Soybean , Glycine max
785. ЁЯлЫЁЯМ┐Soybean scientifically named as Glycine max, is an important legume crop native to East Asia ( significantly China).
ЁЯлЫЁЯМ┐It is an annual herbaceous shrub growing up to 2m tall, with erect branches that bear trifoliate leaves arranged alternately. The surface of leaflets is slightly hairy and has a mucronate apex.
ЁЯМ╕ЁЯМ┐White to purplish flowers are produced in axillary racemes. These mature into green hairy pods. These pods mature to a yellowish brown colour and bear 2 - 3seeds each. When the ripe beans are ready for harvest, the leaves will start to fall off, leaving the brown stems and the pods.
ЁЯлЫЁЯМ┐Soybean is one of the world's most important sources of food and vegetarian protein. The processed seeds give soy milk, a valuable protein supplement as well as other soy food stuffs such as soy beancurd ( tofu). The famous Chinese Soy sauce is made from matured fermented beans. Soybean is also eaten cooked as a vegetable.
ЁЯлЫЁЯМ┐Soybeans are planted as a cover crop which suppresses weeds.They also make protein rich fodder for cattle and other farm animals.
ЁЯлЫЁЯМ┐The name Glycine comes from the Greek word glykys that means sweet, referring to the sweet taste of the legume. The term max translates to "greatest" in Latin, reflecting its significance as a major crop.
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