Eucalyptus deglupta, popularly known as Rainbow Eucalyptus or Mindanao gum, is a fast growing tall tree species native to the Philippines, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Rainbow Eucalyptus is known for its unique and strikingly colorful bark, which peels away to reveal bright green, blue, purple, orange, and maroon stripes.
🌳This is a fast-growing, evergreen tree that can reach heights of up to 60 m in its native habitat but will grow up to 30 m elsewhere. The tree can add 90-150 cm per year. Young trees have a conical crown with a leader and almost horizontal branches. As the tree matures, the branches curve up, and the leader becomes less prominent - hence forming a spreading, flat-topped crown.
🌳The foliage of ovate to lanceolate leaves, up to 15 cm long, arranged oppositely are aromatic when crushed.
🌳Umbels of small white flowers bloom in clusters of 7 either in leaf axils or tips of branchlets.
🌳The fruit is a woody, brown, hemispherical capsule about 3–5 mm long and wide..Each cell of the fruit contains between three and twelve minute brown seeds, each with a small wing.
🌳Rainbow Eucalyptus is a major plantation tree for pulp production. It is also widely planted as an ornamental tree because of its attractive bark. It is an excellent shade tree that requires ample growing space.
🌳The tree can be propagated by seed or from cuttings of trees younger than 5 years. It thrives in rich medium-to-wet soil, generally likes a lot of water as it grows naturally in a rain-forest habitat. Prefers a humid, cooler tropical climate and full sun and is intolerant of frost.
There is currently one individual of Eucalyptus deglupta listed as a Heritage Tree in Singapore. It can be found at Katong Park.