This event happened on 29th August 2020 in Perth, Australia. Me, my husband and 1 of his friends were returning back from ganpati aarti on our way to drop this friend of ours.
We 3 were chatting casually while my husband drove the car and very suddenly from nowhere a big van came in front of us in high speed at the traffic lights intersection. The lights were green for us but what was the driver of the van upto, I have no clue. My husband noticed it first and beeped horn but he did not stop and my husband accelerated the car instead of applying breaks. This all happened within fraction of seconds. Because my husband accelerated, we avoided the almost big collision with that van. The van crossed our car from behind. No injuries, not a scratch..everyone was safe. It still gives me goose bumps while I am penning this story. THIS WAS ABSOLUTE GRACE. We all 3 may have sustained big injuries given that both cars were driving at around 70 km/hr. The air bags could have opened given that both cars were at high speed and so close (may be an inch away) Bt Gurudev gave the right insight to my husband and made him take the instant correct action. Now, my husband does not believes in AOL. Regardless of that, I have always continued my kriya and have prayed to Gurudev to lead us both on this path in the journey of life. This incident is only one more way of nature telling me that Gurudev is with His devotees all the time. He is watching over us, taking care of us and will meet our needs. We only have to trust Him with all our heart and connect with him through SADHNA, SEVA AND SATSANG. Jai Guru Dev.
- Gunjan Bajaj,
Perth, Australia