The Master's Voice 83
Once a Disciple asked The Master, "How can we reach the State of Samaadhi?"
The Master's say, "Samaadhi or Dying while Living is the state for which all of us tread the spiritual path. Dying while Living is the state where Our Aatma unifies with The Lord. Here we experience Absolute Silence and Numbness. Though we are still in the body as a human, our shackles of bondage is broken. All our Karmas are wiped out, as The Soul Retains its purity. This is also called as Jeevan Mukti. We escape from the clutches of Kaal and merge into Dayal, The Lord.
To attain the State of Samaadhi, we should seek our Aatma in inner solitude (Ekant) through Naama Bhakti. It is The Master's Naama laced with His Spiritual energy, that enables us to collect our scattered consciousness, and bring it to the eye center. This is possible when our body and mind is controlled by constant Dhyaan of Naama. We free ourselves from expectations and attachment to material possessions.
To begin with, we need a place to sit and meditate. We should select a clean spot, and seat comfortably. Here, the comfort is to do meditation and not relax, otherwise it is possible we will dose off.
Once seated take a minute to settle down, and then we start our Simran of The Naama. It is the Simran of The Naama that will still our thoughts. Initially, our thoughts will be dominant, they will take us here, there, everywhere. But we need to be patient and persevering with our Simran of Naama.
For example, if our cloth is soaked in dirt, it will take longer time to remove the stain. Whereas, if it would be simple dirt, a wash would be sufficient. Similarly, our Aatma is covered by layers of Karmic accumulation, we need to cleanse it. Only The Simran of The Master's Naama can clean it.
Slowly, the mind starts to relish Simran of Naama, and our thoughts start to decrease. Finally, we reach the state of thoughtlessness. Here our mind is fully immersed in Naama Bhakti.
Once our mind is fully immersed in The Naama Bhakti, our heart is purified. The Karmic effects are cleared. All our fears and bondages will disappear, since Awakened Aatma's orientation is always towards The Lord. It controls the mind and fixes it on The Naama Bhakti, with the sole focus to unite with The Lord."
The Disciple, "What will happen to our body?"
The Master's say, "We need to remember the body has been given to do Naama Bhakti. We can do Bhakti only if we are fit. So, those who eat too much or eat too little, who sleep too much or sleep too little, can not succeed in Naama Bhakti. But those who are able to create a right balance in eating and sleeping, work and recreation, will come to the end of sorrow, through Naama Bhakti. Through constant Simran of The Naama, we learn to withdraw the mind from selfish cravings and absorb it in the Bhakti. Here our Dhyaan transfixes on The Master's physical form.
When Naama Bhakti is mastered, that is, Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan is ignited, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place. When our mind becomes Still, in the trance state of Naama Bhakti, The Aatma reveals itself. This is also known as Self Realisation.
Beholding the Naama by means of the Aatma, we enjoy the joy and peace of complete fulfillment. Once we have attained that Eternal Bliss beyond the senses, the mind never swerves from the Eternal Truth. They desire nothing else and cannot be shaken even by the heaviest burden of sorrow. With our senses and mind constantly controlled through Naama Bhakti, we attain Samaadhi. Samaadhi is state of Lord Realisation or Unity Consciousness.
Samaadhi is the state where our Body exists, but command and control are in the hands of The Master. We are beyond Time, Space and Karma. The practice of Naama Bhakti frees us from all affliction. The body shall fulfill its responsibility and then mix in the soil."
Disciple, "How can we protect ourselves from faltering down after reaching the state of Samaadhi?"
The Master's say, "There is a water tank at the top of our house. We need to fill the water tank on regular basis to get continued supply of water. If we fill it once and leave it, it will become empty in couple of days, depending on usage.
Similarly, we need to do Naama Bhakti till we leave the mortal world and attain immortality. We need to tread the path with patience, perseverance, focus, determination and sustained enthusiasm.
Once we wholeheartedly renounce all selfish desires and expectations, our senses will be in control. It is our regular Naama Bhakti that will keep the mind in Absolute Silence.
If by any chance, our mind sometimes wanders, restlessly in search for satisfaction outside, we should start Simran of the Naama, to once again lead it back within. We can enjoy the Eternal Bliss till our mind is in Absolute Silence. In that Absolute Silence, our consciousness gets unified with The Supreme Consciousness, we become One with The Lord."
Not all those who tread the spiritual path attain the state of Samaadhi. We are lucky to have The Master, who is willing to take us to the state of Samaadhi. All we need to do is Live in The Master's Will and do Naama Bhakti.
It is our Naama Bhakti, which will enable us to orient our mind in The Lord's Bhakti. It is The Naama Bhakti which enables us to experience The Lord while still in human life. It is The Naama that enables us to Live in Eternal Bliss and Peace, beyond the realm of pain and sorrow.
Let us do Naama Bhakti, our Master will bestow on us, more than what we deserve.
Authored by K. Giri