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Showing posts from January 10, 2023

Sign of enlightenment, of knowledge, of wisdom, of blossoming in love

Chapter 3 - Rejoice In The Being  Day 16 Once Lord Krishna had a headache and all the doctors came but they could not find the reason for his headache. No medicine would work. Krishna said one medicine would work, “If the dust from the feet of any one of my devotees is applied on my head, my headache will go.”  Were there no devotees in Dwarka, in the place where he was? Many people were there, but how many would put the dust of their feet on his head, because the scriptures say that if you put the dust of your feet on the Lord, then you will go to hell.  It is a sin and nobody wanted to go to hell. Then Krishna sent one of his messagers, Udhava, to Brindavan. As soon as he came, all the Gopis asked him, “Oh, tell me, what is the news in Dwarka? How is Lord Krishna? Is everything okay?” “He is fine,” the messenger replied, “but he has a headache.”  A cry arose, “He has a headache. Are there no good doctors there? Are there no Vaidyas there?” He told them ...

Nerale hannu or Jamun fruit

Neralehannu or Jamun fruit Did you know that Nerlehannu or Jamun fruit is what Lord Rama ate in the forest for 14 years during his exile from Ayodhya, and as a result many Hindus regard this fruit as a 'Fruit of the Gods'? The scientific name of Nerlehannu (ನೇರಳೆಹಣ್ಣು) or Jamun fruit is Syzygium cumini L or Eugenia Jambolana, and it belongs to the myrtaceae plant family, and much eaten by the natives of India. Common names are java plum, black plum, jambul. Its Sanskrit name is Jambu Phalinda. Culturally, beautiful eyes are compared to this fruit. The name ' Indian blackberry' is a misnomer as it is a separate fruit in an unrelated order, though looks like black berry with soft purple pulp. Syzygium cumini has been spread overseas from India by Indian emigrants and at present is common in tropical former British colonies.  Jamun, also known as 'Magic of purple', the taste of an Indian summer, grown throughout...

Okra or Bhindi

Okra or Bhindi  Did you know that Okra or Bhindi is slimy and sticky and it is a quality which can not be wished away by washing or overcooking, accept it as it comes as it is the favourite of adults and kids? Okra or Bhindi (also spelled Bhendi), Bendekai (ಬೆಂಡೆಕಾಯಿ) in Kannada language, with botanical name Abelmoschus esculentu in the Mallow family, also known as Ladies' fingers or Ochro or ‘Gumbo’, is a flowering plant, and is a wonder vegetable because of its proven health benefits. The plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world. Grown first in Eritrea and the highlands of Sudan, Bhindi is said to have travelled with the Bantu tribe who migrated from Egypt around 2000 BC. In India, the absence of any ancient Indian names for it suggests that it reached India after the beginning of the Christian Era. It is now a popular vegetable probably introduced later by the Arabs or African sailors as the ...

Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad

Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad Did you know that according to the Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad obstacles in Yoga are self doubts, confusion, indifference, habit of giving up, being caught up in worldly drama, and suspicions? The Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad (Sanskrit: योगकुण्डलिनी उपनिषत्), also called Yogakundalya Upanishad (Sanskrit: योगकुण्डल्युपनिषत्, a minor Upanishad of Hinduism, in Sanskrit text, is one of the 20 Yoga Upanishads, and is one of 32 Upanishads attached to the Krishna Yajurveda. In the Muktika canon, narrated by Rama to Hanuman, it is listed at number 86 in the anthology of 108 Upanishads. It is a highly significant text related to the exposition of the Kundalini Yoga, describes Hatha and Lambika yoga, and the last chapter is primarily about the quest of self-knowledge, Atman, Brahman (the Non-dual Brahman) and living liberation. It is an important text in Tantra, to the Shakti tradition of Hinduism, and considered one of the most important texts on Kunda...


Idli Did you know that Idli, a very interesting group of cereal-based foods of South India finds earliest mention, in 990 AD, in a Kannada book, Vaddaradhane, which was written by Shivakotiacharya? Idli is a small, white, acid leavened, and steamed cake made by bacterial fermentation of a thick batter made from carefully washed white rice and dehulled black gram dhal. It is breakfast food of extensive popularity.  There are several hypotheses, based on rich history, attributed to the origin of humble dish Idli. It finds mention in a Kannada book, "Vaddaradhane", written by Shivakotiacharya in 920 AD, as “iddalige”, but prepared only from a black gram batter. As there were no steaming vessels in India before 7th century, Hindu Kings who came from Indonesia (800-1200 AD) along with their cooks brought fermentation and steaming methods and their dish called "Kedli" to South India., where the name got changed to Idli. The earliest available...

Pancha Prana

Pancha Prana (ಪಂಚ ಪ್ರಾಣ) Did you know that the colloquial usage of Pancha Prana (ಪಂಚ ಪ್ರಾಣ) as an expression of love to our grand children, literally means 'the life force', the classical five elements in Hinduism known as Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana? Pancha Prana (ಪಂಚ ಪ್ರಾಣ), also known as Pancha Prana Vayu or the five energy flows, is 'the life force', formed by the classical five elements in Hinduism, called Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana. It is used commonly as colloquial expression to describe deep love for our grandchildren.  Pancha Pranas are the five energy flows which enable the body and its organs to function, and in fact are responsible for the entire physiology of the human system. Prana=vital, air-Vayu; and also Prana= prana-the same word applies to the Vayu that flows in the chest to thorax region. The five Pranas or Prana Vayus as energy forces are involved in intricate integration, circulation and handling the ...

