Reiki is a Japanese healing technique which is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive (prana). Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.
We are in a transition phase of expansion in the realm of experiencing higher consciousness as "multidimensional" human beings living on planet Earth. Ascension is a change in the energetic frequency pattern held in one dimensional space which, when absorbed and activated in the layers of the planetary and human bio-energetic field (aura), activates its DNA template instruction set. It clearly means that man is in the process of evolution.
Reiki heals on the physical, emotional and mental levels and brings about change on the spiritual level. The initiation process at Reiki Level-1 opens the portal or awareness to gradually move consciousness from one reality to another and to the awareness of possible multiple realities existing simultaneously. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.
Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. Reiki does not interfere with any medical system, or even other alternative therapies. One should not learn Reiki from distance. For traditional Reiki training always prefer physical teacher. Since a "reality" is one dimension, what we are doing is, in essence, a complete dimensional shift. This also means that our perception of spatial awareness, our relationship with time and space will also change dramatically. A farmer prepares the field before sowing the seeds. Similarly, we practice Reiki on ourselves for 21 days after the first level of initiation to give ourselves time to adjust to the new changes happening at the cellular level.
This transformation on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level is a gradual and gentle process with Reiki. The seed of rapture is planted as a bonus. The Reiki Level 2 initiation process introduces the 3 Reiki symbols that serve as keys to ascension. These Reiki symbols remove blockages at the physical, emotional and mental levels by healing past life issues, karmic issues, inner child, trauma like child abuse etc and addiction. The 3 Reiki symbols are the key to unlock all that we desire or intend such as sending distant healings, future events such as exams, interviews, surgeries, meeting spirit guides and guardian angels, abundance etc.
The best way to succeed is to have a specific intention, a clear vision, a plan of action, and the ability to maintain clarity. These are the four pillars of success. It never fails. 95% of your feelings are determined by how you talk to yourself throughout the day. The sad fact is that if you don't intentionally and consciously talk to yourself in a positive and constructive way, you will by default think about things that make you sad or cause you worry and anxiety. Your mind is like a garden. If you don't deliberately plant flowers and take care of them carefully, weeds will sprout without any incentive. Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you.
We can heal / charge food and water, crystal. Clearing and balancing the energy of a space, house (Vastu or Feng Shui) etc. Practicing Reiki symbols on self and others, after distance healing for at least 6 months brings about positive changes due to changes in energetic frequency patterns. This creates a complete transformation and transmission of various patterns and programs at the DNA level of human souls.
The Reiki Level 3 initiation process introduces the Master Symbol which is the Master Key to Ascension. The ascension journey of the soul to higher dimensions is accelerated by the use of the Master Symbol. Creating manifestation and abundance, programming and creating crystal grids, crystal healing, channeling, getting in touch with the Divine Source, etc. are all possible with the Master symbol.
The distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place; emotional, mental, and spiritual levels form an energy field around the body known as the aura. When you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence. Every battle we fight is between the mind and the heart. We take long time to take decision on what/when/ how to do or not.
The longest distance in the world today is the distance between talk and action. Reduce distance between words and action, then you will be in a position to advice others. Great saints and authentic leaders always practiced what they preached. In the sea of your own life, make outlets; many outlets. For love, peace, happiness, joy, blessings and everything else you get in your life, make sure you don't just get; give as well.
Beyond all these is the intervention of the highest determinism, of that which determines all things, of the knowledge and power that built the worlds and the countless systems and universes and the beings that inhabit them. This is the highest power and its intervention can change not only the very course of things but also the very law of things. Open the taps and you'll open the floodgates to happiness. Make it a habit to share and you will experience the richness of life.
There are certain conditions needed for a miracle to happen, and as with all things, certain conditions make a miracle easy and possible. That is why there is another form of miracle that often goes unrecognised or is misunderstood. It is the subtler energies of the vital, mental and higher spiritual consciousness acting through an intermediary medium such as a doctor, drug, method or even a flower if the individual has faith and is receptive to it. Such cases have always been known but not admitted, not even accepted for examination by mainstream science: they are there as silent testimony.
