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Purposeful Life and Karma

My upbringing happened with Jagannath cultured family in Odisha, for a long time I loved Science and technology, being an electronic engineer, again time changed, U-turned my life and forcefully permitted / attract me to go through/ love vedic philosophy, occults, mythology, spiritual psychology etc. while, until I realized that my stories are received best by my readers when they are in the First person (suffering as victim with situation and surrounding) can connect/ relate my own life story as their. Today, I am interested in that space where the gap between science and vedic-philosophy connected together and tested in the laboratories of different life since times during my Nath sampradaya life.

 Now I understand that only a Self-realized person can be truly fearless and independent - knowing that all one needs is within oneself. The main objective of my life is "the awareness of energy technique that can lead the lifestyle / society in better-way". This is my life mission to spread across our cult, our way of believing the super power with/ in form of cultural exchange. Yogic way is not talking about only physical health, its the union of pure intention flexible mind that meets the healthy body, its both spiritual as well as physical. It can manifest many miracles and can change life in a greater way, people those who are cultivating it, bringing heaven on this earth plane. 

For better situation of society, to bring about grater goodness, grater abundance, grater prosperities or to bring better level of understanding of self / nature, the way of life we talk about sum of yoga, meditation, ancient Cult, Faith, Prayer, Occult, Mysticism, Ethics, Karma, Kundalini, Chakras, Aura, Healing, Therapies, NLP, Hypnosis, Metaphysics, Quantum Theory, States of consciousness or psychology, Science / technologies that connected with Motivational / Inspirational related positive holistic life stories only ( actually not much required of education / position / power to understand). This is nothing but a process to lead a peaceful life, our happiness matter the most in the end. 

Life has taught me that there is no bypassing on this path. Transformation lies through the suffering. Pain is the fire that purifies us. Without this fire the seed of compassion doesn't crack open - and germinate in our heart. Only we humans find an issue with it. You cannot convince somebody through debates. You cannot transmit the experience either - unless you are such evolved soul. No matter how broken you are, you can always start and be better than before. What goes on within man is sensation-bound. 

Generally we seek God when we are in sadness or troubles or sufferings. Sadness or Dukham is the measuring rod to judge one’s personality, patience, endurance, even one’s integrity. Your preparation in life determines your success in life. Strategy is key to win in every event / situations. Observe your days and find out if you are just leading every day doing the same things and ask yourself if this way you’ll be achieving your life goals. Notice the time you devote to the activities that are not contributing to your goals. Do not let the short term pleasure stand in the way of living an enriching life. Seven Laws Of Karma are

Truth: The first law of Shiva, Karma is the truth. This law asks the followers to follow the path of truth, justice, and being true to themselves and those who are around. Remember that dishonesty and false deeds may prevail in small battles, but the truth always wins the war.

Knowledge is God: A single person cannot possess the knowledge of everything, but everyone may possess the knowledge of something. We should find that seed of knowledge within us, and then do all our karma around it.

Everything is an illusion: No matter what life you’re living, at what place you are; if your happiness depends on the materialistic things you own, then happiness is an illusion for you, and it’ll be gone with that thing. The third law of Shiva Karma asks believers not to attach their happiness to earthly things.

Beyond happiness: The world we’re living in is growing more self-obsessed. Everyone is worried about their happiness and doesn’t care if people around them are happy or not. However, real happiness is beyond limits, and it could be felt only when we have found the seed of knowledge within us, and we’re truthful with others and ourselves. Remember, happiness comes from within, not outside.

Be formless: If you may have noticed a happy person around you, you’ll see that the illusion does not control them. You put them in any situation at any place; they’ll be the same calm and content in their mind. So, the fifth and one of the most fundamental laws of Shiva Karma is practicing to be formless like water.

Using all your senses: When our mind is at peace with heart, and we walk on the path of self-realization, all our senses come together to work in proper synchronization. When you achieve this state in your physical form, the feeling you get is incomparable.

