The Creation. He, on becoming One with The Creator enjoys eternal bliss
The Master's Voice 59
The Saints say, "That Sevaa of The Master is considered a success, which enables us to bring our consciousness at The Master's feet."
The Master's say, "It is not easy for us to tread The Spiritual Path in this illusion filled Creation due to our orientation. The orientation towards The World means The mind is busy in the creation. The sense organs are relishing the worldly things in the company of the mind. For the sake of couple of minutes pleasure, it endures endless pain.
The fruits and results of a worldly act is momentary pleasure or momentary pain. Nothing is permanent. Both pain and pleasure last for a certain period of time, before it vanishes. We live in its remembrance, creating the same feel in our mind.
Initially to change our orientation, The Master gives us an opportunity to do outer Sevaa like Physical Sevaa, Mind Sevaa and Material Sevaa.
The Physical Sevaa is the Selfless Sevaa that we do to benefit others. It can be anything from preparing Prasad to serving water, tea or food; It could be maintenance of the Ashram and the lawns to manning the gates; It could be a ferry Sevaa for elderly or people in need.
The Mind Sevaa is to do Simran of The Naama given by The Master. This will enable our mind to orient towards The Lord and not meander in the worldly thoughts and attachments.
The material Sevaa is the Sevaa of needy people, to give food, or to give blankets or clothes, or pay fees of the needy student.
All this Sevaa when done SELFLESSLY will help us orient us to Live in The Remembrance of The Lord and Live in The Master's Will. But none of these will take us to The Lord's abode.
To reach The Lord's abode, there is only One Sevaa that which The Saints and The Masters have treaded on Successfully. It is The Sevaa of Naama, Naama Bhakti.
Naama Bhakti is The Path that will lead us towards salvation in Kalyug. When we seek the Knowledge of Supreme Consciousness, through Naama Bhakti we can attain It.
The Lord fulfils all our desires. The Lord can give us the Knowledge of Supreme Consciousness, if He so desires on platter.
But The Lord wants us to do Naama Bhakti and realize the Him inside; have The Darshan of His endowed form and talk to Him. But, we seldom seek the Knowledge of Supreme Consciousness from The Lord.
The Lord, who does everything at His pleasure, can make us the heir to His infinite glories, as and when our Naama Bhakti pleases Him. He gives us both the Love of The Lord and the Knowledge of The Supreme Consciousness.
For example, it is only if we reach Kolkata, we can see the stadium and the museum and other places too. The thing is how to reach Kolkata.
We can Realise The Lord, only through the Meditation of The Naama given by the Master at The time of the Initiation. It is only The True Sevaa of this Naama which leads us to The Inner Sevaa, Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan of The Naama.
It is only by The Master's Grace, we get the Knowledge as well as the power to do Naama Bhakti. We Realise our True Self is the Soul. We Realise The True Master inside us, and find our Master is none but The Naama.
Finally when we attain Supreme Consciousness through Naama Bhakti, we have The Darshan of The Lord. Here, we Realise that our Soul has merged into The Lord and has become The Lord.
The Soul, The Master and The Lord have become One. The Disciple who has reached this state is the one whom The Master treasures. He is the one who has succeeded in bringing The Consciousness to The Eye center through The Master's Path."
All the Saints and The Masters have time and again pointed out that The easiest Path to reach The Lord's Abode is by treading The Master's Path. One who treads The Master's Path, Living in The Master's Will, shall be blessed by The Lord with Salvation. He shall have nothing more to do with The Creation. He, on becoming One with The Creator enjoys eternal bliss. Let us do The Lord's preferred Bhakti, Naama Bhakti and seek eternal salvation.
Authored by K. Giri