The Master's Voice 39
The Master's say, " The Spiritual journey of reaching The Unity Consciousness or Samaadhi state is achieved by only handful of lucky Souls, who dedicate their Lives to Live in The Master's Will. Their Devotion towards The Master is such that even while doing physical worldly affairs, their mind is subtly involved in The Simran of The Word given by The Master at the time of Initiation.
Every word spoken and every deed of these Soul is always nothing but the extension of The Master's Voice. By transfixing their contemplation on The Master, they imbibe the traits and characters of The Master inside them. Their Dhyaan is always towards The Master and His physical Form. The thought and Sight of The Master enables them to enjoy the fruits, The Eternal Bliss.
By The Master's Grace, when Simran and Dhyaan becomes perfect, The Master facilitates their Spiritual Journey by connecting their consciousness with The Sound, Dhun or The Sound Current flowing inside us.
The Devotion towards The Master and remaining in His Remembrance enables us to feel The Master's presence in The Sound Current.
As The Soul continues it's devotion and immerses itself in The Antar Dhyaan of The Master, The Master then, merges The Light inside us, The Soul with The ParamAatma, The Eternal Light.
The True Union is complete. Now, there is no difference between The Soul, The Master and The Lord. There is only one, That is The Lord.
These Soul are now blessed with entry in their True Home, once the life in Human Form comes to an end. They shall be liberated from the clutches of Cycle of the Life and death. They shall Live in The Eternal Bliss."
Now, a question arises, how strong our devotion needs to be, to be able to achieve ParamaPaadam, The Lotus feet of The Lord or Samaadhi?
The Master's say, "Once a Guru asked His Disciple to offer food for The Lord (Bhog) and said ensure that The Lord eats all.
The Disciple took the offering to The Lord's deity and waited for The Lord to come and eat. He was waiting patiently, in Silence. As time passed by and The Lord did not come, the Disciple started to cry. He said, "O Lord, My Guru has for the first time given me the Sevaa to feed you. O Lord, you have always accepted my Guru's offering. Today also it is my Guru offering, I have brought this to you, on his behalf." He was feeling sad that because of him, his Master's penance will be broken.
The Disciple sat down and started to do Meditation and fixed his Dhyaan on His Master. He was in deep trance. Suddenly, He felt that The Lord had come to accept the offering. To His surprise, the Disciple found The Lord's and Guru's form to be the same.
Every one in the Ashram were surprised that The Lord came and accepted The offering, because none of the other Disciple had ever experienced the Acceptance of the offering by The Lord.
Our Faith towards our Master should also be like the Disciple, total belief and unshakeable FAITH.
We need to learn the art of SELFLESS prayer, like the Disciple. His Selfless prayer to The Lord to keep His Guru's penance alive, is the highest form of Guru Bhakti.
And the result is Acceptance by The Lord.
The Devotion towards The Master increases as we do 150 minutes Meditation daily, initially 120 minutes for Simran and Dhyaan and 30 minutes for Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan.
The Devotion towards The Master will lead us to The Naama Bhakti, the Devotion towards The Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan, The True Form of The Lord."
We can show our devotion towards The Master by Living in His Will, Living in The Remembrance of The Lord and doing Meditation regularly. By The Master's Grace, one day we will become like The Master, Be The Master. Realise The Lord, Be The Lord.
Authored by K. Giri