Success is not just a measure of how big you can DREAM, it is also a measure of how much you can DO

Offering rock salt to Lord subrahmanya swamy

Why do we offer rock salt to Lord subrahmanya swamy When we visit different temples at different places, we find different procedures are followed at that temple premises which make us pleased to follow and perform those rituals. When we go to subrahmanya swamy temple, we find rock salt is being placed at back of “dwajastamb”, long pillar coated with copper and brass, embedded with different god symbols. Reason: Salt belongs to ocean god, Lord Vishnu lives in ocean. When lord Kumara swamy is stuck with marriage proposals, goddess Parvathi askes suggestion to Vishnu, Lord closes his eyes by seeing Kuramara swamy. He finds beautiful ladies “Valli Devasyena”, here Lord Vishnu is projected to assume father-in-law and performed marriage of lord Kumara swamy.  Devotees who are stuck with marriage proposals or have marriage problems should put rock salt in a pot placed behind dwajastamba. They will be blessed with immediate marriage with best partner. Also we need ...

The Nature of Mind

Fifteen Ways To Understanding The Nature of Mind In the process of realizing the self, the role of the mind is vital. It is also very difficult to understand the mind. Therefore, our elders, who studied this mind from various angles, have given 15 names to it. These names will help in understanding the nature of mind. They are: 1. Manas or a wavery mind – A mind, which is under the influence of Maya or illusion, causes numerous problems in life. It is fickle and wavery. There is no firm decision. It sees too many forms and believes them to be true. 2. Buddhi or Determined Mind – After getting the wavery thoughts, the pure consciousness, basing on its experience, determine things, as this is so and so. For example, this is water, this is earth etc. Then, it is called 'Buddhi'. This aspect is used to identify various aspects of life and its importance in daily life. 3. Ahamkara or Feeling of 'I' ness – When the pure consciousness develops affection over the body ...

Sign of divine love | Supreme love

Chapter 3 - Rejoice Without Conflict  Day 15 The Rishi Garga said Katha, meaning storytalking about the glory of it. Listening and talking about it. When you are in love with someone, you want to know everything about them.  What do they do? Where do they sit? Where did they go? What do they think? What is their opinion? What do they say? You want to know everything about them.  And an interest in listening to that story and telling the story of the beloved is another characteristic of such a deep devotion, such a deep love. No other subject interests you.  When you are in love, you only talk about the beloved and the beloved’s stories. This is another sign, another characteristic of such Divine love. In nothing else is there any interest.  Another Rishi by the name Shandilya says a characteristic of love is rejoicing in the Self without any conflict. This is a sign of divine love. The moment you are happy, immediately a conflict arises in you, “Oh I...

Angaraki Sankashti Chaturthi 2023

Angaraki Sankashti Chaturthi 2023 Date - Importance - Mantra - How to do Ganesh Fasting on Tuesday ? Angarak Ganesh Chaturthi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha in a traditional Hindu calendar. Angarika Ganesh Chaturthi 2023 date is January 10. Angarika Chaturthi is observed when the monthly Sankashti Chaturthi falls on a Tuesday. The day is then considered highly auspicious and great importance to Ganpati devotees. Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat is observed on the fourth day during the waning phase of the moon (Krishna Paksha) or fourth day after the full moon. January 10, 2023 moonrise time or chandrodaya is at 9:06 PM (fasting breaking time). Angarak, or Angarika, means fire and the name because Tuesday or Mangalwar is governed by Hindu God Mangal. Angarak Yog is considered highly auspicious. The fast performed on the day is meritorious. It helps in fulfilling wishes and in alleviating financial problems. Above all prayers and contemplation on the day helps a devot...

Lord Shiva’s Teachings for a Peaceful Modern Lifestyle

Lord Shiva’s Teachings for a Peaceful Modern Lifestyle shiva Materialistic Pleasures Are Temporary: Lord Shiva was never attached to wealth. He neither wore gold ornaments nor expensive clothes. He was least bothered about material possessions as he was an enlightened soul who found happiness in real things. Patience, Persistence And Calmness: Shiva is a yogi. He sat and meditated for hours together. Patience, clarity of thought and wisdom are a product of a calm mind which is a result of meditation. Suppress Negative Energy: Shiva is someone who had to consume poison and hold it inside him in spite of the pain. In fact, his name ‘neela-kantha’ signifies this act. The lesson here is to gain control over the negative side that exists in you with grace and power. In fact, this is a big lesson in anger management too. Respect Women And Treat Them Equally: Shiva treated his better half Parvathi as his equal. They lived like two souls in a single body. One of the names of lord...

64 Forms of Lord Shiva

64 Forms of Lord Shiva 64 Forms of Lord Shiva. Maheswara Murtham – 64 Avatars of Lord Shiva in Hinduism. Lord Shiva is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. He is the Supreme being within Shaivism tradition of Hinduism. Lord Shiva is the “destroyer and transformer” within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu. In Shaivism tradition, Shiva is the Supreme being who creates, protects and transforms the universe. The Maheshwara Murtham is the list of all the 64 forms of Lord Shiva. Below is the name of all the 64 forms of Lord Shiva: 1. Linga Murthy – God Shiva’s shapeless form 2. LinGodbhava Murthy – God Shiva emerging from shapeless form 3. Mukhalingam- Lord Shiva with five faces 4. SadaShiva Murthy- The secondary form of Lord Shiva with five faces 5. Maha sadaShiva Murthy- Lord Shiva with twenty five faces 6. Umamaheshvara Murthy- Lord Shiva with Goddess Uma {Devi Parvati} 7. Sukasana Murthy – Lord Shiva with his wife Goddess Uma in a pleasant m...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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