Enlightenment is awakening: With these laws of Shiva Karma, you achieve enlightenment. The highest form of existence for a human. In this state of mind, you attain self-realization along with the proper understanding of nature and reality. 

 We are actually spiritual being blessed with physical body, it's not like, we are physical bodies searching for soul or quest for soul, the soul already leading our body and our intention is "we should not allow to mislead disturbed/ negative circumstances but if possible we should utilizes our ability to manifest in greater degrees". A healthy body can resides a flexible mind, you can't have a body without purpose of life or what best you can contribute to the society. With one flexible intelligent mind that can possibly to lead though a purposeful path.

Remember who you are, remember why this is happening, remember the greatness of time and what they delivered, remember the purpose, the experience, the dream, remember that it all carried us here to this point, for this moment, because this now moment could only ever happen now, each age we have traversed is much like a brain wave state and they hold them if you will, there is a Divine Purpose in each phase, and this patterns out just the same within your life, each decade is much like an age, and each one has a purpose, to gather information, to study the information and to conclude or transcend the information. 

This is all an exploration, an awakening from the cluelessness and into full self awareness, and this process required everyone of you to become fully conscious, fully owning each moment, present in every fraction of a second, observing everything, hearing the pulse of the formless coming into form, and choosing to receive it all as you synchronise with nature.

There is no-thing external from you, all is a reflection of you, forget what out there is doing and focus on feeding and refeeding you, remove the distractions and place the energy you used to meddle and judge out there and feed it all back into you, and then watch how your out there changes form and teaches you that there was no separation other than your beliefs surrounding separation.

Challenges are put in our lives so we can learn from them and grow. Never forgetting we are heavily programmed to awaken through our pain and suffering, rather than our connection, our trust, our awareness and our foresight. Most of us are living programmed lives caged in patterns, sales our time (ability of performance) for earning livelihood and unable to break free. If you cant identify the patterns you are stuck in ask your higher consciousness.

Sometimes we may not even know. Some of our biggest breakthroughs come from our biggest breakdowns. The reflections of the storms presenting are only highlighting the force in which you currently choose to power your vessel and explore life. The awakening difference in your 20's, in your 30's can be understood while you are gathering the information, especially if the filters being used create experiences of being inside the entanglement of the experience, and all of that is exactly how it is meant to be, for you to learn, to pick up the data required that will eventually be transcended and cleared from your operating system once that 'time' is called, from you, most often once you become 'sick' of it all. 

Suffering or Sadness is a blessing in disguise. Sadness or unhappiness does not give pain or misery for all times to come. It will pass away soon like a dream and paves the way to search for the indwelling Self, just like a man who is in quest of a tree-shed being affected by the extreme heat of the Sun. That is why the Bhagavat Gita begins with Bishada, the yoga of despondency and ends with Ananda, Bliss otherwise known as Moksha, Yoga of Liberation. Through the troubles, through the sadness, through the misery, amidst the tense of mind Arjjuna is able to attain the Krishnahood. Hence Sadness or suffering is the harbinger of Self-realization; it is a quest towards God-realization. 

दुःखेष्वनुद्विग्नमनाः सुखेषु विगतस्पृहः । वीतरागभयक्रोधः स्थितधीर्मुनिरुच्यते" ॥

To add more, Sadness or suffering prepares the ground to receive the grace and compassion of the Almighty God. So we should welcome it, accept it gladly with enthusiasm, with courage, with patience without hesitation because with the fire of sorrow we will be rectified and our body, mind along with connected organs will be purified.

For science time is a maneuverable concept and for man, time is a sensation. What goes on within time or lifetime is what goes on within man. And to change time is the art of adjusting the sensations within, this skill no one teaches to any child. Hope you teach your next generation about this, so that our society can be a better place for them. And yet you can persuade people with arguments once you have arrived, provided it’s a real-life interaction and not an interface between a writer and his readers or a speaker and his audience. Continue reading...

Authored by Dr Anadi Sahoo


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