The Master's Voice 20
One of the sensory organ which plays an important role in our life is Tongue. Tongue which is immersed in outer world, unknowingly, develops certain bad habits. These habits become an obstruction in our spiritual path.
The Master's advice us to avoid following
I. Avoid lying; speak only the truth.
2. Avoid exaggeration.
3. Avoid deception;
4. Avoid evil-speaking;
5. Do not listen to, or act upon, or repeat an evil story.
6. Avoid idle conversation; learn to be silent. Do not let the tongue run.
7. Avoid accusation, recrimination and condemation.
8. Avoid frivolous jesting and irreverent speech.
9. Avoid fault-finding, practice self-control. Avoid unprofitable arguments. Do not enter into wordy strifes about things. If one violently oppose you, let him have the last word.
10. Do not be a foodie, fully dependent on the taste."
The Master's say, "Our orientation from the childhood has been such that we are totally distracted and find pleasure in outside world. Whereas, The Lord has bestowed the tongue to chant His Name."
The Saints say, "The words once spoken is like an arrow shot from the bow. It can not be retrieved. Hence, Speak only that which is relevant, essential and truthful."
The Master's say, "Begin by adopting a vow of silence." This practice shall enable us to conquer the Spiritual Path. The Master does not interfere in our day to day life. He wants us to become worthy of meeting The Lord.
It is essential that we be regular in the prayers and Remembrance of The Lord. As and when we use our tongue, let us use it for taking The Lord's name. Let us meditate.
Authored by K. Giri