Extremely hot, dry climate, scorching heat and depletion of water in the natural resources. Vata accumulates in this season.
Diet – The appetite naturally reduces in the summer season. Staying hydrated is the key to sustain summer, hence intake of plain water, infused water with herbs like lemon, chia seeds, mint, and fruit juices such as coconut water, is advised. Light and easy to digest food, with a sweet taste such as cooked rice, Ghee, milk is recommended.
Lifestyle – Exercise leading to exertion is best avoided in this season due to naturally low body strength. Swimming is a good physical exercise this season. An afternoon nap after lunch is recommended in the summer season only
Summer is the Pitta season - when the fire and water elements of the Pitta Dosha reign. Pitta is one of the three Ayurvedic Doshas or qualities, and each person's constitution consists of all three, though one quality usually dominates. Pitta can go out of balance in hot weather, causing skin discomfort, indigestion, nausea, and frustration. What we eat can aggravate or relieve Pitta. Thus, it is essential to know how to eat in summer. Cooling foods, according to Ayurveda, are not always colder in temperature but rather have cooling energy.
But summer has some distinctly vata characteristics as well, so you’ll also want to stay hydrated, foster stability, and balance vata’s natural expansiveness and mobility with quiet, restful activities.
Summer is a time to favor the sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes and to relish in cool, liquid, even slightly oily foods. 3 This is the best time of year to enjoy fresh fruits and salads. It is also a great time to indulge in sweet dairy products such as milk, butter, ghee, cottage cheese, fresh homemade yogurt, and even ice cream on occasion. 4
All unrefined sweeteners except honey and molasses are cooling and can be enjoyed in moderation during the summer month