The Master's Voice 96
The Master's say, "Silence is the most powerful form of teaching transmitted from The Master to all those who Live in The Master's Will. How can we receive the Silence transmitted by The Master? There is no machine, equipment or instrument available in this world which can help us to receive.
Only the Disciple who Lives in The Master's Will that is One who does SelfLess Sevaa; Outer Sevaa is the Sevaa that we do in this world. It can be anything from Cleaning and maintenance to preparation and feeding of Langar or Annadhan; Doing Security checks to ensuring that the Disciples feel Secure, through The Master's Voice.
One who Listens to The Master's Voice both in the form of Outer Satsang and Inner Satsang. Outer Satsang paves way, creates an understanding and inspires us to walk on the path of Spirituality. It creates the right environment to ensure that we sit for minimum 150 minutes of Naama Bhakti everyday.
Inner Satsang is The Soul in its awakened state Listening to The Divine Sound coming From The Lord's Abode and having The Darshan of The Lord's majestic Form in Divine Light. Both The Divine Sound and Divine Light appear within us, when our Consciousness transcends above the materialistic sphere and reaches The Supreme Consciousness. We enjoy Absolute Silence, Eternal Bliss and in this Absolute Silence The Lord gives His Darshan in The Form of Light and Sound.
How can we awaken our Consciousness?
The Master's Say, "It is The Simran and Dhyaan of The Master's Naama given at the time of the initiation by The Master that awakens our Consciousness. The deep slumber that our Consciousness is experiencing is because of its orientation to Live according to the Mind's Will. The mind keeps us under the illusion that we are the doers and we are on the right track.
Once a Man went to A Saint and said, "What is the use of the 'Simran' you give? It is just repeating a word like a parrot, Ram-Ram or Hari-Hari. This is a useless effort, and a waste of time."
The Saint said, "You are an idiot, a donkey." Hearing this, the person shuddered in anger and asked, "why did you call me an idiot?
The saint said, "I did not even touch you or come near you, why are you getting angry?"
The person said, "Because what you said, it has gone to my heart and felt it.
The Saint said, "I am saying the same thing. Whatever we do 'Simran', it goes to the heart. This is why we should do Simran. Simran done by us reaches The Lord. It is The Master who has already experienced The Lord within, who shows us The Lord, makes us Realise The Lord and Experience The Lord."
Our heart houses our Soul, The Naama and The Almighty LORD. As we di Simran of The Naama our Dhyaan transfixes on The Master and The Master too starts to reside in our heart."
How does it happen?
The Master's say, "We have all seen The Dish Antenna, it comprises of an Antenna or the Receiver, The Decoder or the processor and The Television set or that which enables us to see.
The Antenna receives the signal being beamed from all over the UniVerse and passes on to the decoder. The Decoder than converts those signals which are available in its Wave Length and sends it to The Television, which enables us to View that which is available in our wave length. We have the visuals as well as the sound.
Similarly, Our Inner Heart which is positioned by The Masters and The Saints at the pinnacle of the body, that is top most part of the head, is The Receiver.
The Naama given by The Master for Simran and Dhyaan is The Decoder, which connects us with The Wave Length of The Master. The Master has already matched His Wave Length frequency with The Lord, Hence in this Wave Length, we find The Master and The Lord as One and the same.
The Master's Grace earned through Simran and Dhyaan of The Naama enables us to open our Inner Senses, our real television. It is through our Inner Ear, we hear The Divine Sound and Inner Eye, we have The Darshan of The Light. We experience The Lord Inside us. We Feel The Lord within. This state is also called the state of Samaadhi or reaching The Supreme Consciousness.
When we are back into the realm of this world, that is, we descend from Supreme Consciousness to normal Consciousness, we Realise as our Outer Simran stopped, Antar Simran started, we became Absolutely Silent and Numb. It is like we do not exist physically.
The soundless voice that we hear within is pure intuition. It is the voice of the spiritual mind speaking in our innermost being.
Naama Bhakti is the only path that can eliminate spiritual unconsciousness, which is widespread. Naama Bhakti brings the consciousness of the divine, the universal truth and the light that governs the universe. All this must be known, felt, lived and realized."
In order to realize this truth, we need to eliminate the thinking mind, to dissolve it in the Universal Self. Our sincere Efforts are necessary to move deeper and deeper in the practice of Naama Bhakti. Our Firm determination shall ensure we experience The Lord within.
Authored by K. Giri