Also, our physical instrument, the body, is not always open or receptive to the highest force and its touch can sometimes paradoxically even worsen things temporarily due to the emergence of hidden resistance. Because we also crave for certainty, security, continuity, we cling to that word and all that it represents. So our consciousness - both the conscious and the sub-conscious - is the repository of ideas, values, images, symbols of the race, of the past generations. Our daily thought and action are controlled by the past, by the concealed motives, memories, and hidden cravings. In all this there is no freedom but only continued imitation caused by fear.
There is suffering, conflict, between want and non-want, between the will of outgoing desires and the will to restrain. Of this conflict we are all conscious. When we do not understand the makeup of our background, the cause of our tendencies and limitations, experience only further strengthens them; but in becoming aware of them in our daily thought and action, experience acts as a liberating force.
Masters, gurus, teachers, cannot help to free thought from its own self-imposed bondage and suffering; neither ceremonies, nor priests, nor organizations, can liberate thought from its attachments, fears, cravings; these may force it into a new mould and shape it, but thought can free itself only through its own critical awareness and self-reliance.
Light and darkness cannot exist together. Within consciousness, there are two opposing forces at work which create duality; want and non-want, pain and pleasure, outgoing desires and refraining desires. Instincts, motives, values, prejudices, passions, control and direct the conscious. However, once tackled, the cure is much more complete. A miracle therefore is a two-way process when it concerns human beings who, by virtue of having a personal will and a great inner complexity, are not like inanimate objects. The force that heals or performs the miracle has to reckon with the nature of the instrument, the help it offers and the resistance.
Extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, occult powers, cannot free thought from confusion and misery; sensitive awareness of our thoughts and motives, from which spring our speech and action, is the beginning of lasting understanding and love. Mere self-control, discipline, self-punishment, or renunciation, cannot liberate thought; but constant awareness and pliability give clarity and strength. Only in becoming aware of the cause of ignorance, in understanding the process of craving and its dual and opposing values, is there freedom from suffering. This discerning awareness must begin in our life of relationship with things, people, and ideas, with our own hidden thoughts and daily action.
Due to wide recognition in human society, Nazar or the evil eye has been a subject of academic endeavours. And there is scientific evidence that suggests that evil eye could be pretty much human. Black Magic (Tantriks and Occult Science ) involving the supposed invocation of evil spirits for evil purposes, sorcery, magic, witchcraft, wizardry, necromancy, enchantment, spellworking, incantation, the supernatural, occultism, the occult, the black arts, devilry, malediction, voodoo, hoodoo, witching, witchery, hex, spell, jinx, mojo, orenda, makutu, muti, sortilege, thaumaturgy, theurgy.
Actually, five thousand years ago, Arjuna asked Krishna the same question, “If you are saying everything is the same energy and everything is divine if it is the same godhood which exists in Duryodhana, why is he functioning like this?” Krishna laughed, because after all the teaching, Arjuna was still coming back to this simple, basic, childlike question. Krishna replied, “God is Nirguna, the divine is Nirguna. He has no attributes of his own.”
That means it is just pure energy. You can make anything out of it. If positive uses are there, negative uses are also there. One Veda, the Atharvana Veda is dedicated to the use of energies for both positive and negative. Just certain symbols which indicate that this seems to be some kind of black magic will destroy your mind. So most of the time, it is just psychological. But yes, there is a science where one can use their energies negatively to cause harm to somebody else.
Even if black magic is done to you, only ten percent may be the real thing. The rest of it is you destroying yourself. That is why it comes with symbolism. They understood the impact of your own psychology on you. Once that symbolism is created, you just destroy yourself. Worship of evil spirited deity (Kshudra devatha upasana in Hindi language) is common in some parts of India, even today.
Tantra vidya (subject related to occult science), or tantrika, is said to be a diverse and rich spiritual tradition of the Indian subcontinent. People in Western countries simply call this as Black magic. Ancient tantrik texts contain two kinds of Black magic methods practised in India. Sorcerers in the North India practised Kashmora whereas the South Indian sorcerers were using the Banamathi method. In the southern state of Andhra Pradesh and North Karnataka they still practice Banamathi.
