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Carpobrotus edulis

Carpobrotus edulis is a ground-creeping, perennial succulent native to South Africa. Its common names include hottentot-fig, sour fig, ice plant or highway ice plant.

It is perennial herb from the family Aizoaceae, with a trailing growth habit that forms dense mats. its thick, fleshy leaves are triangular in cross section and oppositely placed. The stems lie parallel to the ground with the tip curving upwards and becoming vertical. Solitary flowers (10-15 cm wide) are initially yellow and then turn light pink. Each flower contains 1 stigma with a star-shaped tip and numerous stamens. Yellow, fleshy fruits shaped like a wine glass or inverted bell. are edible, but have a rather unpleasant taste which is bitter, salty and sour. Propagation is mainly by stem cutting. The palnt loves full sunlight and needs little water. In Singapore, this species requires air-conditioning to survive.

The different parts of C. edulis are used in different forms in traditional medicine, mainly in South Africa. Mostly, the fruits and flowers are eaten raw or cooked for fungal and bacterial infections. The leaves can be ingested orally for digestive problems or the juice can be sucked out to help a sore throat. The juice can also be mixed into a lotion base and used for external issues such as ringworm, bruises, sunburns, and cracked lips




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