Chapter 5 - Overcoming Obstacles
Day 41
There are many different methods of meditations. You can be awakened by one of methods. You can choose the one that suits you but you need to stick to it. You should not change it at all. If you take one path, you should go only on that path. You should not change Masters at all.
Otherwise, you will get very confused and messed up. All the ways are good. Take up one and just go deep into it, without criticizing the others. Then, you will be building it up in you. There are five different methods of meditation.
What's the sign of progress in this? Patanjali said - From the atom, smaller than the smallest, to the bigger than the biggest, comes within your purview of operation, or life. The nature loves you, will start supporting you.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji