मुदं आनंदम दादती इति मुद्रा l
Hasta mudras or hand positions directs immense flow of energy into our body. According to the Tantras these mudras stimulate different areas of the brain. The mind-body connection is a fascinating and complex relationship. The expressions, non-verbal communications are more powerful than the spoken words. A perfect combination of elegance and mysticism.
Mudras do not "stand-alone". They are but one part of a full body-mind experience during meditation or yoga. hen a finger representing an element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is brought into balance. Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body, which balance various constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body.
The Universe is composed of five elements, earth, air, water, fire, and ether. Similarly our body is also a union of five elements which is represented by our five fingers. Hand mudras regulate these five elements in our body. The fingers representing five elements are: Thumb for Fire; Index finger (Jupiter finger) for Air; Middle finger (Saturn finger) for Aakash (Ether or Space); Ring finger (Sun finger) for Earth; Little finger (Mercury finger) for Water.
They often are used to enhance the pranayama practice. While some mudras are commonly seen depicted by our deities, the names of each mudra is pretty interesting. Mudras are most often gestures of communication. When you watch a Kathakali dance or reflect upon a detailed thanka, the mudras are communicating an important spiritual message to the viewer. They are ritualistic and symbolic. What each of the five fingers represents differs in different schools, for example the five elements I.e. fire, air, water, ether and earth.
Each finger also represents each of the chakras, acupuncture points, reflex zones, and also meridians. A mudra can be a silent dedication and personal reminder of the yogic or meditative session. If engaged in prajna meditation or karuna meditation, the mudra is a gentle, unspoken indicator to keep the meditator mindful of why they are engaging in the practice.
Our hands hold an innate healing power that has been used for centuries for healing various ailments.It has been proved that regular practise of mudras not only contribute to one’s overall good health but can be used as a preventive measure as well. Performing mudras are said to stimulate the flow of Prana throughout the body, to quieten the mind by focusing it on the simple touch of our hands or fingers and to intensify the power of our practice.
The position of our hands has the ability to influence energy of our physical, emotional and spiritual body. Some mudras are involve entire body, most are performed with hands and fingers. Mudras help to cure insomnia, improve concentration and memory power. Increase energy in the body. Mudras help to link the brain to the body, soothe pain, stimulate endorphins, change the mood and increase our vitality.
In Natya shastra composed by Bharatha Munivar, 108 Karana are delineated and 'Bharata Natya' roots its origin from Shiva's 'Tandava' (Vigourous Divine Dance). Bharat Muni’s book Natya Shastra is the first famous source to mention dance. India has various forms of dances including classical dances and folk dances. In India, dance forms can be broadly classified into 2 categories- classical and folk dance form. There are two basic aspects of Natya Shastra:
Lasya : It denotes grace, bhava, rasa and abhinaya. It is symbolic to the feminine features of dance as an art form
Tandava: This is symbolic to the male aspects of dance and has more emphasis on rhythm and movement
There are three basic elements:
Nritta – These are the basic dance steps and are performed rhythmically but devoid of any expression or mood
Natya – It means dramatic representations and refers to the story that is elaborated through the dance recital
Nritya – refers to the sentiment and the emotions evoked through dance. It includes the mime and the different methods of expression including mudras in the dance
Guru-Shishya Paramapara: It forms the core of the Indian Classical Dance forms. The basic meaning is that each dance form is related to a Guru (Teacher) and he/she transfers that knowledge of dance to a Shishya /Student.)
The 8 basic technicalities that are expressed in the classical dance :
Shringar: Love
Hasya: Humorous
Karuna: Sorrow
Raudra: Anger
Veer: Heroism
Bhayanak: Fear
Bibhats: Disgust
Adbhoot: Wonder
The 2 major dance forms in India are classical and folk dance. The major difference between Classical and Folk dance is the origin. Mudras have many meanings in Indian dance and yoga. In Hatha Yoga mudras are used in conjunction with pranayama in seated posture to stimulate different parts of body and affect the flow of prana. Hatha Yogic mudras are generally internal actions, involving the pelvic floor, diaphragm, throat, eyes, tongue, anus, genitals, abdomen and other parts of the body.
There are 399 mudras uses extensively in yoga, meditation and dance. Hasta mudras used in meditation, iconographic symbols, statues, painting, traditional dance), Mana ( Head mudras it’s Shambhavi Mudra, Nasikagra Drishti, Khechari Mudra, Kaki mudra, Bhoochari Mudra, Akashi mudra, Shanmukhi mudra, Unmani Mudra), Kaya Mudras ( Postural Mudras), Bandha Mudras( Lock mudras), Adhara Mudras( Pirenial Mudras) etc.
अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मां ये जना: पर्युपासते |
तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् || Gita 9: 22
There are those who always think of Me and engage in exclusive devotion to Me. To them, whose minds are always absorbed in Me, I provide what they lack and preserve what they already possess.
The yoga part is varada mudra/ hasta, kshema part is abhaya mudra/ hasta. With the varada mudra (gesture of boon/ blessing) God is saying I am always offering boons, but are you ready to receive?
मौना व्याख्या प्रकृति, परा ब्रह्म तत्वं युवानम्, वरिष्ठ अंतेवसद ऋषिगणै रावरुथम ब्रह्म निश्ताई, आचार्येंद्रम कारा कलिहथा चिन मुद्राम आनंद रूपम, स्वातमारम मुधिथा वदानम दक्षिणामूर्तिम ईडे...
To receive blessings from God, which he drops out of an open palm, unreservedly, one must seek refuge with him. If you are serious about opening your chakras, the first step is to identify them. To identify them is the most important part, once you find them in your body simply attention on the chakras will open them. Attention for chakras is like sunlight for a sunflower. Simply the attention will lead to its flowering. With the flowering comes the cleaning up process where the negative energies around your chakras get cleaned. And then the benefits start. Some clear and apparent benefits are :
Peak of health : you are no more bothered with diseases and other problems such as gas, hypertension, anxiety, headaches, mood swings etc.
Calm and active mind : With age your mind doesn't slow but with every day of meditation on chakras your mind will become younger by the day.
The sub-field of Anthropology called Medical Anthropology teaches a principle that 95 percent of all diseases are self-limiting. Therefore, any medical system will be "successful" 95 percent of the time. Therefore, the psychological aspects of medicine, those practices that comfort and encourage, are more important than many Western-trained medical professionals think. Spiritual Bharat
Authored by Dr Anadi Sahoo