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Let us do our meditation and by The Master's Grace

The Master's Voice 38

The Master's say, "Naama Japam or Simran of The Naama given at the Time of the initiation by The Master is the sword which has the power to Detach us from worldly thoughts and attachments, and Attach us to the Simran."

For example, Whenever we take the name of the person who has given us a Gift, immediately his or her picture appears before our eyes, even while they may be living far away from us. Similarly, The Master's say, "As soon as we start The Naama Japam, The Master's physical form will automatically come before our eyes, because The Naama or The Word had been given by The Master. By fixing single focused attention on The Master's physical Form and doing Simran, we collect our scattered consciousness and bring it to the eye center.

Till now, the mind and the sense organs were active participant of the outer world, a world described by The Saints as an illusion. But once our consciousness starts to transfix at the eye center, the mind starts to involve itself in The Inner Devotion of The Lord."

All The Saints who have come in this world have said, "Everything that you see in the outer world is nothing but the illusionary image of all that is present Inside us. The Devi Devtaas, the temples, the churches, the sacred knowledge, we can find everything, pure and true."

Similarly, The Master's say, "We have Inner sense organs too and they get awakened once our consciousness transfix at the eye center. From here, starts our Spiritual journey with the help of Inner sense organs.

The tongue does Antar Simran or Naama Japam. The Saints, "This Naama is that which cannot be spoken with our normal outer Tongue."

We Feel The presence of The Master in consciousness form through Sensation.

Our Inner ears listen to the Divine music, Sound coming from The Lord's Home, our True Home.

Our Inner Eyes see the Divine Light.

Our Inner nose is focused on elevating our consciousness energy.

Our Antar Simran gets fully awakened as all the other organs are also oriented towards the same direction, The Lord. Antar Simran will slowly transform into automatic mode, always on. If we are not aware of the Antar Simran(Ajapaa) which is eternally going on, then we should start doing Simran of the Word given by The Master. Simran is made with an effort. The effort is made to ward off other thoughts. Then the Simran becomes mental and internal. Finally, it's Antar Simran which will be active and our eternal nature will be realized. We will realise it is going on even without our effort. The effortless state is the state of God Realisation.

We realise that The MASTER, The Antar Naama of which we were doing the Antar Simran, and The Lord are ONE. We too are not different but One.

We now lose our sense of separate identity created through body and mind. We realise The Soul is The eternal Truth and The Soul is nothing but The ParamAatma. This is Jnana, the True Knowledge.

Jnana is said to be ekabhakti (single-minded devotion). Here there is eternal Silence. This state is called as Samaadhi, Jeete ji Marna, Die to Live. While we are still in the human form, we have unified in The Lord.

Those who have experienced this state have become The Self. There is nothing more to do.

This is Mukti. This is Moksha. This is Prabhu Bhakti."

Lucky are those who experience this during their life. We have The Company of The Master who wants to elevate us to such state. Let us Live in The Master's Will. Let us Live in The Remembrance of The Lord. Let us do our meditation and by The Master's Grace our Antar Simran will get awakened and we shall truly enjoy The Lord's company. Let us meditate. 

Authored by K. Giri


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