When Gurudev entered the hall everyone said “Happy Birthday” Gurudev said, “listen, do you have the memory of being born?” Everyone said “no”. He said, “That is because you are never born, similarly you will have no memory of death because we never die. It’s also a secret. The space was never born. What was born was the pot. It was carved out of mud and some space was entrapped within it.
When the pot breaks the space is free again. Anyway it was always the same, birthday is celebrating the mud. Similar is celebrating success. When you know who you are, you know nothing is impossible for you. Only when you associate with being limited you say such and such was difficult and I achieved it. Celebrating success is celebrating your limitation. You have no face. Close your eyes for few seconds. Do you have a face? No”. As a Birthday boy I'm asking for a gift from you. Drop all the anger or any kind of hatred today, if you have towards anyone. Give all the bitterness to me. You keep only sweetness in your mind. Just blossom that's the gift for me. Doesn't mean you have to be all sweet and goody goody to people. Be firm where you have to. But don't use any abusive and bad language for anyone in hatred. Your mind should be clean and blossoming as a flower. Problems keep happening in life. What remains despite them is the truth. You are pure. you are the space. That is the truth. Keep reminding yourself that “I am this”. And this truth dawns in you when you are free of the bitterness.