The Golden Plume plant ( Schaueria calytricha) appears like a 'floral nest'
The Golden Plume plant ( Schaueria calytricha) appears like a 'floral nest' blooming with creamy white flowers in the centre, surrounded by tufts of thread-like yellow bracts. Its dark green foliage adds to its beauty by creating contrast with the bright yellow 'nests'.
Golden Plume or Hairy Yellow-Headed Justicia, is an evergreen woody shrub, about 2-3 ft tall. Its oppositely arranged, ovate to lanceolate leaves have smooth or wavy margins.
Fuzzy spikes of cream to pale yellow, tubular flowers are surrounded by a dense clump of yellow, hair-like bracts and sepals.
Fruits are dehiscent capsules that open explosively to release seeds. Seeds are attached to hook like structures inside the fruit. These aid in the dispersal.
Golden Plume is very similar to Justicia in form and habit. The plant grows well in partial shade and moist soil and is intolerant to direct sun and dry soils.
This species is planted as an ornamental shrub for its unique and elaborate blooms. The actual, tubular flowers last only a few days, but the yellow hair-like bracts stay fresh for weeks, providing longlasting enjoyment
It is suitable for butterfly gardens as a nectar plant. It would also be appropriate for a "Golden Garden" theme. This species will brighten partly shady areas with its yellow blossoms.
Scientific name: Schaueria calytricha
Common names: Golden Plume, Yellow Jacobinia, Hairy Yellow-Headed Justicia
Family: Acanthaceae
Native Distribution: Brazil
Pictures taken at Gardens by the Bay, Singapore (6/4/2022)