The Master's Voice 55
Once a disciple asked The Master, "The world is materialistic. What is the remedy for it?"
The Master's say, "Whether we see the world as Materialistic or spiritual, is totally based according to our outlook or orientation. For one, who is oriented towards Meditation and Naama Bhakti, his life will always revolve around The Master, The Word given by The Master and Naama Bhakti. He will always Live in The Remembrance of The Lord. He is not concerned about what is happening in the world, or to him or his family. He just relishes Living in The Master's Will. That is His Outlook.
But one whose mind is busy in worldly thoughts and attachments, pains and pleasures, his outlook is towards the creation and not The Creator, The Lord. They believe they are The Doers.
Like in Mahabharata, when Duhhsasan, Duryodhan's brother was misbehaving with Draupadi in The King's court, She first of all cries for the help from her husbands. She feels they will come to her help. When they do not come forward, she seeks help from the king and elders in the court. After exhausting all her worldly options, she finally cries to The Lord to come and help her. Her earnest cry from The Heart reaches The Lord and immediately, He stands in her protection.
Thus, it is very important to keep your outlook right, the orientation right. The Creator knows how to take care of His Creation."
The Disciple then asked, "How can we ensure safety of our future?"
The Master's say, "No one has seen the future. Everyone lives in the present. Every moment he has lived becomes his past. Neither past nor future has any significance. All that we can do is just Take care of the present, the future will automatically be taken care of by itself."
The Disciple continues, "I have read in the books that The future is the result of the present. So, what should I do to make it good? Or should I keep still?"
The Master's say, "We need to first find who has the doubt? Who is it that wants a course of action for future? Once, we find the doubter, If we hold the doubter, the mind Still, the doubts will disappear. The doubts are coming from our mind, and having lost hold of the Soul, the thoughts afflict us; the world is seen, doubts arise, also anxiety for the future. Once, we awaken our Soul, the doubts will automatically disappear."
The Disciple asked, "How to do it?"
The Master's say, "This question is relevant to matters of mind, and not to the Soul. Do you doubt the existence of your own Self?"
The Disciple, "No, I do not doubt the existence of The Soul. But still, I want to know how the Self could be realised. Is there any method leading to it?"
The Master's say, "Make effort through Meditation. Just as water is got by boring a well, so also you realise the Self by investigation. Your Simran of The Word given by The Master will cut your worldly thoughts and attachments. It will automatically bring The Dhyaan of The Master. Once you collect The scattered consciousness at The Eye Center, The Master connects you With The Naama. Antar Simran of The Naama starts to happen automatically. Antar Dhyaan of The Naama shows that The Naama is none but our True Master."
The Disciple further asked, " Yes. But some find water readily and others with difficulty."
The Master says, "But you already see the moisture on the surface. You are hazily aware of the Self. Pursue it. When the effort ceases, and comes to Standstill an absolute SILENCE can be experienced. Then, the Soul shines on its own."
The Disciple asked, "How to train the mind to look within?"
The Master says, "There is no shortcut to reach Self Realisation. It is possible only through the practice of Meditation."
The Disciple, "How to destroy the mind?"
The Master says, "Water cannot be made dry water. The mind can not be destroyed. Instead, Seek the Soul; immerse in Naama Bhakti. Let the mind be oriented in Naama Bhakti. That is the right way to ensure that the mind does not wander down into the Creation again."
This interaction between The Master and the Disciple is an eye opener. Let us surrender our worries to The Master and start Living in His Will. Let us devote our time towards Naama Bhakti. By Living in The Remembrance of The Lord, we shall be blessed with The Master's Grace. The Master's Grace will lead us to our True Home, The Lord's abode.
Authored by K. Giri