The deeper you go and more hollow and empty that you become
Chapter 6 - Steadiness In Samadhi
Day 47
The impression of that state of consciousness can wipe out all other impressions in the mind which are useless and not necessary for life. This happens to some extent with all - maybe 15, 40, 65 or 80% Something of the past erased in your first meditation.
You begin to feel that you are a new person the deeper you go and more hollow and empty that you become. You feel you are a different person. Many have had this experience. What has happened is that other samskaras and impressions have been erased from your mind.
It has made you new. It renews you again, and again, and again, and again. Often, when you have thought of events in the past, you would have felt that you are not the same person that you were then. You even feel that it was not you at all, as though you are not at all connected to those events.
This is because this samskara of your consciousness has been erasing those things of your past continuously and has been making you a new person every day. This is pure knowledge. If someone holds you to something you did in the past, you should laugh at them. This is because you are not the same person now. You should see it as if somebody else had done it.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji