The Master's Voice 51
Once a Disciple asked The Master, "How does a Saint or Self Realised look at the illusionary world?
The Master smiled and answered, "A Saint, The One who has Realised His True Self, sees The Lord at once, in everything and everyone. He sees The Lord in all living beings. He sees that all the living beings exist and at the same time, do not exist.
Once He has realised his own Self, he is conscious of 'others' too and their True Form. All faces are His faces; all heads, His heads; all necks, His necks. He dwells in the hearts of all beings. He is The all- pervading Lord. He is the omnipresent and benign Lord.
But those who do not Meditate and do not Live in The Master's Will, fall in the trap of Maaya.
There is a story that Great Indra, The King of heaven, once became a pig, wallowing in mire; he had a she-pig and a lot of baby pigs. He was living very happily his pig life.
When some gods saw his state, and came to him, and told him, "You are the king of heaven, you have all the comforts under your command. Why are you here?" But Indra said, "Never mind; I am very happy here; I do not care for heaven and heavenly comfort. My heaven is here with She pig and these little pigs. Rather you all should also come and enjoy pig life here." The gods returned back.
After some time, they decided to to slay all the pigs one after another. When all the pigs died, Indra began to weep and mourn. Then the gods ripped his pig-body open and he came out of it.
Indra realised he had succumbed to his sense organs and to the mind, and living so, his consciousness started to think that that pig-life was the only life and the best. He wanted the whole universe to come and enjoy happiness in the pig-life.
The Soul, when it identifies itself with the form or object, forgets that it is pure and infinite. It is only through Naama Bhakti, The Soul can be awakened from its slumber. Once awake, The Soul knows it is The Eternal Truth, The Infinite Being, without birth or death, established in its own glory.
Thus it is clear, till we are attached to the Maaya, this dream world, we live in misery, weeping and crying. We experience Pains and Pleasure. We live in ignorance.
But, once we start Living in The Master's Will and do our Meditation regularly, we will be able to break the shackles of Maaya and Realise our True Self.
Naama Bhakti is the only experience which will enable us to connect with Naama, our Master as well as The Lord. Once we experience The True Power of Naama inside us, there shall be no pains and pleasures. We shall experience Eternal Bliss, The True Life style of The Master and The Saints. We shall always Live in The Company of The Master and The Saints, Live in The Remembrance of The Lord."
Our life in the human form is for a fixed time. Even as we took birth, the expiry date has already been fixed. In the limited time given to us, we have already wasted a lot of time on our sense organs and following the path of mind.
As The Master's say, this is the right time to start Living in The Master's Will and to dedicate majority of our time on Naama Bhakti. Naama Bhakti is the only Yukti, which can enable us to get Mukti from the cycle of Birth and Death. Let us Meditate and Meditate, The Master will shower His Grace.
Authored by K. Giri