The Master's Voice 64
Once a Disciple after His stay in Ashram was leaving for his home. He went to seek the leave of The Master.
He said to The Master, "My stay over here was blessed by you with lots of peace and bliss. It was your Grace.
When I am back in my place, I want to Live in The Remembrance of The Master. May The Master please to grant me such prayer!"
The Master replied, "Where are you going? You are not going anywhere.
Even supposing you are the body, has your body come from your home to Ashram? No, you simply sat in the car and the car moved from there to here. And finally you say that you have come here.
The True fact is that you are not the body, You are The Soul. The Soul does not move. The world moves in it.
You are what you are, The Soul. There is no change in you, there will be no change. Then even after what looks like departure from here, You are here and there and everywhere. The Soul being The Lord's particle is omnipresent."
Disciple, "If it is so, why do I not feel The Same Peace and Bliss as in Ashram, when I am at home?
The Master said, "When you came to The Ashram, you left all your bag and baggages back at home. You Surrendered yourself to The Rules of The Ashram, followed it to the core. You Lived in The Master's Will. You practiced Meditation at stipulated time; You had what was served to you as food, without any personal preferences or desires. You had other Disciples for Company, so the talk and thoughts were all about The Lord and His abundant Mercy.
The focus was on Inner Experience rather than on materialistic pursuit. Hence, you experienced Peace and Bliss.
But once we leave The Ashram, we leave The Master and His practices at The Ashram. Our Nature of being in The Surrender of The Master changes to being The Master of our Home. We feel we are responsible to earn and feed our family. Our thoughts slowly but steadily entrench into the materialistic pursuits. As our mind moves away from Simran and Dhyaan of The Naama, The peace and bliss which is our inherent nature, moves away. We get distracted, disturbed and even rattled."
The Disciple asked, "Then how should we live?"
The Master answered, "Wherever we live, we should Live in The Lord's Will. The Lord's Will is that we Live in The Remembrance of The Lord, through The Naama given by The Master. Once we Surrender ourselves to The Naama, we shall become The Naama. Since The Naama has given by The Master, our mind shall be filled with The Remembrance of The Master. The worldly pursuits shall take a back seat."
The Disciple, "But then what will happen to my family?"
The Master's say, "The Lord has created the universe. He is aware of all our requirements and takes care of them, with what is good for us.
But unfortunately, we get attached to the creation and forget The Creator. The purpose of this life is to do Naama Bhakti and Unite with The Lord. It is our Naama Bhakti which shall, by The Grace of The Master, take care of both our Spiritual and materialistic pursuits.
We need to have the trust and faith in The path shown by The Master. The Naama Bhakti shall awaken our Vivek, the sense of Discrimination. This will allow us to understand that everything is happening as per The Lord's Will. We cannot change it by our acts and deeds. We need to develop The Acceptance of The Lord's Will. Then, we shall enjoy The Eternal Bliss and Peace."
Disciple, "Master, please shower on me your Grace."
The Master's say, "Grace is within you. All the external Grace are of no use. The Master showers His Grace through The Naama. As we do Naama Bhakti, we can feel The Master's Grace. Our Soul feels The Grace.
We realise that our Soul in itself is The Grace. We are never out of its operation. Grace is always there."
Here, The Master has shown us the path to live in this creation. The Right way is The Master's Path, The path of Naama Bhakti. We need to Surrender to The Lord's Will and do as much Naama Bhakti as possible.
The Lord is our True Father. He is aware of our needs. We need to be content with what is bestowed on us and appreciate it. We need to Realise, The Lord is fulfilling our needs keeping in mind, our Spiritual progress. The Lord wants to see us in our True Home. Let us do Naama Bhakti and by The Master's Grace we shall Unite with The Lord.
Authored by K. Giri