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Magic of Sudarshan Kriya

“I always thought of myself as a very "caring and giving" person, until I was put to the test. At the age of 34, I donated my kidney to my father who was in dire need of one. After that, my body vitality came down from 100 percent to 30 percent, immunity levels dropped, and energy levels dropped too . 
During that time, I also started to lean towards depression. It is then that I realised that I needed to change my outlook towards life, but I didn't know how to do it.
The "Happiness Program" (also known as Online Meditation & Breath Workshop) absolutely changed my life! It helped increase my immunity and completely reduce my stress. Basically, I started loving my life in whatever condition I was! I suddenly found time for my clients, organ donation, and other daily chores that earlier I never had the time for. 
My husband and my mom were so happy to see me like this, that they also set out to find this inner peace in their life through the happiness program. Even my staff, who were pondering about how I have the energy to do it all, also did the program. After witnessing my transformational journey, more than 300 of my family members and friends also signed up for the program and experienced the magic of Sudarshan Kriya!
I strongly recommend this program! It will surely help you transform yourself - mentally, physically and emotionally. It will improve your relations with everyone and help immensely with your work.”
- Mamta Agarwal,
Fashion Designer, Ambassador of Organ Donation in India, Part of a NGO that supports LGBTQ community in India
13 December 2021

"Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.”
Health is Wealth and Prevention is better than cure. So everyday morning do Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayam, Physical Exercises, meditation. 
Sudharshana Kriya is a very powerful technique of Breathing that eliminates
 Stress, Fatigue and Negative emotions such as Anger, Frustration and Depression, leaving the mind calm, focused and the body energized, completely relaxed.

Sudarshan Kriya is the unrevealed secret to health, happiness, peace and an insight of life beyond!
It’s a spiritual breakthrough giving the experience of a glimpse of infinity. 

Know about the Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique which can transform your health, relationships, and career. Know 99 benefits of Sudarshan Kriya

Inhale Good Health, Everyday


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