Being Quiet Actions Happens Spontaneously
This is Big Wonder!
How can we act being Quiet!
Yes! ; This Possible!
This is Practical!
In fact; Through Silence best action Happen!
If we intend to work in Silence;
We would automatically work out!
All Noise in this world is due to Extra Use of Words!
Speaking Less; and completing or getting our Job done is an Art!
And To Lean This Art; we need to first have this Faith that THIS is Possible!
During Advance Courses; Silence is an Important Aspect!
When we are quiet; it becomes easy to bring Our Senses inwards!
Our Senses; being outside catch Noise of outside World;
We simply reflect that as puppets!
Our Scattered Noisy Mind; through Silence gets Purified;
Enjoy Meditation; peace; feel happy and get easily connected to the Soul!
This happens very dynamically during Advance courses!
When we talk; we catch Vibrations of Environment!
Hence we welcome disturbance within!
What’s easy; do that!
Keeping Silence and acting or Gossiping!
We have to make practice of Silence every day from one hour to whatever maximum is possible!
When we do Spiritual Practices including Meditation; Practicing Silence gains Momentum!’
Silence helps
Awareness Kindles!
Brings Harmony in Body; Mind and Soul!
Heart to Heart Communication Begins!
Mind calms and clarity dawns!
Mind Experiences Hollow & Empty State!
Mind which is scattered gets gathered!
Mind becomes Centered!
Meditation happens!
Intelligence Increases!
Intuition Power comes in front!
Our Words Gain Power!
Soul Relaxes!
Spirit gains Power!
Sankalpa gets Divine Results!
Silence Spreads;
Aroma of Silence!
Smiling Faces !
Fragrance of Peace!
High Energy!
Practicing Regular Silence helps into getting
Silence Invokes;
Spirit of Enquiry!
New Skills!
Silence Saves
Our Energy!
Our Mind from getting into dialogs!
Silence makes us;
Aware of Usage of Words!
Our Words Should Radiate Peace!
Silence gets us;
Align with Nature!
Divine Qualities Shine!
Dynamic Actions Happens!
Silence makes us;
Favorite among People!
Enriched Devotee!
Silence brings Awareness IN;
Hence Our IN Shines;
This IN is Nothing!
This Nothing is Infinity!
Being One with Infinity;
Skillfully Actions Happens!
Samadhi Takes over!
All Actions is Just Divine Plan!
Staying Witness is Music!
When Music is in AIR;
Just Divine Love
Journey of Actions happens in Total Silence!
This is my Experience!
Our Sincere Spiritual Practices & Sewa makes This Day To Day Experience!
Make Habit to daily practice this Meditation;
This would help to Bring Silence Within!
When Silence is within!
Only Divine Acts!
This is Liberation; Miracle and Divine Gift!
🪔Me @Sattva Talks🪔
3)How to Invoke Auspiciousness!!
2) The Secrets behind Stable growth and Miracles
1) Flavors of Spiritulity
Asawari Bedarkar