Let us do Naama Bhakti and enjoy The Master's Grace
The Master's Voice 53
The Master's say, "The purest of all the Knowledges is the knowledge of Naama. The most powerful vow is the Naama. The most effective meditation is the Naama. There is no fruit greater than The Naama that we can ever attain.
There is no greater renunciation than the Naama; There is no greater peace than The Naama. In this world, there is no greater pious activity than doing The Naama Bhakti, nor is any other process quicker progress than in The Naama.
The Naama is the highest liberation, the highest freedom, the highest peace, the point of no more searching. The Salvation.
The Naama is the highest form of devotion, The Naama is the purest incarnation of the jiva, The Naama is the purest form of love, and direct Remembrance of the Lord.
The Naama is the cause of all causes, The Supreme Lord, most worshippable, and is The Master who has descended to unite us with The Lord.
The Saints say, "The Holy Naama is purely spiritual and even The Vedas constantly glorify The Naama.
The Lord has set up a process for getting the knowledge of Naama. Like in childhood, we are admitted in School to get basic knowledge. To get advanced, technical and professional knowledge we go to colleges. Similarly, to get the Spiritual Knowledge, we need to go The Master, who has experienced The Truth and Realised His own Self.
It is beyond the capacity of us, human beings, to find The Master, forget The Lord, on our own. We can only express our heart filled desire and A SELFLESS prayer to The Lord, for His company. Once, The Lord showers His Grace on us and The Master presents himself before us.
We feel a natural attraction, a magnetic pull towards The Master. We are pulled towards Him, like a House Fly is pulled towards Jaggery, that it flies against the wind. Similarly, even beyond our worldly attachments and thoughts, we are pulled towards The Master.
The Master gives us enough time to understand the path, before He initiates us into the Spiritual Path. The Master bestows us with The Naama that is laced with His Spiritual energy. A simple word or Naama can give us limited benefits, like fulfilling of worldly desires and pleasures. Whereas The Naama given by The Master pulls our Soul towards His Soul, The Naama. The Master is doing everything, controlling everything at the Soul level.
All that The Master wants us to do is to do Simran and Dhyaan of The Naama given by The Master and collect our consciousness which is scattered outside, to the eye center.
Once, we reach The Eye center, The Master ensures that our Naama Bhakti fruition s into
Ajapaa and Antar Dhyaan of The Naama. We then Realise that The Naama is none other than our Master as well as The Lord."
By Lord's Grace, The Master has entered our life and taken over our responsibility. All we need to do is surrender ourselves to The Master and do Naama Bhakti. It is only The Naama Bhakti which is The Master's True Devotion. It is this Sevaa that The Master Loves and expects from His Disciples, because He is waiting in The Naama form for us. Let us do Naama Bhakti and enjoy The Master's Grace.
Authored by K. Giri