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Left (logical) Brain Vs Right (creative) Brain

Our brains have two sides. One side deals with the concrete materialistic world. If we could play a game of pool and have a beer, that would be the concrete world. Easy to manage - mutually meaningful measuring system, adaptable resources, and strategies. But the other side of the brain is the people world. Complexity dealing with complexity. Hard to manage - rationalization of ideas, values and harmonies. 

On the one side we get stable configuration of knowledge. On the other side we get unstable configurations. This is because the mind has to deal with continuous change. We have to consider pros and cons and how they affect ourselves and others before we take materialistic action. This is one of the most significant things we have to realize because no matter what we come up with on one side, we have to make it work with the other side if it is to have any value.

New age gurus, spiritualists and visionaries talk about the power of thoughts and how it manifests into reality. But when the same theory/concept is affirmed by someone from a scientific background, it helps bridge the gap between science and the spirituality. The Biology of Belief, advocates the idea that we have significant control over our biology, and with our intentions and beliefs we can ‘reprogram’ or ‘control’ our genes and our lives. To develop our level of understanding about nature / creation we need to use our right brain which is called creative brain or spiritual complex.

This challenges the traditional scientific belief that genes control life and people attribute their illnesses to genetic dysfunctions. Cells experience the same life you experience and it can survive outside of your body by living and growing in a tissue culture dish. The mind is a projection of the brain ( biological ), and it may be developed by projection algo, 10x to 100x . In electrical device it is impossible to maintain the conductivity level between all 330 millions of nodes. But electromagnetically it is possible. The universal radition of resultantant of electromagnets are almost same for everyone, one have to create the mind a big receptor, extractor and decoder of the signals presents. 

The basic layout of different parts of the brain varies. The layout of sensory fields is considerably different that that for language. The left brain is more verbal, analytical, and orderly than the right brain. It’s sometimes called the digital brain. It’s better at things like reading, writing, and computations. The left brain helps you with: logic, sequencing, linear thinking, mathematics, facts, thinking in words. 

The right brain is more visual and intuitive. People sometimes refer to it as the analog brain. It has a more creative and less organized way of thinking. The right brain helps people with: imagination, holistic thinking, intuition, arts, rhythm, nonverbal cues, feelings /visualization, daydreaming.

We know the two sides of our brain are different, but does this necessarily mean that we have a dominant brain just as we have a dominant hand?

We are using our brain to 10% of it's ability, learning a new skill, learning a new language, creating an invention, etc are things that use more of your brain's ability. 

An oversimplified explanation is that the left side of your brain functions in social processing and the right side functions in non-social processing. The truth is that both sides of the brain spend far more time working together and sharing information than operating independently in the healthy brain. 

Research reveals that 95% of the time humans use their subconscious mind which is the habit mind programmed from childhood till the age of 6, after which your life is controlled by those habits. While the conscious mind, which we associate with our personal identity, our thinking and reasoning mind, is used only 5% of the time. You can control your genes by influencing your beliefs and personal attitudes. 

How I see the world and my perception controls not just internal biology and genetic behavior but it controls how I create a world around me, your mind’s perception of the world changes the biology and chemistry of your body which changes the cells in your body.

 About 90% of people are left hemisphere dominant for most aspects of language function. This is logical when you consider that the left hemisphere is also controlling the right hand meaning that fine motor control we have is further enhanced by being nearby language processing centers to include adding precise linguistic symbols to our written expression. 

Other 10% who are not left-hemisphere dominant, but suffice it to say that for every one of these “rules” there are exceptions. But being left-handed does not indicate that I am a “right brain” person. Likely right hemisphere functions include music, math, and emotional processing. One cool function related to language is “prosody” where we both add or read the emotional content is spoken language, this is a right hemisphere function consistent with it’s role in emotional processing overall. 

Some experts propose the left hemisphere is better at sequential detailed processing whereas the right hemisphere is better suited for holistic, simultaneous “big picture” processing. There are people who have different kinds of skills and interests. Left brain people are fault finder and right brain people are Goodness finder. Somehow, in the simplification for mass media and profit, isolating language in the Left and music on the Right, turned into Left Brain people are analytical and logical whereas Right Brain people are creative and artistic.

