Guru Story at Sangri-La, Dubai DEC 23
Many devotees were waiting in a que outside the hotel waiting for Gurudev's Darshan as He returns from COP28 session. Looking at the queue, an Iranian man passing by (also staying in the same hotel), asked a devotee: "is there a wedding happening?" Devotee replied: "No, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is coming"
He walked ahead saying "Oh, alright" then saw some devotees ahead in the same line wearing t-shirts promoting the 8th Dec event with a big photo of Gurudev.
He stopped and asked "who is He?"
Devotee: "there's a grand meditation event happening with Gurudev, you have to come, our motto is One world one family"
Man: "wow can I take picture?", He was in hurry to go somewhere else urgently but still he just stood there and joined the darshan line and started saying "this was the worst & most stressful day of my life, (tears started rolling down his eyes) I was searching for a window, if there was no glass in this hotel I would have jumped from here"
Devotee: "don't worry, you're being taken care of by divine, just wait here and meet Gurudev"
Just few minutes after that Gurudev arrived and started giving Darshan to all, Gurudev held his hand, he bowed and got Gurudev's blessings & he walked with rain of tears to his kids & wife.
Just in wonder of how an Iranian working in the US happened to be in Dubai at the time of Gurudev's visit and in the same hotel, and happened to pass by a Darshan line on a day when he wanted to end his life, and without knowing anything about Gurudev he just joined the line and got to meet Gurudev and felt light. The devotees standing outside, wearing the shirts, everything must be His divine plan
Guru Grace Gratitude