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Relationships and Domestic family life

Who really cares who is right as long as the conclusion is right. Arguments and discussions or two different things, this is so true, to hear others thoughts and have see them on own side of view before both decide.                      

Marital relationship is complete relationship if nurtured with : mutual acceptence in totality with all good qualities and shortcomings. Mutual understanding is the most precious aspect of any relationship. Unfortunately, the smarter you are, the harder to find a friend or spouse who can understand you.

 Others things include : mutual respect, mutual care, mutual faith, mutual love, mutual support, mutual understanding, mutual forgiveness, everything mutual predominantly and sacrifice of personnel wishes or interests and the ego.

Mutual understanding is very essential to keep a relationship safe and sound. The chemistry of a relationship depending on how much you know each other. If you don't know about your partner properly, you can't feel him/her well. So, if you want to build up a strong relationship, just try to know each other properly from circumstances, even if possible try astro suggestions. Otherwise it will effect on the long term relationship. So, matching first, to play long matching.

In a marriage, two individuals come together as representative of two society - both carrying the sanskars/ energy entanglement of their ancestors and family values - from both parents' lineage. In that sense, each person belongs to their respective ancestors (on both sides). They don't 'belong' to each other - they 'partner' each other. And it is an equal partnership.

I do not like the words 'husband/ wife', because they come loaded with conditioning of eons, which forces us into role-playing (that often goes against our grain). A life-partner (Soul-mate) on the other hand, is a gender neutral word. It pegs both at an equal footing - partners for life, partners in life, partners to life, partners of life. (Our conditioning makes our love conditional. The entire spiritual journey is about shedding our conditioning).

The children born of this partnership belong to both. They create the family bond. They bring forth the ancestral energy of both sides. And they need to Feel this belongingness Fully.

In case, the ancestors (of any side) are not respected enough (there have been estrangements) the energy-entanglements affect many future generations - until the inherent 'lessons of love' are cleared/ digested/ integrated.

   Arguments can be dynamic; but arguments can also be filled tension. Arguing occurs constantly, quite often in our own head. However, we can practice to hone a positive argument that manifests forward logic and health. To argue on the right side, is to ground our argument in truth, unaffected by anything... 

Forward moving arguments don’t go in circles, which is what happens when we argue for our own personal vendettas or for time entrenched opinions that swap principle for power. A forward moving argument produces positive results. 

Discussions are a great way to learn, Dialogue is the best, then you are interested in other points of view, discussions helps us to clear doubts about something and lead us to the path to know more and become better at something day by day, while arguments increases the doubts and lead us nowhere, it would only because of fights and ruins our inner peace and have would end up as disturbed, irritated, frustrated. 

Even some people make discussions to argument. They stick to their on point of view. Discussions are always better than arguments because an argument is to find out who is right and a discussion is to find out what is right. Some time both sides almost always have some right and some not so right. If both people just accept that and listen to resolve then progress and growth occur. The maturity of the gift of understanding is made manifest through consultation...

Happy life with best wishes

Authored by Dr Anadi Sahoo


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