The Master's Voice 58
Once a Disciple asked The Master, "Based on your teachings, should we conclude your teaching is also not reality."
The Master's say, "Yes, my teachings are also not reality but they are like a tiger in a dream. Even though the tiger in the dream is not real, it will wake you up from the dream.
Similarly, The Intention is to wake you, The Soul, from the slumber. It is necessary for each one of us to understand the importance of Human life, hence the initial teaching is basically focused on orienting one's mind towards The Master's Path, The Spiritual Path.
We need to Realise fast, the human birth we have now, is a rare jewel. It is a Blessing which may not be bestowed on us again and again. Hence, we need to Realise the True purpose of the human life.
The Master just shows The Path. We need to tread on the path and experience The True Knowledge ourselves."
Here is a Saint's experience of The Master, Naama and Naama Bhakti.
"Lucky are those, who in this human life find The Master in physical form. Luckier are those who have The Darshan of The True Master inside them.
Initially, The Master initiates us in The Spiritual Path by giving us The Lord's Naama for Simran and Dhyaan. This Naama has Supreme power in it, as it is laced with the Spiritual Energy of The Master. As we do The Simran of The Naama, The Master enables us to cut away our worldly thoughts and attachments. And once the mind starts filling with The Naama, our Dhyaan is automatically on the giver of The Naama, The Master. As the Simran and Dhyaan fruitions, by The Grace of The Master, we have His Darshan inside us. As we have His Darshan, we Realise The Truth that we are The Soul and not the body. We do not have a separate identity, instead we are The Lord's particle.
The Disciple who has surrendered himself to The Master's Will, shall taste the Nectar of The Naama and Realise The Lord, within himself. But, those who live this life thinking that they are The Master and live a life in the ambit of pains and pleasures, miss the golden opportunity and shall remain in The cycle of Birth and Death.
The mind of The Disciple who has tasted The Nectar shall be engrossed in the bliss and always be in Naama Bhakti.
It is by The Master's Grace and Mercy, that through The Naama Bhakti we reach The Seventh floor of The Mansion within, where The Lord dwells. On union with The Lord, we merge into The Supreme Consciousness and become ONE.
The Master is the only One who can help us cross the vast ocean of the world."
The Master's say, " We should keep doing Naama Bhakti till tears of joy flows automatically on taking The Naama. We will enjoy eternal bliss when our eyes will be filled with tears as we repeat 'Naama'.
When the fruit appears the blossom drops off. Love of The Lord is the fruit, and Naama Bhakti is the blossom.
For example, At home, When the daughter-in-law of the house becomes pregnant, she cannot do much work. Her mother-in-law gradually lessens her duties in the house. At the time of child birth, she does practically nothing. And after the child is born her only work is to take care and play with the child. She doesn't do any household duties at all.
Similarly, we start with doing lots of Simran of The Naama, then we focus our Dhyaan on The ONE MASTER. Finally, through Naama Bhakti slowly we awaken and merge our Soul in the Naama and attain Samaadhi, the Eternal Bliss."
All this possible thanks to The Master's Grace. This life is a rare opportunity. Let us make full use of it. Let us Live in The Master's Will. Do Simran and Dhyaan of The Naama given by The Master. By The Master's Grace, we shall Realise our True Self and have The Darshan of The True Master.
The ball is in our Court now. It is time for us to sit and do Naama Bhakti. Naama Bhakti is the only path, which can lead us to our True Home, The Lord's abode. Let us start with The Simran of The Naama and Live always in The Remembrance of The Lord.
Authored by K. Giri