783.🪻🫛 Hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) also known as Poor man's bean, is a native of Africa. A vigorously trailing, twining herbaceous plant.
🪻🫛Stems are usually purplish in color, robust, hairy and trailing up to 3-6m in length. Leaves are trifoliate with 3 somewhat triangular leaflets, 2 facing each other and one terminal leaflet. Pinkish pea like flowers are borne in upright clusters.
🪻🫛It has pinkish-red, slightly curved, and flattened, thick, bean pods, often cultivated as a pulse or fodder crop. The beans can be toxic when eaten raw, but edible if boiled and cooked properly.
🪻🫛Scientific name: Lablab purpureus
Common names: Hyacinth bean, Lablab bean, Poor man's bean
Family: Fabaceae
Native Distribution: Africa, Western Indian Ocean (Madagascar)
Plants of Singapore