Leave the rest for The Master to take care
The Master's Voice 72
The Master says, "Japam or Simran of The Naama in itself is Dhyaan. Simran helps to make our minds more aware, as to where it should focus on. At present, we have no control over our mind. Hence, The mind is busy in Worldly thoughts and attachment. We need to control the mind. That is, we need to orient it to Live in The Remembrance of The Lord.
Like, when a child goes to the school, the teacher in the school is almost double or triple the age, with vast experience in their respective subjects. If the teacher will start teaching from their intellect point, the child will understand nothing. The teachings will bounce over the Child's head, because the teacher's intellect is far superior. So, the teacher comes down to the child's level and teaches the child, so that the child can understand better and raise his level. Similarly, we need to treat the mind as a child who has taken admission in school, to be tutored.
As and when we find, we are immersed in worldly thoughts, We should immediately remind ourselves, it is time to do Simran of The Naama. In whatever position, we may be, be it cooking, eating, playing, studying, working or doing nothing, we should start Doing Simran of The Naama. Only The Naama has the power to orient our mind inwards rather than wander out into the world. This is the path for those who aim for Self-Realization.
This is what the Gopikas of Brindavan did. They chanted The Naama non-stop, even while milking the cow, or churning the butter or selling the milk products, The Naama was always there on their lips. They maintained The Lord Consciousness by labeling their containers. Krishna on the Butter jar, Mukuda was the curd jar, Murare on the Milk jar, and they labeled all the containers in The Lord's name. When they went out to sell, they would call 'Krishna', 'Mukunda', 'Murare' instead of butter, curd, milk.
Their pure Love for The Lord, made Lord Krishna, a manifestation of Supreme Consciousness to dance to the tune of The Gopikas. The Lord who makes us dance to His tune, danced because of the love expressed by Gopikas through The Naama. The Gopikas' Simran of The Naama, over the period of time made them The Naama and they achieved Self-Realization.
The Gopikas achieved what saints achieved through eons of sacrifice and practicing austerities. The Gopikas achieved it while living with their families. The Love of Gopikas towards The Lord was of such highest order that they attained the glorious company of The Lord forever.
Such is The Power of Naama, such is the power of The Love that starts to flow within us, when our Heart gets filled with The Naama. We become, like the river flowing from the mountain top, rushing and gushing towards the ocean, with absolute intent to merge with its source. The River knows even if it will go slow, the ocean will accept it. But once it is aware of it's true source, it can not stop itself before merger.
Similar shall be our state, all we need to do is Simran and Dhyaan of The Naama given by The Master. As our Naama Bhakti increases and we immerse ourselves in The Naama, By The Master's Grace, we shall too one day Realise The Lord within us. Instead of we dancing to The Lord's tune, we will see The Lord dancing in joy on seeing us reach Him.
The destination of The Naama, the river is The Lord, the ocean."
The Master has bestowed us with The Naama, He has shown where we can join the river from. The river takes everything that surrenders itself inside it and merges them alongwith it, in the ocean. Let us just Live in The Remembrance of The Lord and do Naama Bhakti, Leave the rest for The Master to take care.
Authored by K. Giri