Description of Padma Sadhana or Lotus Meditation
Padma Sadhna
Description of Padma Sadhana or Lotus Meditation:
The ideal time to do Padmasadhana is between 4 and 6 o’clock in the
* Always do Padmasadhana on a blanket or mat – not directly on the
floor. If you wish to do additional yoga asanas, you can do them before
you begin Padmasadhana.
While combining with Home Sudarshan Kriya practice you need to finish
padmasadhana practise and then do 3 stage pranayama , bhastrika,
OM, and Sudarshan Kriya.
Yoga asanas:
1. Body Rotation , 4 times clockwise, 4 times anti-clockwise, sitting in
Lotus or half Lotus posture.
2. Crocodile Asana , Makarasan, lie down on stomach, left leg bended
the to the left side
3. Half-Locust Asana , Ardh Sulbhasan, ie on the stomach, lift right leg
one feet off the floor, then left leg
4. Full-Locust Asana, Purna Sulbhasan , lift both legs at the same time
one feet off the floor (palms in fists(thumbs inside) under the pelvis).
5. Cobra Asana , Bhujangasan hands near the shoulders, bend back
backwards, keep navel on the floor, look up
6. Superman Asana , Viprit Sulbhasan , lift arms (in front of the body)
and legs, only stomach touches floor
7. Bow Asana, Dhanurasan , hands hold feet, only stomach touches floor
8. Rest in Crocodile Asana, Makarasan
Turn from your right side and lie down on your back
9. Dead body Asana , Savasan… lie still with out moving
10. Boat Asana , Naukasan. lift leg and upper body up off the floor,
hands point towards the knees, hand palms facing each other
11. Alternate Knees Press, Ardh Pawan Mukt Asana : to chest, first right
knee, then left knee, and touch your nose to your knees.
12. Full Knees Press, Purna Pawan Mukt Asana : Bring both knees to
the chest and lock arms over the knees and touch nose to your knees.
13. Shoulder-stand Asana , Shulbhasan, Bend your knees and raise your
body to the sky and support your waist with your hands.
14. Dancing Shiva Asana, Natraj Asan: right side: right knee on left
knee, make right knee touch floor at the left side of the body, right arm
stretched away and then do the left side.
15. Rest in Dead body Asana
Turn to your right side and sit and go into the next asana
16. Spinal-twist Asana, Ardh Macchendra Asan : Right side: right foot is
placed under the left hip, left foot is neear the right knees, right elbow
touches outside of left knee, right hand holds left foot. and then the
other side
17. Mountain Asana, Parvat Asan , Sit in Lotus or half Lotus, raise
hands from the side to make palms join each other, clasp the thumbs,
stretch palms away from floor.
18. Yoga-Mudra , Sitting in Lotus or half Lotus, right hand in adi mudra
(fist with thumb touching root of the ringfinger finger), left hand holds
right wrist, bend over with head touching the floor.
Do Alternate Nostril Pranayama, or Naadi Shodhan Pranamaya
Breathing for 5 minutes . Sit in full lotus or half lotus position ie Ardh or
Purna Padma Asan. Left hand placed on left knee in chin mudra (thumb
touches index finger, three other fingers stays stretched).
Right hand: index finger and middle finger touch lightly between the
eyebrows, thumb and ring finger alternately press the nostrils (the
nostrils don’t close completely). Breathe in normal breath exhaling and
inhaling at the count of 6.
Meditate for 20 minutes.
If you don’t know Sahaj Samadhi meditation you can do ujjayi-
breathing with the different mudras or calmly observe your breath.
End the meditation with 5 minutes Alternate Nostril Pranayama, or
Naadi Shodhan Pranamaya Breathing.
As descibed, one round of Padmasadhana is:
Yogasanas + Alternate Nostril Breathing (5 minutes) + Meditation (20
minutes) + Alternate Nostril Breathing (5 minutes)
‘Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully.
Blossoming of human potential to fullness is Yoga’
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji
What the world thinks Yoga is and what Yoga actually is, is very different!
There are many myths and questions surrounding Yoga. Like,
Is Yoga just postures, is it exercise, is it religious, can only a Hindu practise it or an Indian,
Is it not for Muslims, Christians or people of other faiths?
All these questions and more are answered by Gurudev in this eye opening video!