The Master's Voice 75
Once The Master and few of His Disciples were going around the Village, near the Ashram.
They saw two or three fully loaded bullock carts passing along. The people in the cart were sound asleep, their legs stretched out, and free from all worries.
The Master pointed out to them, and said to the Disciples, "Did you see that? The people sitting in the cart are sleeping, absolutely free of all inhibitions.
It is like the natural state, ‘Easy Loyalty'.
For the Realized One the Soul which sleeps in the body, all three states are the same, that is, waking, dreaming and deep sleep. For example, the cart is on the move. The man in the cart is asleep, that is like the working of the body of a Realized Soul, he is in state of Samaadhi. Supposing the man continues to sleep even when the cart stops on reaching its destination, is unloaded, still he is in Samaadhi. And even after the bullocks are removed, he still continues to sleep all through, nothing changes.
This is like the sleep of a Realized Soul. The body is for him a cart; while in motion, while standing still, or while being unloaded, that man goes on sleeping.
His loyalty is not to the body, but to The Lord. The Realised Soul always tries to find ways to be in The Remembrance of The Lord. The easiest way to Live in The Remembrance of The Lord is Naama Bhakti. It is through the Simran and Dhyaan of The Naama that we unmanifest our consciousness and elevate our consciousness to the level of Supreme Consciousness.
To highlight the power of The Naama, The Master spoke about a live incident that had taken place earlier.
One day, right in the middle of the afternoon, The Master got up and told a Disciple, "Come with me. We need to go."
The Disciple protested, "Master, it's so hot outside and right now, there is no vehicle at our disposal. How can we move about in such weather?" The Disciple somehow wanted to escape from the trip.
The Master did not find any merit in his excuse, He said, " We will walk over, it will just take 12 to 15 minutes. If I can walk, I am sure you too can walk."
The Disciple said, "But my feet will burn. I don't have my footwear with me."
The Master asked, "Will my feet not burn as well?" obviously feeling that this was not a serious obstacle.
The Disciple replied, "Master, you never wear any kind of footwear. You can walk on the toughest terrain in any weather without feeling the least discomfort. So yours is a different case."
The Master again asked, "Why? Am I not a man with two feet, just like you? Why are you unnecessarily scared? Come on! Get up!"
The Disciple realised that it was useless to argue any more, he got up and started walking with The Master. The exposed stones of the footpath had become so hot because of the severe heat of the sun that walking on them made the disciple's feet burn. After bearing it for sometime, when it became unbearable he cried out, 'Master, my feet are burning so much! I cannot walk one more step. Even standing here is difficult. From all sides it is raining fire!'
The Master smiled and said in a very quiet and deep voice, "Give up your fear and listen. You must have the Attitude (mental conviction and attitude) that you are the sun. Start doing Simran and Dhyaan of The Naama, with full conviction to raise your consciousness to Sun Consciousness. You will soon see the effect of it. You yourself will become Surya Swarupa, that is, you will have the characteristics of the Sun. Can the Sun feel the heat of the sun?"
The Master says, "Disciple followed the instruction of The Master and started doing Naama Bhakti. In a short time, he began to feel the effect of the japa. The severity of the heat lessened and eventually he began to experience, instead of the severe heat, a pleasing coolness. As the burning sensation diminished he found that he was able to walk quickly alongside The Master, who always walked at a very fast pace.
That is the reason, The Naama is the best medicine for all kind of disease like worldly attachment and bondages. All we need to do is surrender to The Master and do Naama Bhakti."
We are fortunate to be blessed with blessed with The Naama by The Master. The Master has shown us the path, it is our turn now to show our sincerity and dedication. As we will do Naama Bhakti, our orientation will shift from the worldly thoughts and attachment towards The Lord. By The Master's Grace, we too shall Live in The Remembrance of The Lord.
Let us do Naama Bhakti earnestly, devote as much tmime as possible. The Master shall shower His Grace on us.
Authored by K. Giri