Research shows, the left side of your brain is largely governs logic, mathematics, and rote learning. And is more fresher and active in the morning than any other time. That is why subject like mathematics are advised by educational psychologists to be taught in the morning than any other time. If you have difficulty in courses that has to do with calculation, try and get the solution in the morning when your brain is fresh and more active not in the afternoon. Remember, Rote learning is the process of memorizing information based on repetition. And is best done in the morning i.e when your left side of brain is fresh and more active. 

While the right side of the brain largely governs creative and intuitive thinking. And that is why subject like music / meditation kind of spiritual activities are best taught in the afternoon.

Your brain functions on a small amount of electricity, much like a computer. This electrical current vibrates and pulses at various speeds. When you are wide awake, with your eyes focused, your brain vibrates 20 times per second (what scientists call 20 cycles per second or the Beta frequency). You are probably at this beta level of mind right now as you are reading this. When you go to sleep, your brain frequency slows down, all the way to about half cycle per second in the deepest levels of natural sleep. This is known as the Delta level.

In between Beta, the waking state, and Delta, the deep sleep state, there are two other levels of mental activity. When you are in a light level of sleep or in meditation you are in the Alpha range, which is 7 to 14 cycles per second. This is the center range and this is what we mean by saying “going to your center”. Going to the alpha level or centering is essentially the same thing as meditating. When someone meditates, scientifically, they are simply reducing their brain wave frequency to Alpha. 

The Alpha level is the level we use to activate our minds. Theta is a level of deeper relaxation or sleep, when your brain waves are at 4 to 7 cycles per second. The table below summarizes the 4 states of brain frequency. This is the state where healing accelerates and also remote healing takes place. (cps = cycles per second)

State Brain Wave Frequency Associated With (Beta) 14 – 21 cps - Waking State, the five senses. Perception of Time and Space
(Alpha) 7 – 14 cps - Light sleep, meditation, intuition. No Time & Space limitation. (Theta) 4 – 7 cps - Deeper Sleep, Meditation. (Delta) 0 – 4 cps - Deep Sleep. You are unconscious (koma stage) at Delta.

Ask the right questions in the proper place, and the answers will always reveal themselves. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value. Questioning forms new patterns in the brain. The more patterns it forms, the more flexible it becomes. With flexibility, it can access more information. When we become more open because of a flexible brain, we become perceptive of many different perspectives and less biased. Asking the right questions creates happiness. It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust. And it can mitigate work risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards. It is scientifically proven that we learn about life by asking questions. 

When we realize we are not the body, mind and ego, we start the journey towards the Divine spirit, the Soul that we are, the Spark Of Unique Life. When we realize that we are a manifestation of the Divine, we have started our journey to the spiritual realm. We know that our brain is what makes us tick. It stores our memories, controls our bodily functions, creates ideas that change the world and lets us fly on the wings on imagination whenever we want. This is why it’s imperative that we keep our brain in good health. These tips will help you understand your brain better and keep it in good condition;

According to current research, your brain understand images better, so positive visualisation effects more our subconscious mind wrt physical activities.

 Forgetting things (to an extent) is a sign of a healthy brain. Deleting unneeded information allows the brain to retain elasticity.

If you're stuck in a constant state of stress, your brain ages and becomes weaker prematurely.

 If your brain doesn't get oxygen for 5-10 minutes, it will suffer permanent damage.

Living in a violent home affects a child in the same way combat affects a soldier.

 Scientific research proved that when a person gets even a modicum of power, it will affect their brain's works and will reduce their ability to have empathy.

Brain freeze is a real thing, its scientific name is: "Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia"

During an orgasm, your brain releases the same amount of dopamine that it does when an individual uses addiction.

Did you know that your tongue is not the only part of your body with taste buds? Your brain has them as-well (and so does your stomach, intestines, pancreas, testicles and lungs).

Drinking alcohol doesn't erase your memories - instead, it prevents your brain from creating new ones.

When you're rejected, your brain interprets it in the same way it does physical pain.

 Your brain doesn't stop developing until you are in your late 40's, so it's important to keep it active.

The effects of sleep deprivation on the brain slows your reactions and causes you to suffer from impaired judgment

So keep that brain of yours working, get enough sleep and sniff some chocolate and you'll be happier and healthier...

Authored by Dr Anadi Sahoo


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