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Types of Self Care You Should Take Care

We all know that we should take care of ourselves, but sometimes it's hard to know where to start. After all, there are so many different types of self-care. Out of many only six types of self-care are important, and you should make an effort to incorporate all of them into your life. 

Spiritual self-care is about connecting with something larger than yourself. It can involve practices like meditation, prayer, or journaling. Spiritual self-care can help you find meaning and purpose in your life, which can be extremely helpful when times are tough.

Psychological self-care is all about taking care of your mental health. This can involve things like therapy, counseling, or medication. Psychological self-care is important because it helps you maintain a healthy state of mind. It can also help you deal with difficult emotions and situations in a healthy way. 

Emotional self-care is similar to psychological self-care, but it's more focused on your emotions specifically. This can involve things like expressing your emotions in a creative outlet like art or writing, or simply taking some time for yourself to relax and de-stress. Emotional self-care is important because it helps you stay in touch with your emotions and ensures that they don't become overwhelming.

Personal self-care is all about taking care of your physical needs. This includes things like exercise, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, and seeing a doctor or dentist regularly. Personal self-care is important because it helps you maintain a healthy body and prevents illness. 

Physical self care is similar to personal self care but focuses more on the physical sensations associated with taking care of your body. This can involve things like massages, baths, or relaxation techniques. Physical self care is important because it helps you relax and reduces stress levels. 

Professional self care is all about taking care of your career needs. This can involve things like networking, continuing education, or seeking out mentorships and professional development opportunities . Professional self care is important because it helps you further your career goals and maintain a healthy work/life balance.

All six types of self care are important for maintaining a happy healthy life. Make sure to incorporate all six types into your regular routine!

Life lessons from Friendship

Friendship as well as enemy and liking as well as disliking is not permanent. It changes as per time. Today you might be enemy of someone but some day later you might share cordial relation with the same. Feelings are not permanent because Heart and Brain itself changes with body parameters. Nothing is permanent. Even our existence is not permanent. 

Time will decide what stays and what does not stay. Today you may dislike someone but might be with time, tomorrow you make like the same person. And the best thing is that you have to do nothing and everything will be done by time. There is no need to answer or justify anyone who frames opinion about you. Every individual follows a distinct path and in life if you keep answering or if you are negatively affected by people's opinion, it's pretty sure that you won't be able to achieve what you have desired.

 You don't need to bother as to what people say about you, in fact it's their problem not yours. You have to just follow your path and mind it everyone's path is unique and distinct. Don't compare with anyone. You have to take people's view in a neutral constructive way so that it may help you to rise not set. You must not be the victim of society but must follow up your individuality. 

 As human beings we experience a multitude of emotions, thoughts and reactions to the world and our lives. We don’t always manage to sail through life the way we hope. Honesty makes life easy for both the ends. Some gentle reminders to all who have been going through Relationship issues be it with partner/ companion/ Parents/ Brother - Sister/ In- laws/ Friends/ or anyone :

Space is the most important factor which makes us feel free: Give space, get space and see how your relationships starts breathing and breeding space and joy. To guard your boundary is essential yet keeping too many do’s and don’ts makes life a Rule book where you are only living some pre set button of Yes/ No/ Block/ Unblock- Remember I’m talking about LIVE relationships not the ones who are limited to messenger/ Whataps or other social media.

Communication is the key and remember at all times communication can never be one sided : Take the lead and start the communication yet don’t push or force people, give them time and let them revert as per their willingness. Allow them to think and reply. Most misunderstandings are created when we Chat on social media instead indulge in one on one verbal communication as you cannot gauge a person’s emotions on casual chats. Be Honest, I am of the firm belief that honesty breeds faith and truth breeds trust.

 Honesty is a fuel which will keep the vehicle called Relationship running long. You can’t like all and dislike all. As a human being you will have choices, you will resonate to some and never resonate to a few, this doesn’t mean you have to fight or have a discord with the ones you dislike. Be honest to yourself and to the person and in all honesty tell him/her politely we aren’t meant to go along for long and hence let’s chose wisely and move on our respective paths without disturbing each other. I don’t think this is difficult and in case it is better write personalised hand written letters and do not chat over social media applications.

Avoid Blame/ Game/ Drama/ Complain and becoming Judges : Humble Request stop making blame your Zandu Balm. Believe me the more blames the more grows the pain. Judgement will only make things worse. Sincere No to any blame/game/ drama or judgment and yes to bonding and oneness. No at the right time and place with the right intensity and the right intent to the right person/ situation/ event goes a long way in saving any relationship and keeping the environment happy and eased. 

Nothing can be changed overnight so stop expecting too much from yourself or from your partner and go an extra mile by expecting just nothing from people around you. A super difficult step yet the show stopper as expectations create maximum struggles both mental and emotional. Acknowledgement and Appreciation goes a long way in strengthening any relationship: Replace Anger and Abuse by working on your heart chakra (meditation best way) releasing all that is not required and emptying your cup refilling it with genuine acknowledgement and appreciation first for self and then for others.

Self love is awesome but make sure you aren’t getting into Self obsession as someone who is unable to see anyone or anything around except himself is brewing Ego/ complexes and selfishness. Bless/ Cheer/ Rejoice and most importantly LOVE life which has given you the amazing relationships. Love is the most important feeling which makes life abundant, embrace love and grace all the relationships that makes you what you are at the moment. None of us have mastered all the above points as we are all work in progress. I take this opportunity to express my thanks and gratitude to all those who touched my life in any way at any time.

 Happy life with best wishes

Authored by Dr Anadi Sahoo


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