People in some parts of India, go in search of these Tantriks and powerful Mantriks to get their impossible and incomplete tasks done successfully. The task accomplished may give a good or bad result. But the faith in it still remains intact for many people who think it as possible. People in this part of the world also have a belief that they can get cured from health problems when a doctor gives up. Even in this modern age it is amazing to see the people believing in such practices.
The fact that the greatness of Hindu Dharma is that it understands that we take multiple births and that Karmas, Vasanas, Samaskaras, gets carried on. Punarjanma and Karma are the two most fundamental realities of the universe, understood, currently in the world, by only one living civilisation.
'Miracles’ can be of two types: authentic and illusory. The illusory type is a fabrication created by generating a certain force-field in the environment. In that atmosphere one can temporarily forget the sickness but it often returns once one moves out of the ‘vital atmosphere’. A strong power of suggestion also works in this instance. Sometimes this temporary relief may provide enough support for the action of something deeper and give more prolonged relief.
Authentic miracles are due to the intervention of a higher plane of determinism than the physical. Thus, there can be a series of such miracles in an ascending degree – vital miracles, mental miracles, spiritual miracles and of course the very highest Supramental miracles and the miracle of miracles, the healing touch of Grace. Vital miracles are performed by bringing in the forces of the vital world and their impact upon the physical. These forces are relatively easy to connect with and most Reiki channels and Pranic healers are in contact with these forces.
Some tantrics also act by controlling the powers and energies of the vital world. The characteristic action of these forces is that they have a certain dramatic quality and display about them. They are often contacted through certain techniques, which incorporate, among other things, breathing exercises, since it is one of the best known ways of augmenting ‘pranic energy’. But since these are powers of the vital world the relief they provide is often temporary and there is a certain illusory nature about it.
Besides, those who choose to become its channels, often end up harming or even sometimes destroying their inner life because these powers generally aggrandise their ego and blind them to the deeper voice of the soul. Yet these men appear great, as indeed the vital powers are definitely much greater than those found in our ordinary surface life. Such men, especially if endowed with a certain vital charm, can easily become ‘gurus’ and sway the masses.
Mental miracles are less dramatic but more steady and their effects last longer. They are effectuated by the powers of thought and the release of mind energies. They rely a lot on the formative powers of the mind and its ability to create images. The techniques involved usually take some form of autosuggestion, imagery, thought-affirmations, etc. Unlike the vital forces, these take longer and do not work in all cases. It needs a certain development of the mind and a capacity for imagery.
Besides, the mental domain is a very mixed one, often carrying contrary thoughts and contradictory wills. Doubt, pessimism and anxiety may further cloud the mental field and make it difficult for the mental forces to act. That is why the mind energies act best when our normal mental operations are suspended as in hypnosis or in the twilight state of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep.
During such a state, suggestions can sink into the subconscious mind more readily and act from there as strong neutralising influences. Apart from these, one can augment one’s mental energies by practising concentration and meditation of certain kinds and influence the course of things by mental will and thought alone. When such thought is joined by a strong emotion, it can sometimes work out a change that we call miracle.
Spiritual miracles operate in another way. Unlike the vital and mental miracles that act with an ignorant power, the spiritual consciousness acts on the basis of knowledge. It does not always rush to create a dramatic result but takes into cognisance the entire field of the play of forces, the larger issues involved and sometimes even the secret need to go through certain struggles and experiences so necessary for one’s growth.
All the same, when a truly spiritual power acts, it gives a clear sense of inner support even when we have to go through what we must because that is the cosmic will and secret sanction of the soul. Spiritual forces always act on the basis of peace and carry with them an atmosphere of calm, wideness and light. But the problem is that most human beings are not open to the higher ranges of the spiritual consciousness and have no link with these greater beings, their energies and powers. My blessings for those who are interests in Reiki and reading this post to amplify more; Read more:
Gratitude to my Reiki Guru Dr Amar Kumar
Authored by Dr Anadi Sahoo