined to kill Duryodhana and Shakuni in the war...

Sahadeva, Part 4, Exile

Sahadeva, Part 4, Exile Did you know that Sahadeva, the Pandava enigma, explores the unexplored sub-plots of the story of Mahabharata as it unfolds? Sahadeva, the youngest of the Pancha Pandavas of epic Mahabharata, was though normally an inconspicuous person, refined it as it helped him to observe the surroundings and to blend into the background as unobtrusively as possible. Following his eldest brother Yudhishthira's catastrophic loss in the game of dice played by Shakuni on behalf of Kuru prince Duryodhana, meant that all Pandavas, Sahadeva included had to live in exile for 13 years with last year in incognito. Before the Pandavas left Hastinapur, Sage Narada. surrounded by many powerful sages, appeared before King Dhritarashtra and foretold that In the fourteenth year from now, for Duryodhana's fault, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva will destroy the Kauravas. As the Pandavas departed Hastinapur, the entire populace of the ...

Sahadeva, Part 3, Rajasuya yagna and Draupadi's humiliation

Sahadeva, Part 3, Rajasuya yagna and Draupadi's humiliation  Did you know that Sahadeva, following his expedition to southern India seeking allegiance of many kingdoms to Indraprastha Kingdom established by his oldest brother Yudhishthira, honoured Lord Krishna by giving the highest place of honour at the Rajasuya Yagna by offering Arghya and washing his feet? Sahadeva, the youngest of the five Pandava brothers of epic Mahabharata, following his succesful armed expedition to south of Indraprastha kingdom, seeking allegiance and tributes of small and large kingdoms and individuals of the region to the Kingdom of Indraprastha established by his oldest brother Yudhisthira, participated in the Rajasuya Yagna in which a very large number of Kings including the Kaurava King Duryodhana, Shishupala, and many noble and learned personages participated. Sage Narada had advised Yudhishthira to conduct this Yagna. Bhishma Pitamaha, advised Yudhsithira to give the ...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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