The third eye helps us to tread the spiritual path
The Master's Voice 17
A Master in his Satsang or spiritual discourse was talking about quest to find The Lord.
"A man went out in search of The Lord. He went for years and years, from temple to temple, country to country. Finally, after a lifetime, he came to The Lord, he had found The Lord. And The Lord said to him:
‘My dear son, you made a mistake in going out to look for me. You went out to search for The Lord. In doing so, there were three mistakes:
YOU went out to search for The Lord! – You saw yourself and The Lord as two separate things. We both are one.
You WENT OUT to search for The Lord – You saw a space separation between yourself and The Lord. There is no space in between, The Lord is omnipresent. The Lord is present everywhere.
You went out in SEARCH for The Lord. You thought The Lord was hidden and you had to search for him. He is not hidden, he is visible everywhere, in everything."
The message is subtle and clear, The Lord is within each and everyone of us. As and when we desire to find Him, we can only find Him inside.
But The Master again explains, "To see The Lord with our present set of two eyes, is impossible. Because these eyes open outward, towards the worldly things. THE Lord is inside us, to See him we need to open the third eye, the hidden eye."
The third eye helps us to tread the spiritual path. Its orientation is inward. This is the Only eye which can have the Darshan of The Lord and The Master.
Now comes a question, we did not know we had a third eye, we always thought only Lord Shiva had the third eye and that too to destroy.
The Master's explain, "Lord Shiva is the destroyer of Ignorance. Once The third eye is opened, one becomes aware of his self. He realises his true form is the Soul. He understands he is a part of The Lord.
As the third eye opens, alongwith ignorance, our EGO, attachment, greed, anger and worldly desires are also lost. We become content with what has been bestowed by The Lord on us."
How can we open the third eye?
The Saints say, "The key to unlock The Third Eye is with The Master. Only by the Grace, One can open the third eye."
We need to Live in The Master's Will, follow His teachings and do meditation as prescribed by The Master. As much time as we spend on Meditation that much closer we shall be to opening The Third Eye. Without the third eye, we cannot see The Lord. We can have The Darshan of The Lord, only by The Master's Grace.
Let us meditate and meditate.
Authored by K. Giri