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Aura; Human Energy Field

Our physical body has a field of energy around it commonly known as Aura. The distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place; emotional, mental, and spiritual levels form an energy field around the body known as the aura. As far as auras are concerned; a supposed emanation surrounding the body of a living creature, viewed by mystics, spiritualists, and some practitioners of complementary medicine as the essence of the individual, and allegedly discernible by people with special sensibilities.

Auras are thought of as the unseen field of energy surrounding a person's physical body. This aura represents your physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual energies. The aura is often seen a mix of fine coloured frequencies where each colour define its own individual nature and characteristics. 

The vibration of this aura is very fine and subtle so we need very fine instruments to detect it or perhaps we can use our inborn intuitive mechanism and our latent psychic potential to train ourselves not only to see the aura but also to interpret the different colours and shapes in the aura which can reveal us a lot of unsaid information.

An aura is a faint emanation from the body that can be seen by sensitive people and quite distinctly by clairvoyants. It is normally depicted as a halo around the head of saints in pictures or paintings. We all - every living being - have not only a biological body or physical body, but a subtle body too. This is the astral body. 

The astral body is a body for all our emotions and feelings. It’s a body of flowing lights and non physical in its constitution. This body interpenetrates into our physical body. The aura of a person is directly connected to the level of health of the person. A person is considered to be Healthy in terms of Physical vitality,mental clarity, emotional well being as well as highly positive spiritual energies.

This field has been studied and even measured through a process known as Kirlian photography. According to many metaphysical practitioners and believers, aura colors are caused by vibrations. Every atom and molecule in the universe translates itself into patterns. Animals have aura, and even trees and plants have auras too. Our body is at a particular temperature. Physics tells us that anything above 0 K will emit bio electromagnetic radiation. 

The patterns emanate from the body as vibrations, and the human eye can be trained to perceive these vibrations as colors. Just as some of sound waves we cannot hear with the human ear but a dog can; aura colors are visible only to a minority of people whose who are Spiritual practitioners and possible with Kirlian photography. But the human is gradually gaining the power to feel aura colors / human electromagnetic fields.

Aura color is directly related to the chakras.The aura color wheel consists of seven main colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. It shows the personality characteristics associated with each aura color. “Kirlian Photography” was thought to be proof absolute of the aura. This is the technique of placing an object (or person) in the presence of a strong static-electric field. The aura color wheel consists of seven main colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Those with yellow auras are high energy and exude optimism. Green auras mark a grounded, hard-working person who is a nature lover. Those with blue auras are emotionally sensitive and are self-expressive. An indigo aura denotes a wise person with an old soul.

 Clairvoyants say that the astral body has changing or flashing colours, where the colours characterise our emotions. Hence emotional purity can be judged by trained clairvoyants from the colours of the astral body. The aura is an emanation from the astral body. This aura can be large for spiritually developed people. Even animals and plants have auras, but they are limited to within the periphery of their physical bodies and not seen as an external halo.

Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you. When you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence. We are said to be three part beings : spirit, mind and body. Everything begins with consciousness. Everything that happens in our life and everything that happens in our body, begins with something happening in our consciousness.  

Our mind has a consciousness and sub consciousness. The thoughts we have, the words we hear and the experiences we have create our beliefs. The sub consciousness is a store house of our beliefs, the skills we have learn, our attitudes and perceptions. What we do not consciously decide the sub consciousness takes over and acts.

Purification of Aura through Detoxification

Salt water is so good for your skin in so may ways. Magnesium, calcium & potassium are all skin-friendly minerals that can be found in sea salt. These minerals are great benefits of salt water since they help combat acne - causing bacteria, skin infections & speed up the healing process. Neurons have proteins embedded in their membranes that allow ions to pass through such as calcium ( Ca2+ ), potassium ( K+ ), and chlorine ( Cl- ). When table sat (NaCl) gets into a wound, it breaks into Na+ and Cl- ions. The sudden influx of Cl- ions disrupts the balance between positive and negative ions that are located on either side of the membrane. The interior of the neuron will shift from a positive charge to a negative change (or vice versa) resulting in an action potential (signal) being sent down the neuron, which triggers the sensation of pain.

