The Master's Voice 13
In our life time, The Master's say, we have the company of four Gurus - Mother, Father, Guru and The Lord.
Mother introduces us to this world and enlightens us to the surroundings.
Father gives us the vision as to how we can earn our livelihood.
Teachers at school and college give us knowledge about the worldly things.
The Master shows The path for Self Realisation. The Spiritual Path requires an experienced MASTER to lead us to eternity.
The Lord is The Soul's Master, The True Father. Upon Self Realisation, by treading on the path shown by The Master, we can have His Darshan and Merge in Him. This is True Salvation and Moksha, that we are earning for.
A small anecdote as to what is it that we should seek from The Master.
Once, a disciple asked The Master, “What is that one thing O Master, knowing which all doubts are resolved?”
The Master replied, “Know the doubter; if the doubter be held, the doubts will not arise. Recognize for certain that all are jnanis, all are realized beings. Only a few are aware of this fact. Therefore, doubts arise. Doubts must be uprooted. This means, that the doubter must be uprooted. When the doubter ceases to exist, no doubts will rise. Here, the doubter means the mind.”
The disciple asked, “What is the method, O Master?”
The Master answered sharply, “Enquire, Who am I?‟ This investigation alone will remove and uproot the doubter mind and thus establish one in the Self, the
transcendental state.”
To control our cravings and desires, the anger, the greed, the attachment and the ego is not easy. The wavering mind and it's outward tendency only leads us deep into the world of illusion.
The Saint's have time and again said, "it is in the company of The Master and The Saints that we can take command over our Mind."
The Mind becomes oblivious to the outside world, when The Master orients our thoughts towards The Lord.
Thus it is clear, Praying to The Lord for His Company will lead us to The Master. Only a seeker of The Lord can reach The Master. Once we start living in the Master's dictum adopt the practices, we shall be on the right path.
The Master's say, "No one succeeds with out effort; those who succeed owe it to the perseverance:"
We will have to put our efforts, and leave the success in The Master's hand. We do not know how much time is left. But it is for sure, we need to achieve a lot. Let us meditate and meditate, as per the dictum of The Master.
Authored by K. Giri