Sea Bean ,Entada spiralis is a vulnerable species native to Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Sumatra
ЁЯМ┐Sea Bean (Entada spiralis) is a vulnerable species of woody climber from the family Fabaceae, native to Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Sumatra.
ЁЯМ┐The woody liana grows up to 25 m long, climbing with support from neighboring trees.
ЁЯМ┐Its leaves are bipinnately compound, with up to 4 pairs of stalked secondary leaflets (pinnules) per primary leaflet (pinna). Its oppositely arranged pinnules have papery leaf blades that are elliptic to drop-shaped, with a notched tip.
ЁЯМ┐Its solitary flowering spikes are 15–20 cm long and arise from the leaf axils. Its white flowers are 5-merous, and either male or bisexual. The flowers are pollinated by insects.
ЁЯМ┐The legumes (fruits) are large, spirally coiled, irregularly segmented, woody pods. The plant can be propagated by seeds.
ЁЯМ┐Its bark and seeds contain saponin which can be used as a substitute for soap and also used in making shampoos, or skin wash to treat a range of disorders including itching and parasites.
Plants of Singapore