 A physical /digital detox refers to a period of time when a person refrains from using tech devices such as smartphones apps, televisions channels, computers games etc called digital detoxification. You have the urge to clean up your living space, get rid of things you no longer want, clean up junk mail folder or nonactive Facebook friend list, clear up timeline or format laptop / resetting phone and as you go through energy levels of your belongings you are surprised at how much you are willing to let go of or relaxed.

Mental House Cleaning, we all are or maybe were habituated to carry on some garbage. The things of the day can add on some garbage into it. Hence, cleansing them is essential. Resetting your energy, bio-chemical detoxification and or digital detoxification; sometime your energy path has reached its limit, the energy in your life no longer serves you, and you’re at the end of one road.

 You don’t like what you are doing with your life, which could include your job, your career, your financial situation, your relationships, or where you live. Everybody wants loyalty, consistency and somebody who won’t quit, but everybody forgets that to get that kind of person, you have to be that person. Build bridges instead of walls and value each other. Be safe from media / Tv channels hypnosis.

How to Break the patterns you are stuck in?

A. Identify the feeling within. It could be anger, jealouly, hate, guilt, fear, loneliness, anticipation, disgust, sadness, shame, shyness, contempt. Write about why you are feeling this. 

B. Identify the Source of the feeling when it happened the first time. When was the first time you felt loss of control and how did you respond or react. 

C. Heal yourself, this is most important, visit the feelings and moment in the past when it happened. Try to resolve it. It took me a long while to let go of control. Writing also helps. You have to get it out of your system. You can’t get authentic healing or deliverance if you can’t be honest with yourself, and if you cannot handle feedback that does not feed your purpose.

 Healing is not always quick and easy. Take your time, feed your soul, keep positive people around and keep illusion/ drama away from you, and heal - day by day, prayer by prayer, most of the time, deep healing is hard in the beginning, ugly in the middle but suddenly, if you don’t give up...

Trouble don’t last always, and even though it doesn’t, it can and will hurt while it does or till you give importance to it. Only to find out that feelings without the right evidence, over time, produce disappointment. Sometimes we have to recognize that we were in a one sided situation, all pain, begins to subside as we are no longer emotionally controlled by it, as we allow ourselves to fully embrace our potential to get back up again. 

Sometimes you have to let them go even if it hurts then your self love will increase. Nothing that hurts you is meant to last. Self love loves enough to know that's what meant for you won't hurt, or humiliate you. Letting go and trusting that you will be better off takes strength. Don’t go off of feelings alone. Feelings don’t lead the confirmation of the right one, evidence does.

What we focus on in our conscious mind immediately gets operative not only in our mind but in our body’s physiology. With any remembrance/ thought of a word we feel it in our body as well. As you open to the higher dimensions of yourself, you will be able to lift the veils of illusion and see the world through the eyes of your Higher Self. You will link your throat with your Higher Self and express truth and love in all that you say. Your mind will be illumined and your emotions will be harmonious as they are blended with the light of your Higher Self.

It is well known that: “As we think so we become.” The thoughts we have shape our view of the world and attract to us those very types of circumstances and events. We our Self create our own reality. The consciousness is not in our brain only but is everywhere and in each part of our body. Our brain is an important part of our body with a role in the physical body. The illusion is such that for long even scientists believed it to be seat of the mind like belief that sun revolved around the earth. The consciousness is connected to every cell in the body.

Every battle we fight is between the mind and the heart. We take long time to take decision on what/when/ how to do or not. The longest distance in the world today is the distance between talk and action. Reduce distance between words and action, then you will be in a position to advice others. Great saints and authentic leaders always practiced what they preached. In the sea of your own life, make outlets; many outlets. For love, peace, happiness, joy, blessings and everything else you get in your life, make sure you don't just get; give as well. Open the taps and you'll open the floodgates to happiness. Make it a habit to share and you will experience the richness of life.

Authored by Dr Anadi Sahoo


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